DNA, Molecule, Chemistry in laboratory lab testThe first DNA & molecule plate model: SONY A7 24 mp.

October 2024

Organization / Website SpecialityArea / Award/Grant Purpose / Description Target Audience / Eligibility

Award Amount / Deadline

American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA)
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Award Grant: Carol Koller Memorial Research Grant
Research in the following areas: Basic and Laboratory Sciences, Population Sciences, Outcomes Research, Clinical Sciences, Methodology Research, Drug/Protocol Development, Patient Safety, Education, Policy Research, or Health Services Research. ASRA member; researcher of anesthesia and pain medicine. $75,000

Date: 10/1/2024 (LOI)
Burroughs Wellcome Fund
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Award Grant: Career Award
Proposals must be in the area of basic biomedical, disease-oriented, or translational research. BWF is also interested in artificial intelligence and machine learning. CAMS award provides support to facilitate the transition from mentored position to independence for the early career physician scientist. The program is ideal for the physician scientist considering an academic career. Candidates must hold an M.D., D.D.S., D.V.M., or
D.O. degree; Candidates must not be more than 13 years past their clinical doctorate degree; Candidates may hold a junior faculty appointment

Date: 10/8/24
Angelman Syndrome Foundation
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Genetics; Angelman Syndrome

Award Grant: Research Grant
The ASF Scientific Advisory Committee identified the following areas of unmet need in AS research. Priority will be given to the following topics: Projects studying or correcting the heterozygous effect of non-UBE3A genes in deletion; Projects studying the potential results of increasing UBE3A after therapies or for some subtypes of AS; Projects studying delivery of therapies and potential for improvement; Symptomatic therapies that impact the daily life of people with Angelman syndrome and their families. Investigators of preclinical, translational and clinical research.  $100,000

Date: Rolling deadline- annual review 10/15/2024
Life Sciences Research Foundation
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Life Sciences

Award Grant: Life Sciences Research Fellowships
Research should be basic directed in any area of the life sciences. Graduates of medical and graduate schools in the biological sciences holding MD or PhD; Individuals who have held a Ph.D or M.D. degree for more than 5 years at the time of application are not eligible for a fellowship. Must have begun (or will begin) working in your proposed postdoc lab between August 1, 2023 and July 31, 2025. Varies.

Date: 10/1/24
Barth Syndrome Foundation
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Medicine; Cardiology

Award Grant: Research Grant
BSF seeks to provide seed grant funding to young and established investigators in order to generate the preliminary data required for successful follow-on funding available from major grant-making institutions such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Faculty appointment, postdocs can not apply. Young/non-tenured Investigators are allowed to budget up 75% of the total grant amount as PI salary. up to $50,000 for idea applications, up to $100,000 for development applications

Date: 10/31/24
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Medicine; Cardiology

Award Grant: Local Level Educational Grants
Program to Increase Awareness
& Understanding of
Transthyretin Amyloid
Cardiomyopathy (ATTR-CM)
Projects that will be considered for Pfizer support will focus on: Improve the care of patients by:

• Educating healthcare professionals to increase awareness of heart failure patients at risk for TTR Amyloidosis and enable appropriate and early patient identification through an evidence-based approach.
• Increasing awareness of at risk and undiagnosed populations with TTR amyloidosis with a focus on improving systematic strategies that facilitate the appropriate diagnosis of patients early in the disease course before overt cardiomyopathy has ensued [e.g., populations with electrical disturbances, valvular disease, orthopedic manifestations, and cardio-oncology diseases (i.e., Light Chain Amyloidosis)].
• Increasing awareness of at risk and underdiagnosed minority and underserved populations with TTR amyloidosis including, but not limited to, women, African Americans, Native Americans, Alaskan Natives.
• Establishing a call to action to raise awareness on ATTR-CM in women to reduce gender-based disparities and earlier patient identification.
• Identifying significant barriers that contribute to geographic, gender and racial healthcare disparities disproportionately impacting the hereditary ATTR-CM subtype patient population and addressing these challenges to increase earlier diagnosis and treatment.
• Addressing challenges to caring for heart failure patients during an era of increased telehealth utilization including continuity of care, appropriate diagnoses, and support for the referral base needs of patients at risk for TTR amyloidosis.
• Increasing awareness of the changing epidemiology of TTR amyloidosis with a focus on the prevalence of hereditary ATTR-CM and wild-type ATTR-CM subtypes as the science continues to evolve.
Only organizations are eligible to receive grants, not individuals or medical practice groups. $10-20,000

