Aplin Research


Name: Andrew Aplin, PhD
  • Deputy Director, Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • Kalbach-Newton Professor in Cancer Research
Position: Department of Pharmacology, Physiology & Cancer Biology

233 S 10th Street
BLSB 1050
Philadelphia, PA 19107

Contact Number(s):


Target Inhibitor Working Group

Casey Stefanski, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher

Casey investigates metabolic alterations promoting therapeutic resistance through immune suppression.

Geethanjali Annamalai

MD, PhD Student

Geethu studies RAS signaling and targeted inhibitors in acral melanoma.

Scott Varney, PhD

Research Associate

Scott studies therapeutic options for inducing inflammatory cell death in uveal melanoma.

Connor Ott

PhD Student

Connor researches targeted therapies and YAP/TAZ-TEAD signaling in drug tolerant melanoma.

Haley Wilson

PhD Student

Haley studies cutaneous melanomas with poor prognosis including novel therapeutic targets for NRAS mutant melanoma and intrapatient heterogeneity in metastatic melanoma.

Will Madden

Research Technician

Will is responsible for completing essential molecular biology techniques and investigating the role of FOXD3 transcription factor in drug tolerance in melanoma cell lines. 

Uveal Melanoma Working Group

Francis Waltrich, Jr 

PhD Student

Frank studies transcriptional-based inhibitors for targeting advanced-stage uveal melanoma.

LanMai Dunn

Research Technician

LanMai studies acquired resistance to targeted therapies in uveal melanoma.

Diana Gonzalez Baerga

Diana works on targeting TEAD signaling and studying the mechanisms of therapeutic resistance in uveal melanoma.

Immuno-oncology Working Group

Daniel Erkes

Assistant Professor

Dan studies the impact of pyroptosis on the tumor immune microenvironment of melanoma. He also helps to manage the numerous projects in the lab and mentor many of the trainees.

Kristen DeRosa

PhD Student

Kristen investigates the role of YAP-TAZ/TEAD signaling within the immune microenvironment in cutaneous melanoma.

Computational Biology & Bioinformatics

Timothy Purwin, MS, PhD

Clinical Informatics Specialist
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics and Next-Gen. Sequencing

Glenn Mersky, MS

Clinical Informatics Specialist

Glenn works across the Aplin lab to support lab members with their bioinformatics needs for multiple projects.

Jelan Haj

Research Technician

Jelan prepares reverse phase protein array (RPPA) samples from cultured cell lysates, manages mycoplasma testing, and performs cell culture for different experiments in the lab. Additionally, she analyzes RPPA and RNA-seq data and collaborates with researchers to generate and interpret datasets to support research and publications.

Colette Trouillot

External Research Participant

Colette studies the role of the transcription factor FOXD3 in metastatic melanoma using bioinformatic techniques.


Diana Melissaratos

Research Assistant

Diana’s responsibility is overseeing daily operations, including inventory management and procurement, while also assisting with research on the effects of pyroptosis on the tumor immune microenvironment in melanoma using in vivo animal models.

Charlie Barraclough


Charlie investigates CDK4/6 PROTACs in acral melanoma.