Research Visiting Scientists or Research Volunteers
Office Staff
A Visiting Scientist or Research Volunteer is a scholarly position. Such individuals are not employees of Thomas Jefferson University (“Jefferson”) but are appointed to participate in research at Jefferson for a designated time to provide the individual with access to our resources while also enriching Jefferson.
All proposed research conducted by a Visiting Scientist or Research Volunteer on-site at Jefferson locations must adhere to Jefferson policies and requirements, including policies of its Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S), and where appropriate other compliance requirements, including but not limited to, Institutional Review Board (IRB), Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) privacy requirements.
Please note that the Department Chair/Dean must approve the placement of any Research Visiting Scientist or Research Volunteer. Jefferson Departments and Supervising Investigators are responsible for inviting all individuals interested in being appointed as a Visiting Scientist or Research Volunteer.
Visiting Scientist
A Visiting Scientist is an individual employed by or receiving stipends from their employing university or company and authorized by their employer to conduct research at Jefferson. A Visiting Scientist is not an employee of Jefferson. The position is categorized as an external employee. A Visiting Scientist Agreement (VSA) or other appropriate research agreement is required.
Dual appointments between two Jefferson departments are not permitted.
The steps to host a Domestic Visiting Scientist are as follows:
- Jefferson Supervising Investigator must obtain approval from Department Chair/Dean,
- Documentation of approval and placement information will be emailed to the Office of Research Integrity Conduct & Compliance for review,
- If initial requirements are met, the Office of Research Integrity, Conduct & Compliance will provide the Supervising Investigator with a “Request for Visiting Scientist Agreement” form to be completed and notify Human Resources,
- The Supervising Investigator will email the following fully completed “Request for Visiting Scientist Agreement” form to the Office of Research Integrity Conduct & Compliance for review before being shared to the Office of Research Administration at ResAdmin@jefferson.edu,
- Human Resources will send an email to the individual with instructions on the onboarding process and copy the Supervising Investigator and Jefferson Occupational Health Network (JOHN),
- The individual completes Human Resources and Occupational Health requirements,
- The Office of Research Administration will notify the Office of Research Integrity, Conduct & Compliance and Human Resources to confirm when Visiting Scientist Agreement has been fully executed,
- Human Resources will notify the individual and Supervising Investigator to confirm that the Visiting Scientist can begin work, In-person activities in any capacity cannot commence until agreement is finalized and badge is given.
- Supervising Investigator should contact the Visiting Scientist with a schedule and logistics,
- Visiting Scientist obtains Identification Badge and reports to Supervising Investigator, and
- Visiting Scientist complete the Environmental Health and Safety training required if research is conducted in a wet bench laboratory.
Research Volunteers
A Research Volunteer is an individual (a student or otherwise) who meets the definition of a Volunteer per Jefferson policy. Typically, research volunteers are not employees of Jefferson.
Dual appointments between two Jefferson departments are not permitted.
The steps to host a Domestic Research Volunteer are as follows:
- Jefferson Supervising Investigator or department representative reviews the Department of Labor six-prong test to follow. All six of these criteria must be satisfied to determine if an assignment can be a research volunteer. More at Department of Labor, Fair Labor Standards Act Advisior.
- Jefferson Supervising Investigator must obtain approval from Department Chair/Dean,
- Documentation of approval and placement information will be emailed to the Office of Research Conduct & Compliance for review,
- If initial requirements are met, the Office of Research Integrity Conduct & Compliance will notify Human Resources,
- Human Resources will send an email to the individual with instructions on the onboarding process and copy the Supervising Investigator and Jefferson Occupational Health Network (JOHN),
- The Supervising Investigator and lab complete the Child Abuse Protection Act clearance, which is required if the Research Volunteer is a minor,
- The Research Volunteer completes Human Resources and Occupational Health requirements,
- Human Resources will notify the Research Volunteer and Supervising Investigator when the Research Volunteer is approved to begin the volunteer experience. Volunteering in any capacity cannot commence until full approval is given.
- Research Volunteer obtains Identification Badge and reports to Supervising Investigator for schedule and logistics.
- Research Volunteer completes the Environmental Health and Safety training required if research is conducted in a wet bench laboratory.