Office of Human Research


  • Director, Office of Human Research
  • Director, Clinical Research Unit
  • Professor, SKMC Department of Pharmacology, Physiology, & Cancer Biology
Contact Number(s):

For Research Activities

  • Senior Associate Provost, Research Integrity, Conduct & Compliance
  • Professor, SKMC Department of Pathology, Anatomy & Cell Biology
Contact Number(s):

Complete iRIS Learning Module

You must complete the iRIS learning module in MyJeffHub in order to gain access to the live iRIS site, as opposed to the test ‘sandbox’ site which is accessible prior to and after completion of the learning module.

How to assign yourself the learning module:

  1. Login to ONE Digital Workplace
  2. Click on MyLearning
  3. Under Find Learning, type in “iRIS e-IRB Training” and assign the course to yourself, which you can then access in the “Due Later” section.
Very Important

In order to have full access to iRIS, you must complete the iRIS training module, either via myJeffHub or the IRB website. If you access the training module in myJeffHub, you must also complete the 2-question survey that will be in your ‘Overdue’ section.

If you are a student, not affiliated with Jefferson, or cannot gain access via myJeffHub, you can access the training module via the IRB website (iRIS Access/Student Training Access/View iRIS Learning Module). Following completion of the training, you must complete the iRIS Access Request document and follow instructions on the form to submit.

If you need to request access to the test site or have problems accessing, please contact

Request for access to iRIS by individuals not affiliated with Jefferson should be made to the Office of Human Research at 215-503-8966 or