DNA, Molecule, Chemistry in laboratory lab testThe first DNA & molecule plate model: SONY A7 24 mp.

March 2025

Organization / Website Specialty Area / Award/Grant Description Target Audience / Eligibility Award Amount / Deadline
American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS)
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Award Grant: Research Foundation Grants and Awards
The Society offers a range of grant opportunities distributing funds made available by the Research Foundation Board of Trustees to members of the Society. There are two cycles of funding opportunities, spring and fall, but only Limited Project Grants are funded twice a year. See speficic awards for eligibility.  $4,000-$150,000 depending on award

Date: 3/15/25
Additional Ventures
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Award Grant: Catalyst to Independence Award
The Catalyst to Independence Award provides support for outstanding investigators pursuing topics relevant to single ventricle heart disease and aligned with the specific focus areas in the Roadmap – genetics, basic cardiovascular development, tissue engineering, computational modeling, and other relevant areas. Applicants must have earned a PhD, MD, or doctoral equivalent more than 3 years prior to the application due date and must have held their current role for at least 2 years; must have current postdoctoral fellow or instructor status (or equivalent) and be in non-independent, mentored positions; commit minimum 9 months to the proposed research. $1.2M over 6 years

Date: 3/14/2025 (LOI)
American Association for Cancer Research
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Award Grant: AACR-EMD Serono “I’M IN” Oncodisparity Fellowships in Lung and Urothelial Cancers
Research projects should specifically address disparities in oncology care in the area of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) or advanced urothelial carcinoma care and address barriers leading to inequality of cancer care that exist in institutions and within society at large. Preference will be given to proposals which seek to implement strategies or interventions to address, mitigate or eliminate one of more of these areas:
Awareness – raising awareness within the medical and patient communities that racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities in lung and urothelial cancer care exist and their impact.
Access to care – access to care includes delays in diagnosis leading to higher stages at presentation and prolonged time intervals to treatment. Access also includes addressing community and societal factors which impact access to care and engaging stakeholders in developing culturally appropriate solutions.
Outcomes – disparities in both access to care and timely cancer care are major drivers for poor outcomes. Identifying points of intervention at the patient/community level, as well as the individual, team and hospital administrative levels, is key to yielding significant improvement in patient outcomes.
Applicants must have a doctoral degree (PhD, MD, MD/PhD, or equivalent) in a related field and not currently be a candidate for a further doctoral degree.
At the start of the grant term , applicants must:
Hold a mentored research position with the title of postdoctoral fellow, clinical research fellow, or the equivalent
Have completed their most recent doctoral degree within the past five years
Applicants with a medical degree must have completed their most recent doctoral degree or medical residency - whichever date is later - within the past five years.
Work under the auspices of a mentor at an academic, medical, or research institution anywhere in the world.

Date: 3/18/25
American Foundation for Surgery of the Hand
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American Foundation for Surgery of the Hand

Award Grant: Andrew J. Weiland Medal
Contributed a body of research that advances the field.  The medal recognizes and supports outstanding research in hand surgery in order to continue Dr. Weiland’s vision for the field of hand surgery.  It is awarded to a mid-career surgeon who is up to 60 years of age, or a surgeon who is less than 20 years from hand fellowship training. $20,000

Date: 3/31/25
American Hand Therapy Foundation
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Physical Therapy

Award Grant: Burkhalter New Investigator Grant for Clinical Research in Hand and Upper Limb Rehabilitation
Experimental, non-experimental, pilot studies, quasi-experimental, measurement, or qualitative studies designed to advance the clinical practice of hand and upper extremity rehabilitation in categories identified by the AHTF research priorities will be considered. Occupational or physical therapist clinicians, graduate students, or faculty at accredited occupational/physical therapy programs are eligible for this award. At least one member of the research team must be a member of ASHT.  $15,000

Date: 3/1/25
American Hand Therapy Foundation
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Physical Therapy

Award Grant: Judy Bell-Krotoski “Grab the Evidence” Award
Experimental studies, pilot studies, or systematic reviews/meta-analyses which support the evidence of hand and upper extremity rehabilitation in the diagnostic categories identified by the AHTF research priorities or by the specific donor’s research priorities will be considered. Occupational or physical therapist clinicians, graduate students, or faculty at accredited occupational/physical therapy programs are eligible for this award. At least one member of the research team must be a member of ASHT.  $25,000

Date: 3/1/25
American Hand Therapy Foundation
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Physical Therapy

Award Grant: Tri-Alliance Grant Honoring ASHT Founders 
Research within any domain of hand therapy accepted. Randomized or experimental study designs, including quantitative, mixed methods, or qualitative designs that aim to advance the clinical practice of hand and upper extremity rehabilitation.  Occupational or physical therapist: clinicians, graduate students, or faculty at accredited occupational/physical therapy programs are eligible for this award. At least one member of the research team must be a member of ASHT. $45,000

Date: 3/1/25
American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine
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Award Grant
: AOSSM-JRF Ortho Allograft Grant
support a basic science or clinical research project to advance insight into meniscal or osteochondral allografts. Applications must describe a basic science or a clinical research project surrounding viable Osteochondral Allograft (OCA) transplantation or meniscus allograft transplantation of the knee. Criteria and metrics utilized in the study must be determined by best scientific evidence or best demonstrated practices and designed to improve the understanding of, and research evidence regarding, OCA or meniscus allograft transplantation. Proposals with translational or advancement of clinical care will be reviewed favorably. The PI must be a licensed orthopaedic surgeon in the United States working in an institution in the United States. Any investigative team seeking this grant must include at least one member of AOSSM AND The Forum OR the J. R. Gladden Sports Medicine in good standing. No AOSSM Board officer (e.g., President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, etc.) may be a named investigator on any application. There is no requirement for Principal Investigators to have obtained peer-reviewed funding. $50,000

