Gastric Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)
- Gerald J. Marks Professor in Colorectal Surgery
- Chief, Division of Colon & Rectal Surgery
Welcome to the Gastric Point of Care Ultrasound (GPOCUS) study website. The purpose of this website is to provide guidance and easy access to information for those engaged in this experimental study.
In this study, we are evaluating the utility of using Gastric Point of Care Ultrasound to augment the objective evaluations of postoperative patients following intestinal surgery.
Patients enrolled in this study will be randomized to either study or control groups. Strict algorithms will be utilized for postoperative care with regard to diet advancement, NPO status, and NG tube utilization.
The purpose of this website is to provide guidance and easy access to information for those clinicians who are actively engaged in this experimental study.
None of the information on this website is to be copied, reproduced, or utilized for any purpose without explicit permission from our Primary Investigator, Benjamin R. Phillips, MD.
Contact Us
If you are a surgeon who is interested in joining this study or, if you have questions or issues, please email Benjamin.Phillips@jefferson.edu