Principal Investigators Starting Research
833 Chestnut Street
Suite 900
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Computers & Technology
Below you will find information/ hyperlinks to find more detailed information in regard to your question. Links are either follow the question or are within the query:
I need information about how to use financial programs to create or manage a sponsored program budget
Visit the Office of Research Administration Help page
I need information related to gathering and processing of data related to the research
(Data collection design, Statistical analysis: Bioinfomatics)
Visit the Division of Biostatistics web site
I need information about Grants.gov
I need information about eRA Commons
I need information on literature searches, managing references, or other electronic publication techniques
AISR support for Jefferson Publishing includes help with Public Access Policy Compliance, Copyright & Fair Use, Guide to Policies and web resources, as well as software classes.
Offerings include:
- Faculty Development Seminars - Copyright issues and presentation techniques
- Jefferson Publishing - Software publication and development resources
- Medical Media Services - Graphics and photographs for publications
I need approval or training related to regulations regarding:
- Human Subjects
- Animals
- Biohazards, Radiation
- Chemicals
- International Concerns
- Finances: Office of Research Administration / More Info
I want guidance on scientific or technical matters related to content of the research or in polishing my writing to communicate the content
Please visit the Office of Faculty Affairs, Faculty Development
A sponsor wants to negotiate a research contract
For the following information, please seek the assistance of Pre-Award Contracts (including Clinical Trials Billing) ORA staff:
- I have a promising research idea and need to fina an industry sponsor
- An industry sponsor wants to negotiate a research contract
- I am managing a contract for research sponsored by industry