Date: 3/15/25
American Psychological Foundation
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Award Grant:
 Esther Katz Rosen Fund for the study of Gifted Children and Youth
Studies related to the advancement and application of knowledge about gifted children; enhance development of idnetified giften/talented children and adolescents.  Doctoral degree or current graduate student. $45,000

Date: 3/6/25
American Society of Clinical Oncology
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Oncology; Breast

Award Grant: Young Investigator Award in Diversity and Inclusion in Breast Cancer Research
The purpose of this award is to fund physicians during the transition from a fellowship program to a faculty appointment as they seek to build a career in clinical breast cancer research. The YIA is a mentored award, and the research project must be conducted under the guidance of a scientific mentor. Applications are accepted from U.S. and international applicants. Self-identify as a member of a racial and/or ethnic group traditionally excluded in academic medicine according to the AAMC definition (include but are not limited to: American Indian/Alaska Native, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, and Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander). Be a physician (MD, DO, or international equivalent) working in any country and currently in the last two years of their final oncology subspecialty training at an academic medical institution and within 10 years of obtaining their medical degree at the time of grant submission. Be working in an oncology laboratory or clinical research setting. Have a mentor in the proposed research field from the sponsoring institution. The mentor must assume responsibility and provide guidance for the research. If the mentor is not an ASCO member, a supporting letter from an ASCO member from the sponsoring institution must be included. Be an ASCO member or have submitted a membership application with the grant application. $200,000

Date: 3/13/25
Aneurysm and AVM Foundation
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Award Grant: Cerebrovascular Research Grant Awards
The Aneurysm and AVM Foundation (TAAF) invites applications for scientific research projects that will advance our understanding of cerebrovascular diseases, specifically as they relate to aneurysms, AVMs, and complex vascular malformations. TAAF Grants aim to support innovative research strategies that can lead to novel therapies, improved clinical management, and better recovery outcomes for both adult and pediatric patients. Individuals involved in basic science, clinical care and epidemiological studies may submit applications. $25,000

Date: 3/24/25
ATS Foundation Unrestricted Grants
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Award Grant: American Thoracic Society
The focus of these research grants is to support junior investigators interested in research that advances the knowledge and understanding of the three pillars of the ATS: pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine. A primary goal of the ATS Research Program is to enable junior investigators the chance to make the transition to careers as established investigators. Within 0-10 years of terminal degree (e.g. MD, PhD) or completing postdoctoral training, if applicable. For the current grant cycle, this means that you must have received your terminal degree or completed postdoctoral training no earlier than 2015. $40,000

Date: 3/12/25 (LOI)
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Oncology; Neurology

Award Grant: Brain Cancer Research Investigator Grant
Clinical projects are encouraged, as well as translational projects with significant clinical promise. Projects for adult and pediatric brain cancer research will be considered.  Applicants must be full time faculty; clinical or translational research, with the intention of applying for R01 NIH funding or the equivalent within five years, or innovative research to bridge from bench to animal research or to acquire preclinical data from animal models.  $50,000

Date: 3/3/25
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Oncology; Neuroscience

Award Grant: Brain Oncology Research Investigator Grant
Fund innovative brain Oncology research to end brain Oncology; Clinical and translational projects with significant clinical promise will be considered. Both adult and pediatric brain Oncology projects will be considered. Full-time faculty, the intention of applying for R01 NIH funding or the equivalent within five years, or innovative research to bridge from bench to animal research or to acquire preclinical data from animal

Date: 3/3/25
Bay Area Lyme Foundation
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Medicine; Lyme Disease

Award Grant: Emerging Leader Awards
These grants support new and innovative projects and aim to attract aspiring new scientific talent to the field of Lyme. Candidate applications must include a viable proposal for a proof-of-concept project to be funded, in part or in sum, by the grant award. Healthcare insitutions. $150,000

Date: 3/7/25
Ben and Catherine Ivy Foundation
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Award Grant: Translational Adult Glioma Grant Award
High-impact, high-reward translational research for glioblastoma.  This award is intended to support projects designed to contribute to identifying therapies that will impact the survival of patients with brain cancer. A PhD, MD or equivalent is required. Only one submission per applicant is permitted every calendar year. Applicants need not be U.S. citizens, but must be employed by a U.S. non-profit academic institution. $600,000 over 2 years

Date: 3/1/25
Breast Cancer Alliance
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Oncology; Breast

Award Grant: Exceptional Project Grants 
Awards unique, innovative basic, translational, or clinical research in the field of breast cancer.  Clinicians and researchers at any stage of their career; only 2 LOIs per institution  $100,000

Date: 3/31/2025 (LOI)
Childhood Brain Tumor Foundation
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Oncology; Neuroscience; Pediatrics

Award Grant: Research Grant
Proposals should: improve our understanding of the biology of pediatric brain tumors, improve the treatment of childhood brain tumors, reduce or ameliorate tumor or treatment related sequelae, heighten public awareness of childhood tumors and improve the lives of children with brain tumors and their families. Doctoral degree. $60,000

Date: 3/17/25
Cystinosis Research Foundation
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Nephrology; Genetics; Cystinosis

Award Grant: Research and Fellowship Applications
Fund proposals to improve the immediate care of children and adults with cystinosis and to develop a new understanding and treatment of cystinosis in an effort to help these patient in the futureor cystinosis. Doctoral degree or equivalent. Research Award: Various; Postdoc Fellowship: up to $150,000

Date: 3/12/25
Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
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Award Grant: Fellowship Award
All theoretical and experimental research relevant to the study of cancer and the search for cancer causes, mechanisms, therapies and prevention. Applicants must have completed one or more of the following degrees or its equivalent: MD, PhD, MD/PhD, DDS, DVM, DO. The applicant must include a copy of their diploma to confirm date of conferral.  Varies

