Cancer in Butterfly Disease
Years of research point to a therapy to treat the life-threatening cancer of patients with a rare disorder known as butterfly disease.
Climage Change on Your Block
Explore the 2023 Jefferson Research Magazine and learn about the exciting discoveries in basic, applied and clinical research and scholarship.
Restoring Smell & Taste after COVID
Promising results from a clinical trial to treat loss of smell provide hope to patients searching for treatment.
Stress, Obesity & Pancreatic Cancer
A common response to cellular stress may be the key to pancreatic cancer in people with obesity, pointing to new therapy for this difficult-to-treat cancer.
War & Identity - with Dr. Ahmad Qais Munhazim
How war complicates gender and sexuality in Afghanistan and its diaspora.
Digital Tools & Shared Decision-Making - with Dr. Ruth Jeminiwa
Exploring the ways technology can improve collaborative treatment approaches for patients with opioid use disorder.
Research in Images
Seeking Artistry in Research
Jefferson’s first enterprise-wide research-art contest reveals the beauty of rarely seen parts of the natural world and opens windows to the soul.
“Beyond the Bench” – A Journey through Science Mysteries
A look into the journey of an early career researcher and Jefferson alum through illustrations.
Research Reads
How Covid Crashed the System: A Guide to Fixing American Health Care
Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, October 2022
David B. Nash, MD, founding Dean Emeritus and Dr. Raymond C. and Doris N. Grandon Professor of Health Policy at the Jefferson College of Population Health and Charles Wohlforth, science writer
Despite having the most investment, the U.S. healthcare system crashed during the COVID-19 pandemic leading to more patient deaths than any other country. This book uncovers the story of this failure — diagnosing the systemic problems that weakened our response, from racism and poverty to under-funded public health agencies and for-profit hospitals. Stories of hope and change are also revealed, showing that while the pandemic exposed numerous healthcare problems, it also was a catalyst for the change needed to reform our system. Through extensively researched systemic analysis and impactful stories, Dr. David Nash outlines the failures that led to our system crash and offers a blueprint for how to battle the next crisis.
By Makhari Dysart
Emergence of a Modern Dwelling: Richard Neutra’s Hassrick House
ORO Editions, January 2022
Suzanne Singletary, PhD, director of the MS in Historic Preservation, Suzanna Barucco, MS, adjunct professor in Jefferson’s College of Architecture and the Built Environment
Featuring seven years of student research and documentation, Dr. Suzanne Singletary and Suzanna Barucco chronicle a tale of the design, dwelling, neglect, restoration and reinvention of the Hassrick House. Bringing the California style to the East Falls area of Philadelphia, the house is one of only three homes in the city designed by Richard Neutra, an internationally acclaimed architect of mid-century modernism. This book contains never-before-published information from seventy letters exchanged between the Hassrick family and Neutra, along with oral histories and archival research from subsequent owners. This house highlights the emerging field of preserving modernism as the buildings of this design era reach the fifty-year mark. Preservation is often misunderstood as freezing a building in time, but the Hassrick House reveals the importance of preservation in celebrating cultural heritage and creating sustainable built environments.
By Makhari Dysart
Tapestry of Health: Weaving Wellness into Your Life Through the New Science of Integrative Medicine
Kales Press, August 2020
Daniel Monti, MD, MBA, Ellen and Ron Caplan Professor and Chair of Integrative Medicine and Nutritional Sciences and founder and CEO of the Marcus Institute of Integrative Health and Anthony Bazzan, MD, medical director of the Marcus Institute of Integrative Health
The U.S. healthcare system is made up of highly specialized disciplines whose care is often sought out after an illness has already presented itself. While our current system has saved many lives, Americans are still getting sick with otherwise preventable illnesses. Many of the leading causes of death, such as heart disease and cancer, are exacerbated by changing lifestyles and diets. In their new book, Dr. Daniel Monti and Dr. Anthony Bazzan provide a different perspective on wellness, shifting the focus from isolated disease treatment to disease prevention through a holistic model of health. They have combined evidenced-based restorative treatments, nutritional science and healthy lifestyle practices to create a step-by-step plan for a new curative, preventive and transformative version of health care.
By Makhari Dysart
Jefferson Research by the Numbers
increase in funding since 2016.
12 PA Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) awards secured over 4 years (9 new 3 received No Cost Extensions (NCE)).
increase in NIH team-science grants over five years.