Research Personnel
There are over 600 clinical researchers active across the Jefferson Enterprise, with countless more employees involved in clinical research as coordinators, assistants, administrators, and other support staff.
Regardless of role, it is your contributions that lead to medical breakthroughs and innovation in clinical care. Jefferson recognizes your role in improving the patient experience and values your continued efforts. As such, Jefferson provides a variety of services, electronics platforms, educational opportunities, and more to support our research personnel as they explore new opportunities for medical discoveries.
Explore the links below to familiarize yourself with the resources available to you as a Jefferson researcher. Additional information and internal announcements can be found on the myJeffHub ‘Jefferson Enterprise Clinical Research Community.
Researcher Resources:
Attention: Information for COVID-19 Guidance
The most up to date COVID-19 Clinical Research Guidance will be updated regularly on the myJeffHub COVID-19 Preparedness Community and the COVID-19 page on the MyJeffHub Jefferson Enterprise Clinical Research Community.