Date: 10/15/24
American Heart Association
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Medicine; Cardiovascular
Award Grant: Established Investigator Award
To support established investigators who are in a rapid growth phase of their career, have established records of accomplishments and continue to show extraordinary promise. The investigator’s career is expected to clearly benefit from the EIA award. Candidates will have a demonstrated commitment to cardiovascular or cerebrovascular science disciplines that support the AHA’s mission to be a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives, as indicated by funding and publication history and scientific accomplishments. Candidates should propose an innovative\novel research direction that challenges existing paradigms and employs novel concepts, approaches, or technologies. At the time of application, must have: MD, PhD, DO, DVM, or equivalent doctoral degree; Full-time faculty/staff scientist position or equivalent; At the time of award activation must have an appointment at the associate professor level or equivalent (including, but not limited to, research associate professor, research scientist, staff scientist, etc.) and be no more than 15 years since first faculty appointment; History and current evidence of substantial extramural funding. $555,000 over 5 years

Date: 10/2/24 (LOI)
American Heart Association
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Medicine; Cardiovascular

Award Grant: Early Career Investigator Database Research Seed Grants (ECI Grants)
Get With The Guidelines® (GWTG) is a hospital-based quality improvement program designed to close the treatment gap in cardiovascular disease, stroke, and resuscitation. It includes modules in atrial fibrillation, coronary artery disease, heart failure, resuscitation and stroke.  PhDs and/or MDs who are current residents, fellows in training or have completed training within the last 5 years, or other doctoral prepared professionals who are early in their career development and have interest in cardiovascular or stroke research. Varies

Date: 10/16/24
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Medicine; Gastroenterology; IBD

Award Grant: Closing the Gaps within Intestinal Ultrasound
The IBUS-Pfizer GMG collaboration invites proposals for research projects that address the following priority areas within the field of intestinal ultrasound (IUS) in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD):
1. IUS in Monitoring IBD: Proposals should focus on the broader role of IUS in monitoring various aspects of IBD, including disease activity, treatment response (including, but not limited to, Etrasimod), and complications. The primary outcome should be IUS-based findings, and the study design should allow for a multi-center approach.
2. Perianal IUS in Proctitis: Proposals should investigate the impact of perianal IUS on monitoring proctitis across various treatment modalities (including but not limited to Etrasimod). Multi-center studies are encouraged to provide a comprehensive understanding of this under-researched area.
3. IUS in Special Populations: Proposals should explore the utility of IUS in monitoring ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease in pregnant women, adolescents, and children. This area represents a significant gap in our knowledge and has the potential to improve care for these specific patient populations.
4. IUS Education: Proposals should investigate strategies for enhancing IUS competency development among healthcare professionals. This may include research on curriculum development (perianal, pediatric, advanced IUS, train-the-trainer), standardization of techniques (contrast-enhanced ultrasound, elastography), and evaluation of different learning modalities.
5. IUS in monitoring treatment with Etrasimod in a real-world setting: The use of IUS in monitoring the effectiveness of Etrasimod in UC.
We encourage proposals that utilize quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods approaches and involve primary data collection, secondary data analysis, or a combination of both. While formal cost-benefit or cost-effectiveness analyses are not required, proposals should demonstrate the potential value and impact of the proposed research for improving patient care and advancing the field of IUS in IBD.
Applicant must be an IBUS Member and may collaborate with another Organization or Institution. $100,000

