Office of Human Research


  • Director, Office of Human Research
  • Director, Clinical Research Unit
  • Professor, SKMC Department of Pharmacology, Physiology, & Cancer Biology
Contact Number(s):

For Research Activities

  • Senior Associate Provost, Research Integrity, Conduct & Compliance
  • Professor, SKMC Department of Pathology, Anatomy & Cell Biology
Contact Number(s):

Updates & FAQs


Featured FAQ

What types of submissions need to be signed off by a signing authority? Just initial submissions? Or do Continuing Review, Modifications, Study Closures, etc need to be signed off also?

Type of Transaction Principal Investigator Department Chair Business Administrator iRIS Submitter
New study: X X X  
Continuing Review: X      
Amendment: X      
Change of personnel: X      
Annual Check-in for exempt/NFCR:       X
External IRB Annual Check-in       X
Reliance follow-up:       X
Administrative acknowledgement:       X

Requirement for PI signature for CR, Amendment, and Personnel change can be re-routed to a co-investigator or the chair when PI is unavailable in the short-term. For new study applications, application can be submitted without PI signature, but it must be obtained prior to release of IRB approval letter. This signature requirement cannot be delegated.

General FAQs

Reminder notifications are automatically generated in iRIS and sent to all personnel identified as study contact on study.

The IRB meets every Thursday, and there is a submission deadline every Friday. Assuming the transaction is complete and appropriate expertise is available to review, transactions submitted for a Friday deadline will go to the next meeting 9 business days hence. Full transactions are reviewed at the meeting. Expedited and exempt transactions are reviewed by subcommittee and documented in the minutes.

PIs cannot sign for themselves as this represents a conflict of interest. Someone in the next highest level of leadership would need to sign for a PI.

(For example, in addition to UPs, we required non-compliance, audits, written reports of study monitors and breach of confidentiality to also be reported.)

In general, the eSAEy and eaZUP reporting systems accessible on our website capture reportable events. These systems populate from JeffTrial, so if a reportable event occurs on a study not in JeffTrial, a report can be emailed to our office by use the OHR-10 (SAE) or OHR-20 (UAP). These forms are available under Standard Forms on the forms page of IRB website. Other events that do not meet reporting requirements can be reported in individual or aggregate at the time of continuing review. When in doubt, researchers should contact our office.

Yes, we generally require all Informed Consent documents to follow the OHR-8 template format. Please see the IRB Forms & Submission Materials page for blank templates. 

If study is open to enrollment, then consent form should be updated asap so that it can be used for new enrollment. For studies closed to enrollment, investigator should make determination as to whether some, none, or all of currently enrolled subjects need to be informed of specific changes. There may also be alternate mechanisms for notification, such as a simple update document that could be mailed or handed to a participant. This should be submitted as an amendment.