Date: 3/17/25
Fibrolamellar Cancer Foundation
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Award Grant: Fibrolamellar Research Funding
FCF aims to drive and support high-impact research that is critical for the discovery of better treatments for FLC. To that end, we offer funding opportunities to both academic and industry investigators intended to support the research priorities identified by our Medical & Scientific Advisory Board. Applicants must be employed by an institution engaged in health-related research. The research must focus specifically on FLC. Studies should be intended to advance knowledge relevant to the understanding, diagnosis, epidemiology, or treatment of FLC. Unspecified

Date: 3/1/25
Foundation for Women's Wellness
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Women's Health

Award Grant: Women’s Health Research Awards
FWW Research Awards target small, short-term studies on leading women’s health concerns including cardiovascular disease, female cancers, the role of hormones in disease and stage-of-life health concerns, diseases disproportionately affecting women, and areas where sex differences need clarity. Lead investigator must be an MD and/or PhD with faculty appointment at an accredited U.S. academic institution or similar nonprofit medical research institution that receives NIH and/or public foundation grants. $25,000

Date: 3/15/25
Glaucoma Foundation
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Opthamology; Glaucoma

Award Grant: Research Grant- Exfoliation Syndrome and Exfoliation Glaucoma, Pressure Independent Mechanisms of Glaucoma, Neuroprotection, and Genetics of Glaucomas that affect people under the age of 40 years
The areas of current focus for TGF’s Grant Research program are exfoliation syndrome, exfoliation glaucoma and intraocular pressure-independent mechanisms of optic nerve degeneration in glaucoma. Full Time faculty or equivalent. $75,000

Date: 3/17/25
Melanoma Research Foundation
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Oncology; Melanoma; Dermatology

Award Grant: Career Development Award
 This year, in addition to general CDAs, the MRF will again offer the Silverstein Family Research Grant Challenge Women in Science Award/WIS CDA. Applicants who are postdoctoral fellows must have less than 5 years of postdoctoral experience at the time the grant will be awarded and must not have previously received any major grant support (e.g. from ACS, NIH, NCI, or DoD). $50,000 per year up to 2 years

Date: 3/31/25
Melanoma Research Foundation
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Oncology; Melanoma; Dermatology

Award Grant: Established Investigator Award
Award goals include 1) to help identify and support the next generation of melanoma scientists and 2) to focus on either improving clinical outcomes for patients with melanoma being treated with immuno‐oncology agents or advancing the scientific understanding of immuno‐oncology and the role of the immune system in melanoma. Applicants must have a title equivalent to Associate Professor or higher at the time of the grant submission. Both tenured and non-tenured track faculty are encouraged to apply. $125,000 per year up to 2 years

Date: 3/31/25
Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation
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Award Grant: Innovation in Allografts Translational Grants
Proposed studies should focus on innovative translational and clinical research in the fields of tissue allograft transplantation and science, novel uses of allografts, combination with other biomaterials to enhance properties, and transformative regenerative medicine technologies relying on allograft tissues and matrices. Applicants may apply to either Junior Investigator or Established Investigator Track. Award amount varies by track. $75,000- $250,000

Date: 3/14/2025 (LOI) 
National MPS Society
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Medicine; MPS Disorders; Genetics

Award Grant: Investigator-Initiated Research Grants 
Funds research that may lead to treatments for MPS diseases and solicits applications for innovative research projects that involve basic research, translational studies and clinical research. Funding can also be requested for a research fellowship.  Only one research or fellowship application per independent laboratory group within an institution; special consideration will be given to new investigators. $100,000

Date: 3/15/2025 (LOI) 
Organization for Autism Research
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Behavioral Health; Autism

Award Grant: Research Grants
OAR seeks to fund studies that expand the body of knowledge related to autism intervention and treatment, produce practical and clearly objective results, have the potential to positively affect public policy, and provide outcomes that offer to enhance quality of life for persons with autism and their families.  OAR has placed special emphasis on research addressing the following areas: Community-Engaged Research; Community-Based Assessment and Intervention; Community-Living and Supports; Gender, Reproductive, and Sexual Health; Physical Health and Mental Health; Improving Access to and Effectiveness of Existing Systems and Services; Intersectionality, Equity and Diversity; and Mid-life and Older Adults. Must hold a doctoral degree and maintain a faculty position.  $50,000

Date: 3/17/2025 (LOI)
Prostate Cancer Foundation
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Award Grant: Young Investigator Awards
Research proposals addressing disparities in care experienced by patients with prostate cancer may focus on implementation research in various populations (e.g. urban vs rural, racial, geographic or financial) or in drivers of care and outcome disparities that could potentially be addressed through changes in policy, advocacy or education. Applicants are encouraged to solicit and integrate advice from patients, patient support groups or advocates. Letters of support demonstrating such relationships are recommended.  Applicant must be within six years following completion of a professional degree; must hold the title of Postdoctoral Fellow, Instructor, Research Associate, Assistant Professor or equivalent; must be under the direct supervision of a mentor(s). At least one mentor at the applicant’s institution is required; the Applicant should not have been granted commitments for more than $1,000,000 in direct research funding from all sources including institutional funds at the time of this application. If you have raised more than a total of $1,000,000 for your research program, please contact PCF to discuss your eligibility.   $225,000

Date: 3/10/25
Pulmonary Hypertension Association
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Pulmonology; Hypertension

Award Grant: Pediatric PH Research Award
Pulmonary Hypertension Association’s Pediatric PH Research Award is to support research that could have a great impact towards advancing the field of pediatric pulmonary hypertension research. The PHA Pediatric PH Research Award will support a pilot study that would provide foundational research for a larger study and support additional grant submissions. Applicants should have a post-baccalaureate Ph.D. degree or equivalent, or a doctoral-level clinical degree such as MD, DO, PharmD or Ph.D. in public health or other clinical health sciences or be an advanced practice providers or in nursing who have complete all fellowship, post-doctoral training, or appropriate training. Early and mid-career researchers are encouraged to apply. $60,000

