DNA, Molecule, Chemistry in laboratory lab testThe first DNA & molecule plate model: SONY A7 24 mp.

Submit a Proposal

RACE wants to hear from you ...
Share suggestions or feedback with RACE.

Delivery of optimal grant preparation and review services by the Offices of Research Support Services in time for your Sponsor’s deadline will require your cooperation by adhering to deadlines provided below.

10 business days before the submission deadline: Finalize the budget with your RACE GA – this is needed for preparation of the internal Electronic Proposal Transmittal Form (ePTF) by the GA, and its routing for approval to all key research personnel and departmental administrators.

5 business days before the grant deadline: The administrative components of the application, including sections that will be prepared by the GA and those prepared by the PI, completed for submission by the RACE GA to ORA for review. To meet this deadline it is requested that all administrative information and documents are provided to your RACE GA 6 business days before the grant deadline.

3 business days before the grant deadline: The science components of the application that are prepared by the PI completed and submitted to ORA by the RACE GA. For federal grant applications these documents can be uploaded by the PI directly to Cayuse.

NIH Applications

Documents Required (grouped by due date)

5 business days before the NIH submission deadline provide the following Administrative Information/Documents:

  • Budget
  • Budget Justification
  • Subaward Documentation
  • Project Summary/Abstract (draft)
  • Proposal Narrative (draft)
  • Facilities & Other Resources
  • Equipment
  • Biographical Sketches for all Key Personnel
  • Current and Pending Support
  • Cover Letter
  • Multiple PD/PI leadership plan (if applicable)
  • Letters of Support
  • Resource Sharing Plan

3 business days before the NIH submission deadline provide the following Scientific Documents:

  • Project Summary/Abstract (final)
  • Proposal Narrative (final)
  • Introduction (for resubmission of applications (A1))
  • Specific Aims
  • Research Strategy
  • Bibliography & References Cited
  • Progress report publication list (for renewal applications)
  • Human Subjects Sections
  • Vertebrate Animals
  • Inclusion Enrollment Report (if applicable)
  • Appendices (if applicable)