Jefferson Office of Human Research Protection
Welcome Jefferson Research Community
The Jefferson Office of Human Research Protection (JOHRP) is the hub of the human research protection program for the Jefferson Enterprise. JOHRP provides administrative support to the Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) which review and approve all human research conducted within the Jefferson Enterprise. JOHRP creates and updates IRB forms, policy and guidance, ensures that training requirements for research personnel are fulfilled, monitors and assesses adverse events and unanticipated problems that may affect research subjects or others, notifies investigators when continuing review of protocols is imminent, and provides education for research coordinators, faculty, and other personnel involved in human subjects research.
In partnership with the Jefferson research community, we strive to ensure the highest level of protections for human research participants.
All submissions to the IRB are facilitated through iRIS, our eIRB platform. If you have trouble logging on via SSO, please view the Getting Started with IRB page.
JOHRP (IRB) Help Desk Fridays
The Jefferson Office of Human Research Protection hosts an open Help Desk hour every Friday from 11 am-noon. Stop by and chat with our analysts about any iRIS questions. No appointment required. Zoom information below.
Meeting ID 967 4245 0956
Activities Not Requiring IRB Review
Under construction. This link will go live when contect has been populated.
Jefferson Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)
Our Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) are committees established to review and approve research involving human subjects. The purpose of these boards is to ensure that all human subject research is conducted in accordance with all federal, institutional, and ethical guidelines.
Working with Jefferson’s Human Research Protection Program (HRPP)
We value the input we receive from members of the Jefferson research community. Your input can help us improve Jefferson’s Human Research Protection Program (HRPP), which in turn ensures that participants in research studies will continue to receive the highest level of protection.
If you have questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding Jefferson's HRPP or the IRB review process, we want to hear from you.
Of course, your correspondence is always treated confidentially.
Working together, we can ensure the highest level of protection for our research participants.
IRB Fees
The Jefferson IRB charges review fees for commercially funded studies and for studies where the Jefferson IRB is serving as the single IRB (sIRB). IRB fees are waived for unfunded studies in which the investigator is a Jefferson employee.
Effective August 1, 2024, studies with commercial financial support will be subject to standard IRB fees.