Date: 3/1/25
ResMed Foundation
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Sleep and Respiratory Health

Award Grant: Clinical Research Proposal
Promote novel research as well as public and physician awareness of sleep disordered breathing, with a primary focus on positive airway pressure therapies and ventilation-based treatments; morbidies associated with SDB; emphasis on hypertension, coronary disease, heart failure, atrial fibrillation. Not specified. Various

Date: 3/15/25
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
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Health Policy

Award Grant: Health Policy Research Scholars
Health Policy Research Scholars (HPRS) is a four-year national leadership development program for full-time doctoral students from a wide range of nonclinical, research-focused disciplines in which policy is a key lever for change. HPRS builds on RWJF’s vision of leadership as a dynamic, transformative, relational process of change aimed at repairing damage from historical and structural injustices and oppression. The program is for doctoral students who are deeply committed to research that works to advance antiracism and structural change work aligned with the health needs of the most impacted communities. HPRS supports researchers from diverse backgrounds, particularly those with lived experiences of inequity, marginalization, and oppression. Applicants must be starting full-time, second-year doctoral studies in a research-based program in fall 2025 at a degree-granting institution. $30,000

Date: 3/11/25
Saving Tiny Hearts Society
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Cardiology; Pediatrics

Award Grant: Research Grants
These research grants are intended to fund early stage science with unique hypotheses fostering the next generation of congenital heart defect research, thus, creating a strong foundation of preliminary evidence to make scientific advancements. Research faculty involved in related research. $100,000

Date: 3/17/25
Scoliosis Research Society
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Orthopedics; Scoliosis

Award Grant: Standard Research Grant
The Society expects that these grants will lay the foundation for a sustained avenue of investigation and allow the investigator(s) to seek larger grants from sources such as the NIH or OREF. Applicants do not need to be members of the SRS but do need to have at least one SRS member as a co-investigator. $75,000 over 2 years

Date: 3/15/2025 (LOI)
Orthopedics; Scoliosis
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Award Grant: SRS Resident/Fellow Research Grant 
The Resident/Fellow Research grants are meant to allow residents/fellows to pursue avenues of interest to prepare them for a lifelong research career.  Open to all residents/fellows in good standing in an Orthopaedic or Neurosurgery training program. $10,000

Date: 3/15/2025 (LOI)
Scoliosis Research Society
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Orthopedics; Scoliosis

Award Grant: Cotrel Foundation Basic Research Grant
The SRS-Cotrel Foundation basic science research grant is conceived to support projects that will be performing work in Pediatric Scoliosis. Projects investigating molecular and cellular mechanisms, medical imaging as well as characterizing biomechanical aspects underlying the disease are eligible. Applicants do not need to be members of the SRS but do need to have at least one SRS member as a co-investigator. $50,000 over 2 years

Date: 3/15/2025 (LOI)
Scoliosis Research Society
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Orthopedics; Scoliosis

Award Grant: Biederman Innovation Award
The Biedermann Innovation Research Award shall be designed to support innovative research by young clinical investigators in the field of spine deformity. Recipients should be young Active or Candidate SRS members (age 45 or younger at the time the award is given) who have demonstrated clinical or translational research promise and have submitted a research proposal designed to enhance innovation in spinal deformity treatment. $75,000

Date: 3/15/2025 (LOI)
Scoliosis Research Society
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Orthopedics; Scoliosis
Award Grant: New Investigator Research Grant
New investigator research grants are meant to stimulate younger members into a career of investigation in spinal deformity. Applicants do not need to be members of the SRS but do need to have at least one SRS member as a co-investigator. $30,000 over 2 years

Date: 3/15/2025 (LOI)
Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation
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Rheumatology; Sjogren's Syndrome

Award Grant: High Impact Research Award
This award will support more fully developed research proposals, which should already have the necessary preliminary data and methodology in place to move forward into the next phase of the project. Basic or clinical scientist; physicians should have advanced clinical training in a specialty related to Sjogren's such as rheumatology or ophthalmology. $100,000 over 1-3 years

Date:  3/1/25
Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation
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Rheumatology; Sjogren's Syndrome

Award Grant: Pilot Research Award 
This award will assist investigators in conducting feasibility studies, collecting preliminary data, or other research assistance necessary to advance their project and should help prepare them to pursue additional, larger forms of grant funding.  Basic or clinical scientist; physicians should have advanced clinical training in a specialty related to Sjogren's such as rheumatology or ophthalmology. $50,000 over 1-2 years

Date: 3/1/25
Society for Vascular Surgery
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Surgery; Vascular

Award Grant: Clinical Research Seed Grant
The Clinical Research Seed Grant program has the following goals: encourage the interest and development of clinical investigators among the SVS membership, particularly junior members or those with limited prior experience as Principal Investigators and provide direct support for pilot clinical projects that have potential to develop into larger studies fundable by industry or governmental sources. The Principal Investigator for the Clinical Research Seed Grant must be 1) an SVS Active Member within the first 10 years of practice or 2) a fellowship- or integrated residency-trained, board-eligible, vascular surgeon within the first 10 years of practice with a full-time faculty position with an SVS Active Member serving as mentor. Residents and fellows are not eligible. $25,000

Date: 3/1/25
The Heed Ophthalmic Foundation
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Award Grant: Heed Fellowship
To encourage and support education and research in ophthalmology and the ophthalmic sciences by providing postgraduate fellowships to individuals of exceptional ability. Graduate from an accredited medical school, school of osteopathic medicine, or holder of ECFMG certificate; Must complete fellowship within 3 years of residency. Fellowship has to take place in the United States; A minimum of 20% of the fellowship is required to be spent in research. $10,000

