Pediatric Award for Clinical Research (PACR)

The Thomas Jefferson University & Nemours Children’s Health Pediatric Award for Clinical Research is an initiative of the Jefferson and Nemours Children’s Health Pediatric Department to promote interdepartmental research. With a maximum award amount of $50,000, the intent of the PACR funding mechanism is to catalyze collaborative initiatives and enable the generation of pivotal data that will form the basis of new investigator-initiated research studies funded through external (federal, foundation or industry) granting mechanisms.

Eligibility for Submission

Faculty from the Nemours Pediatric Department and Thomas Jefferson University Departments are encouraged to collaborate on transformational or translational clinical research topics. The investigator teams for submitted proposals must include a Nemours faculty member and a faculty member from any Jefferson department or college. Successful applicants will be pursuing lines of investigation that contribute to either departmental missions or larger institutional programmatic goals.

Any investigator requiring help identifying a collaborator at Nemours or Jefferson can contact the Jefferson & Nemours program leaders: Dr. David Whellan (TJU); Dr. Judith Ross (Nemours) or Dr. Meg Frizzola (Nemours).

Questions regarding the Pediatric Award for Clinical Research (PACR) may be addressed to Tyler Kmiec


2024 - 2025

Mary-Jane Mulcahey, PhD, OTR/L, Jefferson; Wade Shrader, MD; Nemours

Development and Validation of the CP-PRO

Scott L. Weiss, MD MSC, Nemours; Marco Tigano, PhD, Jefferson

Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Early and Late Phases of Pediatric Sepsis

Pierluigi Porcu, MD MSC, Jefferson; Jonathan Powell, MD, Nemours 

Risk of autoimmune disease in adult survivors of childhood cancer

Monika Pogorzelska-Maziarz, PhD, Nursing, Jefferson; Sharon Hwang, Nemours

Penicillin Allergy Delabeling in Children: Perspectives of Parents and Primary Care Providers

Geetika Kennady, MD, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jefferson; Zubair H. Aghai, MD, Pediatrics, Nemours 

Reticulocyte hemoglobin content to evaluate the iron status in neonates at high risk for iron deficiency

John Eisenbrey, PhD, Radiology, Jefferson; David Saul, Radiology, Nemours

Artificial Intelligence for Identification of Pediatric Hepatic Fibrosis on Grayscale Ultrasound

Mark Curtis, MD, PhD, Neuropathology, Jefferson; Matthew Demczko, MD, Pediatrics, Nemours

Machine Learning Generated Immune Factor Decision Trees; A Powerful Diagnostic Approach for Rapid Identification of Pediatric Patient CNS Disease State

Robyn Miller, MD, Adolescent Medicine and Pediatric Gynecology, Nemours; Casey Coleman, MD, Pediatrics, Jefferson

Pediatrics and Police...where should the two meet? Parents views on the pediatricians role on discussing police brutality

Matthew Campbell, MD, MSHP, Pediatric Cardiology, Nemours; Praveen Mehrotra, MD, Cardiology, Jefferson

Contrast Enhanced Three Dimensional Echocardiographic Quantification of Right Ventricular Volumes in Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot

Mijail Serruya, MD, PhD, Occupational Therapy, Jefferson; Mena Scavina, Pediatric Neurology, Nemours

Myoelectric devices for restoration of independent arm function in children with neurological disease and injury

Beth Schwartz, MD, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jefferson; Anne Kazak, PhD, Nemours

The Effects of Menses and Menstrual Management on Mental Health in Transgender Adolescents

Zubair Aghai, MD, Pediatrics, Nemours; Sankar Addya, MD, Cancer Biology, TJU

DNA methylation, gene expression and trained immunity in neonates born to mothers with chorioamnionitis