Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center
BioImaging Shared Resource
Philip Wedegaertner, PhD
Claudio Giraudo, PhD
Jason Hill, PhD
Associate Director
James Muller, PhD
The goal of the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center Bioimaging Shared Resource is to advance the scientific research programs of the Cancer Center by providing Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center investigators powerful, reliable, and readily accessible light microscopy. The Bioimaging Shared Resource provides a FLIM-assisted STED (stimulated emission depletion) super-resolution system, galvo and resonnat laser point-scanning confocals, spinning disk confocal, TIRF (total internal refection fluorescence), and widefield fluorescence modalities. The staff provides in-house training on all instruments.
Winter 2025
- Application deadlines have been posted for this year's extramural microscopy courses. Visit the News and Events page for links to apply.
- The Nikon A1R-HD laser has returned from service and will be re-integrated soon. See postings around the core for more details.
Fall 2024
- The Fall Technology Seminar Series has begun and will run through December. Visit the News and Events page see the full schedule of invited speakers and topics
- The BISR now offers a Quantitative Image Analysis workstation. Trainings will focus around specific use-cases and trained users will be able to book time on an in-house analysis station. Booking available on iLab, but please contact us to discuss your needs first.
- The Nikon A1R-HD confocal will be having its 405nm laser replced through this month. A loaner is in place so work can continue, but contact us with any questions you have about how this may or may not affect your research.