Office of Human Research


  • Director, Office of Human Research
  • Director, Clinical Research Unit
  • Professor, SKMC Department of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics
Contact Number(s):

For Research Activities

  • Senior Associate Provost, Research Integrity, Conduct & Compliance
  • Professor, SKMC Department of Pathology, Anatomy & Cell Biology
Contact Number(s):

Federalwide Assurance

Institutions receiving federal funding to conduct human research must enter into an agreement with the federal Office of Human Research Protection (OHRP) in DHHS. This agreement is called a Federalwide Assurance, or FWA. In entering into this agreement, the institution affirms that all human research it conducts adheres to certain ethical standards as embodied in federal regulations governing human research.

Thomas Jefferson University and Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Inc., are covered under FWA #00002109 with expiration date of 4/9/29.