Office of Human Research


  • Director, Office of Human Research
  • Director, Clinical Research Unit
  • Professor, SKMC Department of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics
Contact Number(s):

For Research Activities

  • Senior Associate Provost, Research Integrity, Conduct & Compliance
  • Professor, SKMC Department of Pathology, Anatomy & Cell Biology
Contact Number(s):

Training & COI

You may learn about the COI process, request an account and access COI-Smart here:

Instructions for CITI Registration

Investigators and key personnel must complete the CITI training appropriate to their area of research.

What CITI Training Do I Need to Take?

Investigators and key personnel must complete the CITI training appropriate to their area of research. 

  • Those doing biomedical research must take the basic biomedical and GCP courses. 
  • Those doing sociobehavioral research must take either the basic sociobehavioral course aloneor the basic biomedical and GCP courses.

To maintain certification, refresher modules must be completed every three years from the initial certification.

Please view the instruction guides provided below:

Community Partner Training

The following slide presentations provide information about community partner training.

The instructions include a link to the training system.