Descriptions of core facilities and service centers have been created that can be used as needed for facilities, resources, and environment grant pages, and there are links to the Jefferson Research Conduct and Compliance office, which also include offices such as Institutional Review Board (IRB), Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC) and Institutional Biosafety Office. Learn the process for submitting an invention or develop an MTA at the Industry and Technology link. Find how to access the Jefferson grant mentoring program, get assistance from the science editor, learn about Scientific Computing at Jefferson, enroll in faculty development programs related to preparing research grants, and advice on how to prevent and survive a funding gap.

Research Resources
The links below are provided to assist Jefferson investigators in finding new funding opportunities and in the preparation, submission, and management of grant proposals. To find new collaborators there are links to searchable databases and information on new Jefferson programs designed to enhance faculty interactions and the development of new research programs.