Date: 10/1/24
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Medicine; Hematology; Hemophilia

Award Grant: Increase Awareness & Understanding of Emerging Hemophilia Treatment Options
Projects that will be considered for Pfizer support will focus on:
• Educating on the evolving treatment landscape (i.e. genetic medicine, rebalancing strategies) for hemophilia to improve the understanding of these novel approaches and their potential clinical applicability.
• Discussing shared decision making (SDM) and practical approaches on how SDM can be incorporated into hemophilia patient care1
• Educating on the benefits of omnichannel healthcare strategies which can provide a seamless, personalized service and patient care experience2
• Sharing knowledge and best practices (i.e. staff training, SOP, follow-up care) on how Hemophilia Treatment Centers (HTCs) and multidisciplinary team are preparing for novel therapies in development
• Advancing patient education on the evolving hemophilia treatment landscape and improving patient’s empowerment and ability to make informed decisions about their care
All live activity types will be considered through this RFP, however, activities taking place at live major meetings that include enduring materials and programs with national reach are of particular interest.
Only organizations are eligible to receive grants, not individuals or medical practice groups.
• The following may apply: medical, dental, nursing, allied health, and/or pharmacy professional schools; healthcare institutions (both large and small); professional associations and medical societies; patient advocacy groups; medical education companies; and other entities with a mission related to healthcare professional education and/or healthcare improvement.
• If the project involves multiple departments within an institution and/or between different institutions / organizations / associations. All institutions must have a relevant role and the requesting organization must have a key role in the project.
• For projects offering continuing education credit, the requesting organization must be accredited.

Date: 10/9/24
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Medicine; Infectious Diseases

Award Grant: Addressing Healthcare Disparities in the Outpatient Diagnosis and Management of COVID-19
Projects that will be considered for Pfizer support will focus on healthcare disparities among patients diagnosed with COVID-19.
The focus of the project should revolve around the needs and experiences of communities facing significant health burdens. It is crucial that the initiatives go beyond characterizing or documenting the extent of the problem and instead aim to inform on actionable strategies and/ or established effective practices.
We are particularly interested in programs addressing various aspects of health equity. Initiatives should tackle the root causes of health disparities and obstacles to equitable healthcare delivery in COVID-19 management.
All activity types will be considered and may include educational resources for HCPs or both HCPs and patients if focused on shared decision making.
The following may apply: medical, dental, nursing, allied health, and/or pharmacy professional schools; healthcare institutions (both large and small); professional organizations/medical societies; medical education companies; and other entities with a mission related to healthcare professional education and/or healthcare improvement.
• Only organizations are eligible to receive grants, not individuals or medical practice groups (i.e., an independent group of physicians not affiliated with a hospital, academic institution, or professional society).
• If the project involves multiple departments within an institution and/or between different institutions / organizations / associations, all institutions must have a relevant role and the requesting organization must have a key role in the project.
• The applicant must be the project/program lead or an authorized designee of such individual (e.g., project/program lead’s grant coordinator).
• The project/program lead must be an employee or contractor of the requesting organization.
• Requesting organization must be legally able to receive award funding directly from Pfizer Inc.. We strongly recommend that applicants confirm this with their organization or institution prior to submitting an application. Grants awarded to organizations that are subsequently found to be unable to accept funding directly from Pfizer Inc. may be subject to rescission.
• For projects offering continuing education credit, the requesting organization must be accredited.