Date: 3/1/25
Thrasher Research Fund
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Award Grant: Early Career Award (Pediatric Research) 
The purpose of this program is to encourage the development of medical research in child health by awarding small grants to new researchers, helping them gain a foothold in this important area. The goal is to fund applicants who will go on to be independent investigators. Those eligible to apply: physicians who are in a residency/fellowship training program, or who completed that program no more than one year before the date of submission of the Concept Paper; Post-doctoral researchers who received the doctoral level degree no more than three years prior to the date of submission of the Concept Paper. A new investigator who holds a National Institutes of Health (NIH) K award (including a K12 award) or a Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) is not eligible to apply for the Early Career Award. $25,000

Date: 3/18/2025 (LOI)
Organization / Website Specialty Area / Award/Grant Description Target Audience / Eligibility Award Amount / Deadline
American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS)
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Award Grant: Research Foundation Grants and Awards
The Society offers a range of grant opportunities distributing funds made available by the Research Foundation Board of Trustees to members of the Society. There are two cycles of funding opportunities, spring and fall, but only Limited Project Grants are funded twice a year. See speficic awards for eligibility.  $4,000-$150,000 depending on award

Date: 3/15/25
Additional Ventures
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Award Grant: Catalyst to Independence Award
The Catalyst to Independence Award provides support for outstanding investigators pursuing topics relevant to single ventricle heart disease and aligned with the specific focus areas in the Roadmap – genetics, basic cardiovascular development, tissue engineering, computational modeling, and other relevant areas. Applicants must have earned a PhD, MD, or doctoral equivalent more than 3 years prior to the application due date and must have held their current role for at least 2 years; must have current postdoctoral fellow or instructor status (or equivalent) and be in non-independent, mentored positions; commit minimum 9 months to the proposed research. $1.2M over 6 years

Date: 3/14/2025 (LOI)
American Association for Cancer Research
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Award Grant: AACR-EMD Serono “I’M IN” Oncodisparity Fellowships in Lung and Urothelial Cancers
Research projects should specifically address disparities in oncology care in the area of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) or advanced urothelial carcinoma care and address barriers leading to inequality of cancer care that exist in institutions and within society at large. Preference will be given to proposals which seek to implement strategies or interventions to address, mitigate or eliminate one of more of these areas:
Awareness – raising awareness within the medical and patient communities that racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities in lung and urothelial cancer care exist and their impact.
Access to care – access to care includes delays in diagnosis leading to higher stages at presentation and prolonged time intervals to treatment. Access also includes addressing community and societal factors which impact access to care and engaging stakeholders in developing culturally appropriate solutions.
Outcomes – disparities in both access to care and timely cancer care are major drivers for poor outcomes. Identifying points of intervention at the patient/community level, as well as the individual, team and hospital administrative levels, is key to yielding significant improvement in patient outcomes.
Applicants must have a doctoral degree (PhD, MD, MD/PhD, or equivalent) in a related field and not currently be a candidate for a further doctoral degree.
At the start of the grant term , applicants must:
Hold a mentored research position with the title of postdoctoral fellow, clinical research fellow, or the equivalent
Have completed their most recent doctoral degree within the past five years
Applicants with a medical degree must have completed their most recent doctoral degree or medical residency - whichever date is later - within the past five years.
Work under the auspices of a mentor at an academic, medical, or research institution anywhere in the world.

Date: 3/18/25
American Foundation for Surgery of the Hand
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American Foundation for Surgery of the Hand

Award Grant: Andrew J. Weiland Medal
Contributed a body of research that advances the field.  The medal recognizes and supports outstanding research in hand surgery in order to continue Dr. Weiland’s vision for the field of hand surgery.  It is awarded to a mid-career surgeon who is up to 60 years of age, or a surgeon who is less than 20 years from hand fellowship training. $20,000

Date: 3/31/25
American Hand Therapy Foundation
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Physical Therapy

Award Grant: Burkhalter New Investigator Grant for Clinical Research in Hand and Upper Limb Rehabilitation
Experimental, non-experimental, pilot studies, quasi-experimental, measurement, or qualitative studies designed to advance the clinical practice of hand and upper extremity rehabilitation in categories identified by the AHTF research priorities will be considered. Occupational or physical therapist clinicians, graduate students, or faculty at accredited occupational/physical therapy programs are eligible for this award. At least one member of the research team must be a member of ASHT.  $15,000

Date: 3/1/25
American Hand Therapy Foundation
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Physical Therapy

Award Grant: Judy Bell-Krotoski “Grab the Evidence” Award
Experimental studies, pilot studies, or systematic reviews/meta-analyses which support the evidence of hand and upper extremity rehabilitation in the diagnostic categories identified by the AHTF research priorities or by the specific donor’s research priorities will be considered. Occupational or physical therapist clinicians, graduate students, or faculty at accredited occupational/physical therapy programs are eligible for this award. At least one member of the research team must be a member of ASHT.  $25,000

Date: 3/1/25
American Hand Therapy Foundation
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Physical Therapy

Award Grant: Tri-Alliance Grant Honoring ASHT Founders 
Research within any domain of hand therapy accepted. Randomized or experimental study designs, including quantitative, mixed methods, or qualitative designs that aim to advance the clinical practice of hand and upper extremity rehabilitation.  Occupational or physical therapist: clinicians, graduate students, or faculty at accredited occupational/physical therapy programs are eligible for this award. At least one member of the research team must be a member of ASHT. $45,000

