Consistent use of Jefferson’s trademarks helps to create brand recognition and promote our institution. To that end, Creative Service’s provides our researchers with cohesive templates for: email signature, PowerPoints, Flyers/Report Covers, Internal Communications, and Newsletters.

Additional Resources
The following information links to other useful resources that may be applicable to Jefferson researchers.
Jefferson Resources
Thomas Jefferson University provides financial support to faculty, students, and staff who wish to publish in Open Access (OA) journals through its Open Access Fund. Financial support covers Article Processing Charges (APC)*.
As part of Jefferson's commitment to the Compact for Open-Access Publishing Equity (COPE), this fund will raise awareness of the high-quality Open Access publishing options and increase the reach and impact of Jefferson scholarship.
The Office for Professional Writing, Publishing & Communication supports Jeffersonians who are writing for publication or developing conference presentations. Consult the office for free assistance at any stage of the writing, publishing, or presentation development process.
Graphics & Medical Illustration offers a variety of services, including poster printing and setting, illustrations and schematics, and other graphic design services.