Date: 10/9/24
Whitehall Foundation
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Neuroscience; Neurobiology

Award Grant: Research Grant
The foundation is currently interested in invertebrate and vertebrate (excluding clinical) neurobiology, specifically investigations of neural mechanisms involved in sensory, motor, and other complex functions of the whole organism as these relate to behavior. The overall goal should be to better understand behavioral output or brain mechanisms of behavior. Established scientists of all ages. Up to $75,000

Date: 10/1/2024 (LOI)
Whitehall Foundation
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Neuroscience; Neurobiology

Award Grant: Grants-In-Aid 
The foundation is currently interested in invertebrate and vertebrate (excluding clinical) neurobiology, specifically investigations of neural mechanisms involved in sensory, motor, and other complex functions of the whole organism as these relate to behavior. The overall goal should be to better understand behavioral output or brain mechanisms of behavior. Designed for researchers at Assistant Professor level who experience difficulty competing for funds because they have not yet become firmly established; can also be made to senior scientists who are taking a new direction with research. $30,000

Date: 10/1/2024 (LOI)
American Association of Critical Care Nurses
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Award Grant: Impact Research Grant
Impact Research Grant addresses gaps in high-acuity and critical care areas of clinical research. The grants will ensure the pipeline for research that is vital to AACN’s research translation resources, such as protocols and practice alerts. Principal investigators must hold an earned master's degree or have completed candidacy requirements in a BSN-to-PhD or DNP program; current AACN membership required. $50,000

Date: 10/25/24
National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN)
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Award Grant: 
The NCSBN Grant Program provides funding for scientific research projects that advance the science of nursing policy and regulation and build regulatory expertise worldwide. Research Priorities include, but are not limited to: Outcome studies related to nursing regulation; Nursing workforce; Substance use disorders in nursing; New technologies related to the profession;
Practice innovations/new models of care delivery
LPN, RN and APRN scope of practice; Impact of policy on nursing.
Independent Investigator. $300,000 over 1-2 years

Date: 10/4/24
American Association of Critical Care Nurses
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Nursing; Critical Care

Award Grant: Sigma Theta Tau Critical Care Grant
Qualified proposals must be relevant to high acuity and critical care nursing practice and address one or more of AACN’s research priority areas. Proposals should also link with AACN’s research vision and agenda. The grant may be used to fund research for an academic degree. Available to AACN and Sigma Theta Tau members. $10,000

Date: 10/25/24
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Award Grant: Early Diagnosis Improvement of Chlamydia Infections
This RFP aims to support comprehensive medical education programs focused on early diagnosis of chlamydia infections. Pfizer will support the following proposals in scope below:
Programs aiming to provide support to healthcare professionals (HCPs) in identifying and addressing the educational needs, barriers, and gaps related to early diagnosis of chlamydia; improve HCPs’ knowledge
on the importance of routine screening, proper pathogen identification, and the use of appropriate diagnostic methods for chlamydia infections.
Programs developing evidence-based educational methods, with the inclusion of experts in the field, use of latest guidelines and best practices for chlamydia diagnosis, and emphasis on the importance of early detection.
Programs implementing partnerships with local, regional, national, or international organizations with high reach to impact HCPs and individuals at risk.
The following may apply: medical, nursing, allied health, and/or pharmacy professional schools; health care institutions (both large and small); professional organizations/medical societies; medical education companies; and other entities with a mission related to health care professional education and/or healthcare improvement.
Proposals with a coverage of more than 1 country, or with a regional or international reach are highly recommended.
Only organizations are eligible to receive grants, not individuals or medical practice groups (i.e., an independent group of physicians not affiliated with a hospital, academic institution, or professional society).
If the project involves multiple departments within an institution and/or between different institutions / organizations / associations, all institutions must have a relevant role and the requesting organization must have a key role in the project.
The applicant must be the project/program lead or an authorized designee of such individual (e.g., project/program lead’s grant coordinator).
The project/program lead must be an employee or contractor of the requesting organization.
Requesting organization must be legally able to receive award funding directly from Pfizer Inc. We strongly recommend that applicants confirm this with their organization or institution prior to submitting an application. Grants awarded to organizations that are subsequently found to be unable to accept funding directly from Pfizer Inc. may be subject to rescission.

