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Jefferson Contacts

Name: Ignazio Marino, MD, ScD
  • Professor of Surgery, Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University
  • Executive Vice President for Jefferson International Innovative Strategic Ventures
  • Executive Director, Jefferson Italy Center
Organization: Thomas Jefferson University
Name: Claudia Cirillo
Position: Executive Assistant for Dr. Marino

General Inquiries

For eligibility

Name: Patrizia Paris
Position: Jefferson EU Consultant

Erasmus+ for Higher Education Program

Jefferson, through a partnership with Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy, has been the recipient of an Erasmus+ for Higher Education grant funded by the European Union Program (ERASMUS+ KA 107 – ICM - International Credit Mobility). The grant supports student mobility for training and education, as well as staff mobility for training and teaching between Jefferson and Università Cattolica in two disciplines: Vascular Medicine and Precision Medicine. All activities must be completed by July 31, 2022. 

Under this program, the following opportunities are available for Jefferson students and staff at Università Cattolica in Rome, Italy:

Erasmus+ Provisions for the Management of the Covid-19 Emergency

March 2020

In accordance with law decree no. 6 of 23 February 2020 “on urgent measures for the containment and management of the Covid-19 epidemiological emergency” which in article 1 provides for the suspension of some educational services, study and educational tours in Italy and abroad; the note of the Italian Ministry of Education of 23 February 2020; and the EU commissions’ dispositions of the note Ares (2020)619972 of 31/01/2020, we communicate that the “force majeure” principle would apply to the mobility of students and staff operating in the school education, higher education and adult education sectors of Erasmus+.

Visiting Professor

September - November 2019

Walter Ricciardi, past President of the Italian NIH, Director of the Department of Women's and Children's Health and Public Health at the Catholic University and Hospital Gemelli in Rome will be a Visiting Scholar at Jefferson.

NEWS: Jefferson & Catholic University of the Sacred Heart Awarded Erasmus+ Grant

2019 July

Thomas Jefferson University and Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome were awarded an Erasmus KA107 grant supporting student and staff mobility in the areas of Precision Medicine and Vascular Medicine.

Erasmus+ is a European Union program supporting education, training, youth, and sport across Europe. The Key Action 107 (KA107) grant was created to encourage and support transportation between partner countries. Students, faculty and staff will travel from Italy to the United States and vice versa as part of the program.

“Everything is changing on our planet and most of the activities are becoming global,” said Ignazio R. Marino, MD, ScD, professor of surgery at SKMC, senior vice president at Jefferson, and executive director for the Jefferson Italy Center. “Scientific knowledge does not have borders, but borders should also disappear for physicians. A young doctor educated on both sides of the Atlantic will have many more tools to accept and win the challenges of our time. However, at the present time, even the most celebrated thoracic surgeon of Europe cannot touch a patient in the U.S., and vice versa. Exchange programs like the ones supported by the Erasmus+ grant that we just won can help create new education models and break borders. This is what Jefferson and Catholic University are doing together.”