DNA, Molecule, Chemistry in laboratory lab testThe first DNA & molecule plate model: SONY A7 24 mp.

Active Opportunities

This list advertises funding opportunities from the NIH, NSF, DoD and other sponsors. 

List of Current Opportunities

Program/ Website


Purpose/Award Amount


Dr. Ralph and Marian Falk Medical Research Trust – Catalyst Awards Program
  • Translational research projects that move an innovation toward the next step in commercial development. If successful should be transferrable to clinical practice in the near term.
  • Must be nominated by invited Institutions (mainly limited to the Midwest).
  • The investigative team’s administrative lead applicant (Principal Investigator) must hold a full-time faculty appointment at your institution.
  • Applicants and key personnel may not have funding support for a similar project. 

This program is designed to support high-risk, high-reward projects that address critical scientific and therapeutic roadblocks. If successful, these projects will open new avenues for treating and curing disease.


The Program has three principal areas of focus:

1. Identification of biological markers of disease activity and progression,

2. Identification of targets for therapeutic interventions, and

3. Development of therapeutic agents that will disrupt, arrest, or prevent the disease process. 

Award: $300,000 over one to two years to support planning and development of projects, teams, tools, techniques, and management infrastructure necessary to lay the foundation for a subsequent proposal for a two to three-year $1,000,000 follow-on award.

Tuesday, June 16th at 2:00 PM ET