Lu-Yao Research


Name: Grace Lu-Yao, PhD, MPH
Position: Professor

834 Chestnut Street
Suite 311
Philadelphia , PA 19107

Contact Number(s):

Highlighted Publications

Lu-Yao, G., Nikita, N., Keith, S. W., Nightingale, G., Gandhi, K., Hegarty, S. E., Rebbeck, T. R., Chapman, A., Kantoff, P. W., Cullen, J., Gomella, L., & Kelly, W. K. (2020). Mortality and Hospitalization Risk Following Oral Androgen Signaling Inhibitors Among Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer by Pre-existing Cardiovascular Comorbidities. European urology77(2), 158–166.

This is the first large-scale population-based study presenting outcome data following the use of oral androgen signaling inhibitors among elderly patients with advanced prostate cancer by pre-existing cardiovascular conditions.  The study found that pre-existing cardiovascular conditions are associated with increased mortality after Abiraterone or Enzalutamide.

Lu-Yao, G., Nightingale, G., Nikita, N., Keith, S., Gandhi, K., Swartz, K., Zinner, R., Sharma, S., Kelly, W., & Chapman, A. (2020). Relationship between polypharmacy and inpatient hospitalization among older adults with cancer treated with intravenous chemotherapy. Journal of geriatric oncology11(4), 579–585.

This real-world, population-based study documented that polypharmacy status is highly correlated inpatient hospitalization among older adults with prostate, breast, or lung cancer, treated with intravenous chemotherapy. The study findings suggests the need for multidisciplinary team-based care to ensure the proper medication regime and care for the older cancer patients.

Nightingale, G., Mohamed, M.R., Holmes, H.M., Sharma, M., Ramsdale, E., Lu-Yao, G., Chapman, A. Research Priorities to Address Polypharmacy in Older Adults with Cancer. Journal of geriatric oncology (in press).

The study aims to identify the current gaps in research related to polypharmacy in older adults with cancer and establish research priorities based on these existing research gaps and data deficiencies in the literature. It highlights the critical areas for future research in order to improve outcomes for older adults with cancer.