About the Center
- Executive Director, JCIRP
- Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery, Emergency Medicine, & Population Health
1015 Walnut Street
Suite 703
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Our Mission
To save life and reduce disability through collaborative research that inspires global solutions to prevent injury.
Our Vision
We are passionate about keeping humanity free from harm through high impact injury science research.
The core mission of the center is committed to addressing the challenges enumerated in the published CDC Injury Research Agenda for 2009-2018 and the Pennsylvania Injury Prevention and Control Plan.
Our Center fosters interdisciplinary collaboration that crosses global campuses and community borders ultimately to save lives and reduce disability. Our injury science experts devote themselves to conducting research, providing education, engaging social entrepreneurship and partnering with communities in the Delaware Valley and beyond.
Core Programs
- Research
- Education
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Community Engagement
As an umbrella organization with substantive expertise in applied public health research with immediate access to the countless interdisciplinary resources of Thomas Jefferson University and Jefferson Health, the Center studies unintentional and intentional injury in society utilizing public health problem solving methodologies. In so doing, evidenced-based strategies are formulated based on sound scientific method and clinical expertise. These strategies are implemented, measured and intended for replication regionally, nationally and globally.