Share suggestions or feedback with RACE.

Initialize a Proposal
RACE wants to hear
from you ...
Share suggestions or feedback with RACE.
Share suggestions or feedback with RACE.
Find your RACE team and contact the team lead or main number to identify your Grants Administrator (GA).
Contact your RACE GA ONE MONTH prior to an application deadline with the following information:
- The sponsor, the type of award, and the funding mechanism including a copy of the funding opportunity announcement or proposal guidelines
- The type of budget (for NIH: modular or non-modular)
- Potential personnel
- If the grant will have subawards (funds to collaborators at other institutions)
- Collaborators in other departments at Jefferson and how you plan to distribute costs and IDC revenue, if appropriate
- If there will be an animal or human subjects component
- If the proposal requires one or more letters of support
For NIH grants it is suggested to begin developing your Biosketch and populate your my NCBI account with your publications
For Federal Grants, your RACE GA will create a Cayuse Grants Proposal record for which you will receive an e-mail invitation that provide you with a link to your online grant preparation link, the site to which you will upload all the required grant documents as .pdf files and manage your proposal – your GA will populate this online document will all administrative information including the budget details.