Date: 10/7/24
American Cancer Society
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Award Grant: 
Research that prioritizes at least one of the six research areas: 1. Etiology (causes of cancer), 2. Obesity/Healthy Eating and Active Living (HEAL), 3. Screening and Diagnosis, 4. Treatment, 5. Survivorship, or 6. Health Equity Across the Cancer Control Continuum.   Licensed clinicians who are US citizens and are within the first 6 years of their initial faculty appointment, who have an active role in patient care. $135,000 per year for 3-5 years

Date: 10/15/24
American Cancer Society
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Award Grant: Research Scholar Grants (RSG)
Research that prioritizes at least one of the six research areas: 1. Etiology (causes of cancer), 2. Obesity/Healthy Eating and Active Living (HEAL), 3. Screening and Diagnosis, 4. Treatment, 5. Survivorship, or 6. Health Equity Across the Cancer Control Continuum.   Investigators within the first 8 years of an initial independent research career or faculty appointment; eligibility extends to 10 years for clinician scientists who remain active in clinical care. $215,000 per year for 4 years

Date: 10/15/24
Conquer Cancer Foundation/ASCO
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Award Grant:  Career Development Award
To provide research funding to clinical investigators, who have received their initial faculty appointment, as they work to establish an independent clinical cancer research program. MD or DO; be in first to third year of FT primary faculty appointment in a clinical department ; ASCO member; completed PD research; commit >50% FT research effort; not hold current career development award. $200,000 over 3 years

Date: 10/17/24
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
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Award Grant: Career Development Program
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society supports talented blood cancer researchers in the early phase of their careers through the Career Development Program. CDP continues to provide a pool of dedicated researchers to advance the understanding and diagnosis of blood cancer, as well as the development of treatment and prevention options that will ultimately lead to a higher quality of life for blood cancer patients. Varies. $70-125,000/year for up to 5 years (dependent on category)

Date: 10/18/2024 (pre-application)
Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PANCAN)
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Award Grant: Career Development Award
Basic, translational, clinical or epidemiological in nature and must have direct applicability and relevance to pancreatic cancer. Special consideration will be given to understudied areas in pancreatic cancer research, minority researchers, and research focused on cancer health disparities. Applicants must have completed their most recent doctoral degree within the past 11 years. $250,000 over 2 years

Date: Anticipated- 10/25/2024
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Award Grant: "Treating Older Patients with HR+/HER2- Metastatic Breast Cancer (mBC):
Best Practices for Their Assessment and Care"
Educational activities that will be considered for Pfizer support will focus on improving the care of older patients with HR+/HER2- mBC to include some or all of the following areas:
• Needs of older patients with cancer and how this can inform treatment decisions
• Raising awareness of the causes of under- and over-treatment of older adults with cancer with particular focus on the impact on treating HR+/HER2- mBC
• Sharing best practices regarding geriatric clinical assessment and specific tools/questionnaires to optimize incorporation of assessment into clinical practice
• Exploring provider behaviors when prescribing therapy for older patients with HR+/HER2- mBC that is not guideline-concordant, especially in the community setting
• Understanding providers’ unconscious bias regarding perceived frailty in older patients based solely on chronological age
• Clinical and social factors that should be considered when prescribing treatment for an older patient with HR+HER2- mBC
The following may apply: medical, nursing, allied health, and/or pharmacy professional schools; healthcare institutions (both large and small); professional organizations/medical societies; medical education companies; patient advocacy organizations, and other entities with a mission related to healthcare professional education and/or healthcare improvement.
• Only organizations are eligible to receive grants, not individuals or physician-owned medical practices.
• If the project involves multiple departments within an institution and/or between different institutions / organizations / associations, all institutions must have a relevant role and the requesting organization must have a key role in the project.
• For projects offering continuing education credit in the United States, the requesting organization must be accredited.