Date: 3/1/25
American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine
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Award Grant
: AOSSM-JRF Ortho Allograft Grant
support a basic science or clinical research project to advance insight into meniscal or osteochondral allografts. Applications must describe a basic science or a clinical research project surrounding viable Osteochondral Allograft (OCA) transplantation or meniscus allograft transplantation of the knee. Criteria and metrics utilized in the study must be determined by best scientific evidence or best demonstrated practices and designed to improve the understanding of, and research evidence regarding, OCA or meniscus allograft transplantation. Proposals with translational or advancement of clinical care will be reviewed favorably. The PI must be a licensed orthopaedic surgeon in the United States working in an institution in the United States. Any investigative team seeking this grant must include at least one member of AOSSM AND The Forum OR the J. R. Gladden Sports Medicine in good standing. No AOSSM Board officer (e.g., President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, etc.) may be a named investigator on any application. There is no requirement for Principal Investigators to have obtained peer-reviewed funding. $50,000

Date: 3/15/25
American Psychological Foundation
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Award Grant:
Esther Katz Rosen Fund for the study of Gifted Children and Youth
Studies related to the advancement and application of knowledge about gifted children; enhance development of idnetified giften/talented children and adolescents.  Doctoral degree or current graduate student. $45,000

Date: 3/6/25
American Society of Clinical Oncology
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Oncology; Breast

Award Grant: Young Investigator Award in Diversity and Inclusion in Breast Cancer Research
The purpose of this award is to fund physicians during the transition from a fellowship program to a faculty appointment as they seek to build a career in clinical breast cancer research. The YIA is a mentored award, and the research project must be conducted under the guidance of a scientific mentor. Applications are accepted from U.S. and international applicants. Self-identify as a member of a racial and/or ethnic group traditionally excluded in academic medicine according to the AAMC definition (include but are not limited to: American Indian/Alaska Native, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, and Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander). Be a physician (MD, DO, or international equivalent) working in any country and currently in the last two years of their final oncology subspecialty training at an academic medical institution and within 10 years of obtaining their medical degree at the time of grant submission. Be working in an oncology laboratory or clinical research setting. Have a mentor in the proposed research field from the sponsoring institution. The mentor must assume responsibility and provide guidance for the research. If the mentor is not an ASCO member, a supporting letter from an ASCO member from the sponsoring institution must be included. Be an ASCO member or have submitted a membership application with the grant application. $200,000

Date: 3/13/25
American Society of Clinical Oncology
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Oncology; Lymphoma

Award Grant: Frist Family Endowed Young Investigator Award (YIA) in Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL)
Provides funding to promising investigators to encourage and promote quality clinical research in MCL. The purpose of this award is to fund physicians during the transition from a fellowship program to a faculty appointment.  Applicant must be a physician (MD, DO, or international equivalent)  currently in the last two years of his/her final subspecialty training at an academic medical institution and within 10 years of obtaining his/her medical degree at the time of grant submission; An MD, PhD is eligible if both degrees are completed prior to the start of the grant period. $50,000

Date: 3/13/25
Aneurysm and AVM Foundation
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Award Grant: Cerebrovascular Research Grant Awards
The Aneurysm and AVM Foundation (TAAF) invites applications for scientific research projects that will advance our understanding of cerebrovascular diseases, specifically as they relate to aneurysms, AVMs, and complex vascular malformations. TAAF Grants aim to support innovative research strategies that can lead to novel therapies, improved clinical management, and better recovery outcomes for both adult and pediatric patients. Individuals involved in basic science, clinical care and epidemiological studies may submit applications. $25,000

Date: 3/24/25
ATS Foundation Unrestricted Grants
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Award Grant: American Thoracic Society
The focus of these research grants is to support junior investigators interested in research that advances the knowledge and understanding of the three pillars of the ATS: pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine. A primary goal of the ATS Research Program is to enable junior investigators the chance to make the transition to careers as established investigators. Within 0-10 years of terminal degree (e.g. MD, PhD) or completing postdoctoral training, if applicable. For the current grant cycle, this means that you must have received your terminal degree or completed postdoctoral training no earlier than 2015. $40,000

Date: 3/12/25 (LOI)
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Oncology; Neurology

Award Grant: Brain Cancer Research Investigator Grant
Clinical projects are encouraged, as well as translational projects with significant clinical promise. Projects for adult and pediatric brain cancer research will be considered.  Applicants must be full time faculty; clinical or translational research, with the intention of applying for R01 NIH funding or the equivalent within five years, or innovative research to bridge from bench to animal research or to acquire preclinical data from animal models.  $50,000

Date: 3/3/25
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Oncology; Neuroscience

Award Grant: Brain Oncology Research Investigator Grant
Fund innovative brain Oncology research to end brain Oncology; Clinical and translational projects with significant clinical promise will be considered. Both adult and pediatric brain Oncology projects will be considered. Full-time faculty, the intention of applying for R01 NIH funding or the equivalent within five years, or innovative research to bridge from bench to animal research or to acquire preclinical data from animal

Date: 3/3/25
Bay Area Lyme Foundation
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Medicine; Lyme Disease

Award Grant: Emerging Leader Awards
These grants support new and innovative projects and aim to attract aspiring new scientific talent to the field of Lyme. Candidate applications must include a viable proposal for a proof-of-concept project to be funded, in part or in sum, by the grant award. Healthcare insitutions. $150,000

Date: 3/7/25
Ben and Catherine Ivy Foundation
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Award Grant: Translational Adult Glioma Grant Award
High-impact, high-reward translational research for glioblastoma.  This award is intended to support projects designed to contribute to identifying therapies that will impact the survival of patients with brain cancer. A PhD, MD or equivalent is required. Only one submission per applicant is permitted every calendar year. Applicants need not be U.S. citizens, but must be employed by a U.S. non-profit academic institution. $600,000 over 2 years

