- Email GrantSuccess at least 2-3 months in advance of the grant due date to express interest. (maria.ramirez@jefferson.edu or grantsuccess@jefferson.edu)
- Fill out the Participation Request Form at least 8 weeks prior to your submission date. (Applicant name, School, Department, PI, Grant Title, Deadline, Agency, Institute and potential Study Section where you are submitting your application, the names and emails of 3 potential internal reviewers and 3 external reviewers of interest to you).
- Meet internally with the GrantSuccess Coordinator and Faculty mentors (typically Department Chair and/or Department Vice Chair of Research) via Zoom to discuss timelines and potential reviewers. (PI should not contact reviewers to avoid conflict of interests.)
- Continue working on the grant application. Communicate with GrantSuccess Coordinator and mentors based on need.
- GrantSuccess Coordinator contacts reviewers (not the PI, to avoid conflict of interests) for participation, explains program, and sets up the date of the presentation.

GrantSuccess Program
Maria I. Ramirez, PhD
GrantSuccess Program Coordinator
GrantSuccess Program
Pre-Submission Scientific Review of Grant Proposals
The GrantSuccess Program provides Thomas Jefferson University faculty with the opportunity of an early review of their research proposals by internal and external scientific reviewers before submission to the funding agencies.
This service is fully funded by the Provost’s office and provided to TJU faculty free of charge. External Reviewers receive an honorarium for their service.
Pre-Submission Reviews Can Help You:
- Identify weaknesses in the scientific approach or unnoticed gaps in logic
- Strengthen the research methodology
- Weigh up the significance and innovation
- Maintain a timeline for the preparation of your proposal
- Improve the likelihood of success
- Increase visibility of your research program and form new collaborations
TJU full-time faculty in regular, research, or clinical title series appointments:
- serving as Principal Investigators in a grant proposal,
- seeking funds from any federal agency (e.g., NIH, NSF, DOE, DOD, PCORI),
- and seeking an award amount of at least $100,000 a year in direct cost
GrantSuccess Program Timeline
- Prepare a 20-30 minute PPT presentation describing your grant covering Background, Aims and Research Strategy to present to reviewers.
- One week before the scheduled presentation date the PIs need to submit a cohesive draft of the Specific Aims, the PPT presentation, and if in good shape, the Research Strategy to send to the reviewers.
- Present the grant to reviewers 4-5 weeks before the grant’s due date. The presentation includes the 20-30 minute PPT slideshow and 30-40 minutes for discussion, via Zoom.
- Reviewers will send written comments to PI within 1 week of presentation in an NIH-style review form.