Date: 10/8/24
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Oncology; Colorectal

Award Grant: Optimizing Testing and Treatment in
Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (mCRC)
Projects that will be considered for Pfizer support will focus on increasing healthcare professional understanding and competence in the following areas:
• Optimize biomarker testing and treatment planning of patients with mCRC in academic and community practice.
• Multidisciplinary approach to actioning of early biomarker test results in mCRC.
• Improve understanding of validated biomarkers of response in patients with mCRC and consider the implications for molecular testing and incorporation of biomarker results into clinical care.
• Increase the medical and scientific understanding of the evolving treatment landscape and emerging lines of therapeutic options in mCRC.
• Improve and optimize patient care in terms of both mCRC treatment outcomes and side effect management.
Applicant organizations to this RFP must be based in the United States.
• The following may apply: medical, nursing, allied health, and/or pharmacy professional schools; healthcare institutions (both large and small); professional organizations/medical societies; medical education companies; and other entities with a mission related to healthcare professional education and/or healthcare improvement.
• Only organizations are eligible to receive grants, not individuals or physician-owned medical practices.
• If the project involves multiple departments within an institution and/or between different institutions / organizations / associations, all institutions must have a relevant role and the requesting organization must have a key role in the project.
• For projects offering continuing education credit, the requesting organization must be accredited.

Date: 10/9/24
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Oncology; Multiple Myeloma

Award Grant: Community Oncology Support for Therapy Management in Multiple Myeloma (MM)
This RFP intends to support an organization interested in collaborating in the implementation of a new initiative that will guide, teach, and facilitate support for community oncologists and other healthcare professionals caring for MM patients receiving BCMA BsAbs.
The initiative should cover:
Support for initiation of care
Guidance on the patient transition to the community setting if treatment is initiated in an Academic Cancer Center
Forum for best practices related to therapy management (e.g. Cytokine Release Syndrome, Immune Effector Cell-Associated Neurotoxicity Syndrome, infections)
The initiative should be multi-faceted and may include education elements for all staff involved in the care of patients receiving BCMA BsAbs such as initiation calls, on-call hours to resolve questions, and a forum to present cases and best practices. Resources and tools might include implementation and discharge checklists, practice-guidance infographics, and information to provide to patients and caregivers. These are examples only and the applicant organizations are encouraged to include new creative ideas.
The following lead applicants may apply: medical, nursing, allied health, and/or pharmacy professional schools; healthcare institutions (both large and small); professional organizations/medical societies; medical education companies; and other entities with a mission related to healthcare professional education and/or healthcare improvement.
Only organizations are eligible to receive grants, not individuals or medical practice groups (i.e., an independent group of physicians not affiliated with a hospital, academic institution, or professional society).
If the project involves multiple departments within an institution and/or between different institutions / organizations / associations, all institutions must have a relevant role and the requesting organization must have a key role in the project.
Requesting organization must be legally able to receive award funding directly from Pfizer Inc.
For projects offering continuing education credit, the requesting organization must be accredited.
$600,000 over 2 years

Date: 10/15/24
Retina Research Foundation
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Award Grant: Pilot Study Grants
Research in any disease mechanism/area related to the retina, excluding retinal ganglion research. PhD or MD; have a long term (at least 3 years) commitment to a project. $25,000-$50,000

Date: 10/22/24
Foundation Fighting Blindness
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Ophthalmology; Blindness

Award Grant: Individual Investigator Research Award
The Foundation Fighting Blindness supports research that contribute to preventions and interventions of inherited retinal diseases (IRDs) and atrophic (dry) age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Priority Areas include: Novel Medical Therapies, Gene Therapy, Cell and Molecular Mechanisms of Retinal Disease, Genetics, Clinical-Structure and Function, Regenerative Medicine. These opportunities seek candidates that hold a Ph.D., M.D., M.D./Ph.D., D.M.D., D.V.M., D.O., O.D., or equivalent degree and have a faculty position or equivalent at a domestic or foreign: non-profit organization, or public or private institution, such as a university, college, medical school, hospital, research institute, or laboratory. Individuals from underrepresented racial, ethnic and gender groups, as well as individuals with disabilities, are always encouraged to apply. $100,000
Date: 10/24/2024 (LOI)
Bright Focus Foundation
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Ophthalmology; Glaucoma