Date: 3/1/25
Breast Cancer Alliance
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Oncology; Breast

Award Grant: Exceptional Project Grants 
Awards unique, innovative basic, translational, or clinical research in the field of breast cancer.  Clinicians and researchers at any stage of their career; only 2 LOIs per institution  $100,000

Date: 3/31/2025 (LOI)
Childhood Brain Tumor Foundation
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Oncology; Neuroscience; Pediatrics

Award Grant: Research Grant
Proposals should: improve our understanding of the biology of pediatric brain tumors, improve the treatment of childhood brain tumors, reduce or ameliorate tumor or treatment related sequelae, heighten public awareness of childhood tumors and improve the lives of children with brain tumors and their families. Doctoral degree. $60,000

Date: 3/17/25
Cystinosis Research Foundation
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Nephrology; Genetics; Cystinosis

Award Grant: Research and Fellowship Applications
Fund proposals to improve the immediate care of children and adults with cystinosis and to develop a new understanding and treatment of cystinosis in an effort to help these patient in the futureor cystinosis. Doctoral degree or equivalent. Research Award: Various; Postdoc Fellowship: up to $150,000

Date: 3/12/25
Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
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Award Grant: Fellowship Award
All theoretical and experimental research relevant to the study of cancer and the search for cancer causes, mechanisms, therapies and prevention. Applicants must have completed one or more of the following degrees or its equivalent: MD, PhD, MD/PhD, DDS, DVM, DO. The applicant must include a copy of their diploma to confirm date of conferral.  Varies

Date: 3/17/25
Fibrolamellar Cancer Foundation
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Award Grant: Fibrolamellar Research Funding
FCF aims to drive and support high-impact research that is critical for the discovery of better treatments for FLC. To that end, we offer funding opportunities to both academic and industry investigators intended to support the research priorities identified by our Medical & Scientific Advisory Board. Applicants must be employed by an institution engaged in health-related research. The research must focus specifically on FLC. Studies should be intended to advance knowledge relevant to the understanding, diagnosis, epidemiology, or treatment of FLC. Unspecified

Date: 3/1/25
Foundation for Women's Wellness
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Women's Health

Award Grant: Women’s Health Research Awards
FWW Research Awards target small, short-term studies on leading women’s health concerns including cardiovascular disease, female cancers, the role of hormones in disease and stage-of-life health concerns, diseases disproportionately affecting women, and areas where sex differences need clarity. Lead investigator must be an MD and/or PhD with faculty appointment at an accredited U.S. academic institution or similar nonprofit medical research institution that receives NIH and/or public foundation grants. $25,000

Date: 3/15/25
Glaucoma Foundation
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Opthamology; Glaucoma

Award Grant: Research Grant- Exfoliation Syndrome and Exfoliation Glaucoma, Pressure Independent Mechanisms of Glaucoma, Neuroprotection, and Genetics of Glaucomas that affect people under the age of 40 years
The areas of current focus for TGF’s Grant Research program are exfoliation syndrome, exfoliation glaucoma and intraocular pressure-independent mechanisms of optic nerve degeneration in glaucoma. Full Time faculty or equivalent. $75,000

Date: 3/17/25
Lung Cancer Research Foundation
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Oncology; Pulmonology

Award Grant: Minority Career Development Award
The LCRF Minority Career Development Award (CDA) for Lung Cancer is a two-year career development award intended to support early-stage scientists from underrepresented groups working in lung cancer and working in diverse areas of research including basic, clinical, translational, disparities, and social determinants of health research. The objective of this award is to increase the number of highly skilled and trained researchers from groups that are historically underrepresented in academia, medicine, and leadership in lung cancer research. Investigators must be from racial or ethnic groups that are underrepresented in health-related sciences and biomedical research.This includes Blacks or African Americans, Hispanics or Latinos, American Indians or Alaskan Natives, Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders. Individuals from racial or ethnic groups that can demonstrate convincingly that they are underrepresented by the host institution will also be eligible; must be post-doctoral researchers, clinical fellows, or early-career and mid-career investigators within 10 years of receiving their MD and/or Ph.D. $150,000

Date: 3/3/25 (LOI)
Lung Cancer Research Foundation
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Oncology; Pulmonology

Award Grant: Research Grants on Overcoming Resistance in Lung Cancer
Mechanisms of resistance to targeted therapies for oncogene-driven lung cancers. Proposals are encouraged in the areas of histological transformation, oligometastatic disease, oligo-remnant disease, uncommon mutations and non-genomic mechanisms of resistance.
Biology and mechanisms of drug resistance to lung cancer therapies including chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiotherapy, and antibody drug conjugates.
Novel treatment approaches and new therapies to overcome and/or prevent resistance to lung cancer therapies.
Novel diagnostic approaches (i.e. biomarkers) to monitor treatment response and relapse.
Overcoming resistance in difficult to treat sites of metastases such as leptomeningeal and brain metastases.
Investigators must must be post-doctoral researchers, clinical fellows, or early-career and mid-career investigators with less than ten years’ experience since their initial faculty appointment. $150,000

Date: 3/3/25 (LOI)
Lung Cancer Research Foundation
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Oncology; Pulmonology

Award Grant: Research Grant on Prevention and Early Detection in Lung Cancer
This funding mechanism is focused on identifying, characterizing, and developing approaches and techniques that will allow early detection and/or risk reduction of lung cancer and gaining insight into pre-neoplastic processes in the lungs. The ultimate goal is to detect lung cancer at the earliest stages and subsequently increase survival and survivorship. The program is designed to support early-stage researchers and faculty within the first 10 years of their faculty appointment. While this list is not exclusive, general areas of interest include: 

