DNA, Molecule, Chemistry in laboratory lab testThe first DNA & molecule plate model: SONY A7 24 mp.

Consultative Services

Grant Editing Services

The Provost’s Office provides Jefferson faculty members with Grant Editorial Services that can improve the quality of their grant submissions. For input on the science components of a grant please see the “Internal Grant Mentoring Program” below. Applications will be edited on a “first come, first serve” basis. For full editorial services to be provided grants should be submitted at least 2 weeks before the internal submission deadline. To contact the Grants Editorial office please call 215-503-5284.

Editorial grant review includes attention to the following details:

Language and Grammar

  • Correct errors of grammar and punctuation
  • Ensure proper sentence structure (syntax) and appropriate word choice

Attention to Detail

  • Correct formatting errors (e.g., spacing, font)
  • Correct spelling and typographical errors

Consistency in Terminology and Style

  • Ensure strict attention to specific subject-area conventions
  • Ensure the proper use of abbreviations, capitalization, and subject headings


  • Identify inconsistencies in text
  • Suggest changes for unclear sections and/or the need for substantial revisions

Overall Organization, Transition, and Logical Flow

  • Ensure that sentences and paragraphs logically lead into one another and that the text forms a coherent “whole”
  • Ensure that paragraphs are organized appropriately
  • Suggestions for re-organization of the text
  • Suggestions that may help make a grant an easier read for reviewers


Via the Division of Biostatistics in SKMC's Department of Pharmacology, who offers advice on study design or analysis direction, or guidance on appropriate analytic methods, the division offers courtesy consultations to Jefferson researchers.  

More extensive consultations such as study design, protocol development, and data analysis is provided on a time-available basis. Learn more on their site.