The High Impact Science Vector of the Jefferson Blueprint for Strategic Action demonstrates the commitment of our University to developing and supporting faculty and Programmatic Initiatives in our research community. Here we provide information on how you can develop and gain support for a new programmatic initiative or join an ongoing initiative at Jefferson.

Opportunities to become involved in Collaborations at Jefferson
Jefferson Profiles Research Network
The Jefferson Profiles Research Network application is a research networking and expertise mining software tool. It not only shows traditional directory information, but also illustrates how each person is connected to others in the broad research community.
Intramural Funding Sources that Promote Collaborations
Deans’ Transformational Science Award (DTSA)
The intent of the DTSA is to catalyze transformational science initiatives driven by Jefferson faculty to enable the generation of pivotal data that will form the basis of new, federally funded extramural grant submissions. Proposals are considered coming from either solo investigators or multi-investigator teams. Central to the goal of this intramural funding opportunity is that the project pursue scientific lines of investigation that contribute to departmental missions, as well as to larger institutional programmatic goals. More information on applying for a DTSA grant is located on the Jefferson Committee of Research webpage.
Programmatic Initiative Funding
Programmatic Initiative Funding is designed to support team science at Jefferson. To be eligible for funding through this opportunity as a NEW THEME TEAM applicants must have a demonstrated commitment to programmatic research including previous submission of multi-investigator, team science-based grant applications. More information on Programmatic Initiative funding can be found under Intramural Funding Opportunities. If you are interested in becoming involved in an ongoing Programmatic Initiative that aligns with or complements your interest and expertise please see the list of our programs.