Award Grant: Standard Award
The standard award provides significant funding for researchers who have already generated some amount of preliminary data, but are often required to demonstrate additional, significant progress before they can apply to governmental or industrial funding agencies. Postdoctoral researchers.  $200,000 over 2 years

Date:  10/31/24
Bright Focus Foundation
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Ophthalmology; Glaucoma

Award Grant: Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
Postdoctoral fellowship awards are intended for young researchers in their final stages of mentored training. These awards fund projects in an established laboratory that will serve as the basis for the applicant's own independent research career. Candidates must hold an MD, PhD, DVM, DO, OD or equivalent degree; Researchers within four years of degree conferral or end of residency or fellowship.  $150,000 over 2 years

Date: 10/31/24
The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
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Ophthalmology; Glaucoma

Award Grant: Dr. David L. Epstein Award
Solving the complex issues of glaucoma through well-conceived and executed scientific research focused on finding the causes and new treatments for the disease. Senior-level investigators; ARVO members; record of successfully mentoring clinician-scientists to independent academic and research careers. $100,000

Date: 10/1/24
Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation
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Orthopedics; Paralysis; Equity

Award Grant: Direct Effect and Priority Impact Grants 
The aim of the Reeve Foundation’s new grants program is to fund projects that explicitly benefit people living with paralysis in unserved and underserved rural communities. Projects will focus on promoting accessibility and participation in rural communities through foci such as (not inclusive): Transportation, Assistive Technology and Durable Medical Equipment, Employment and education, Peer and Family Support Groups, Health, Agriculture and access to healthy foods Established nonprofit agencies, municipalities, schools, parks and recreation departments, tribal entities, and large national nonprofit organizations within the United States of America. $25,000-$100,000 (dependent on tier)

Date: 10/8/24
The Morton Cure Paralysis Fund
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Orthopedics; Spinal Cord Injury/Central Nervous System Disorders

Award Grant: Research Grant 
Focus areas on understanding the effects of Spinal Cord Injury at the cellular level, particular with emphasis on that which determines apoptosis and/or prohibits regrowth; Studying strategies to promote neuronal growth and survival, encourage formation of synapses, enhance production of myelin, restore conduction capabilities, or otherwise lead to restoration of the compromised circuitry in the acutely and chronically injured. Both scientists or postdoctoral fellows can serve as PI - postdocs need appropriate reference letters. Up to $75,000

Date: 10/31/24
Francis Families Foundation
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Pulmonology, Sleep Medicine, Critical Care/EM

Award Grant: Parker B. Francis Fellowship Program 
Basic, clinical, or translational research in science related to Pulmonary, Critical Care, or Sleep Medicine: potential topics are (but not limited to) ethics of clinical trials in critical care, end-of-life decisions and resource allocation. The context should remain pulmonary biology and lung disease.  A Ph.D. or other non-M.D. scientist no more than seven years beyond completion of their doctoral degree or an M.D. scientist no more than seven years beyond clinical training (i.e., residency, internship, clinical fellowship) at the time of application. $225,000 over 3 years

Date: 10/10/24
American Sleep Medicine Foundation
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Award Grant: Strategic Research Grant
This grant is investigator-initiated and supports high-impact research projects aimed at addressing gaps in knowledge that impact the ability to provide optimal, patient-centered, cost-effective diagnosis and care for patients with sleep disorders. Individuals with the following education and training are eligible to apply: Master’s level degree or higher. $250,000

Society of Toxicology
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Award Grant: Colgate-Palmolive Postdoctoral Fellowship Award in In Vitro Toxicology
Advance the development of alternatives to animal testing in toxicological research. Postdoctoral trainees in their first year of study beyond the PhD, MD, or DVM degree who are at academic institutions, federal/national laboratories, or research institutes worldwide may apply. $44,000

Date: 10/9/24