Office of Research Administration

Conflicts of Interest

The Committee on Conflicts of Interest and Commitment administers the Conflicts of Interest Program at Thomas Jefferson University. Being open about conflicts of interest allows everyone (including patients, students, and the public) to judge for themselves whether particular relationships influence decisions we make when carrying out Jefferson-related responsibilities. Disclosing conflicts of interest is one of the means through which we demonstrate our commitment to integrity and transparency.

Per the below policies, designated faculty, key personnel, and members of the Board of Trustees are required to disclose any actual or potential conflicts of interest on an annual basis. 

Thomas Jefferson University & Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals

COI Training for Researchers

Researchers at Jefferson are required to complete Conflicts of Interest training through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Program. Follow these links to learn about Jefferson's COI training requirements and access the mandatory Researchers COI Training Module.

Public Disclosure Requests

Public disclosures may be requested in writing using this form: Public Disclosure Requests Form. Please follow these directions for public to acquire COI information.

For more information and assistance with completing your COI disclosure, please contact The Enterprise Office of Corporate Compliance at 215-503-6300 or e-mail