Contact Us
Office of Human Research
Thomas Jefferson University
Jefferson Alumni Hall
1020 Locust Street, Suite M-34
Philadelphia, PA 19107
215-503-3843 fax
Office of Human Research
Thomas Jefferson University
Jefferson Alumni Hall
1020 Locust Street, Suite M-34
Philadelphia, PA 19107
215-503-3843 fax
The Jefferson HRPP is a network of offices, committees, and individuals within the Jefferson Enterprise that work together to provide the highest level of protection to participants in research studies. We do this by supporting and monitoring researchers in their pursuit of ethical human research, to bring cutting-edge health science and technology to the Philadelphia region and beyond.
The nexus of the HRPP is the Office of Human Research (OHR), which supports the Institutional Review Boards (IRBs). IRBs are groups of experts and lay people that meet to review and approve human research.
We also rely on you, members of the community and research participants, to provide feedback to us so that we can continue to improve the quality of our research and the protections for our research participants.
We want to hear from you. Contact the Office of Human Research if:
If you are already participating in a research study, you are encouraged to communicate with the research team first, especially if you are experiencing medical problems.
You may contact us by mail or by phone. All correspondence is treated with respect and is held in strict confidence.