Improvements in risk stratification of patients and uptake for screening
Identification and characterization of new biomarkers for NSCLC and SCLC
Development of predictive, diagnostic, or prognostic biomarkers
Liquid biopsy assays and related techniques
Genomic and histological approaches to improve early detection in tissue samples
Novel imaging and computational modalities to identify and risk stratify pre-neoplastic lesions
Implementation science with systematic uptake of evidence-based research findings into routine practices to improve quality and effectiveness of health services for early detection
Studies of pre-neoplasia and progression to lung neoplasia to inform prevention strategies
Development of pathways to increase uptake and utilization of lung cancer screening
Epidemiology studies to identify risk factors and implementation of prevention measures
Development of any new technologies that will aid in identifying early-stage lung cancers
investigators must be affiliated with a non-profit academic or research institution and must be post-doctoral researchers, clinical fellows, or early-career and mid-career investigators with less than ten years’ experience since their initial faculty appointment.  $150,000

Date: 3/3/25 (LOI)
Melanoma Research Foundation
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Oncology; Melanoma; Dermatology

Award Grant: Career Development Award
 This year, in addition to general CDAs, the MRF will again offer the Silverstein Family Research Grant Challenge Women in Science Award/WIS CDA. Applicants who are postdoctoral fellows must have less than 5 years of postdoctoral experience at the time the grant will be awarded and must not have previously received any major grant support (e.g. from ACS, NIH, NCI, or DoD). $50,000 per year up to 2 years

Date: 3/31/25
Melanoma Research Foundation
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Oncology; Melanoma; Dermatology

Award Grant: Established Investigator Award
Award goals include 1) to help identify and support the next generation of melanoma scientists and 2) to focus on either improving clinical outcomes for patients with melanoma being treated with immuno‐oncology agents or advancing the scientific understanding of immuno‐oncology and the role of the immune system in melanoma. Applicants must have a title equivalent to Associate Professor or higher at the time of the grant submission. Both tenured and non-tenured track faculty are encouraged to apply. $125,000 per year up to 2 years

Date: 3/31/25
Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation
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Award Grant: Innovation in Allografts Translational Grants
Proposed studies should focus on innovative translational and clinical research in the fields of tissue allograft transplantation and science, novel uses of allografts, combination with other biomaterials to enhance properties, and transformative regenerative medicine technologies relying on allograft tissues and matrices. Applicants may apply to either Junior Investigator or Established Investigator Track. Award amount varies by track. $75,000- $250,000

Date: 3/14/2025 (LOI) 
National MPS Society
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Medicine; MPS Disorders; Genetics

Award Grant: Investigator-Initiated Research Grants 
Funds research that may lead to treatments for MPS diseases and solicits applications for innovative research projects that involve basic research, translational studies and clinical research. Funding can also be requested for a research fellowship.  Only one research or fellowship application per independent laboratory group within an institution; special consideration will be given to new investigators. $100,000

Date: 3/15/2025 (LOI) 
Organization for Autism Research
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Behavioral Health; Autism

Award Grant: Research Grants
OAR seeks to fund studies that expand the body of knowledge related to autism intervention and treatment, produce practical and clearly objective results, have the potential to positively affect public policy, and provide outcomes that offer to enhance quality of life for persons with autism and their families.  OAR has placed special emphasis on research addressing the following areas: Community-Engaged Research; Community-Based Assessment and Intervention; Community-Living and Supports; Gender, Reproductive, and Sexual Health; Physical Health and Mental Health; Improving Access to and Effectiveness of Existing Systems and Services; Intersectionality, Equity and Diversity; and Mid-life and Older Adults. Must hold a doctoral degree and maintain a faculty position.  $50,000

Date: 3/17/2025 (LOI)
Prostate Cancer Foundation
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Award Grant: Young Investigator Awards
Research proposals addressing disparities in care experienced by patients with prostate cancer may focus on implementation research in various populations (e.g. urban vs rural, racial, geographic or financial) or in drivers of care and outcome disparities that could potentially be addressed through changes in policy, advocacy or education. Applicants are encouraged to solicit and integrate advice from patients, patient support groups or advocates. Letters of support demonstrating such relationships are recommended.  Applicant must be within six years following completion of a professional degree; must hold the title of Postdoctoral Fellow, Instructor, Research Associate, Assistant Professor or equivalent; must be under the direct supervision of a mentor(s). At least one mentor at the applicant’s institution is required; the Applicant should not have been granted commitments for more than $1,000,000 in direct research funding from all sources including institutional funds at the time of this application. If you have raised more than a total of $1,000,000 for your research program, please contact PCF to discuss your eligibility.   $225,000

Date: 3/10/25
Pulmonary Hypertension Association
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Pulmonology; Hypertension

Award Grant: Pediatric PH Research Award
Pulmonary Hypertension Association’s Pediatric PH Research Award is to support research that could have a great impact towards advancing the field of pediatric pulmonary hypertension research. The PHA Pediatric PH Research Award will support a pilot study that would provide foundational research for a larger study and support additional grant submissions. Applicants should have a post-baccalaureate Ph.D. degree or equivalent, or a doctoral-level clinical degree such as MD, DO, PharmD or Ph.D. in public health or other clinical health sciences or be an advanced practice providers or in nursing who have complete all fellowship, post-doctoral training, or appropriate training. Early and mid-career researchers are encouraged to apply. $60,000

Date: 3/1/25
ResMed Foundation
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Sleep and Respiratory Health

Award Grant: Clinical Research Proposal
Promote novel research as well as public and physician awareness of sleep disordered breathing, with a primary focus on positive airway pressure therapies and ventilation-based treatments; morbidies associated with SDB; emphasis on hypertension, coronary disease, heart failure, atrial fibrillation. Not specified. Various

Date: 3/15/25
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
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Health Policy

Award Grant: Health Policy Research Scholars
Health Policy Research Scholars (HPRS) is a four-year national leadership development program for full-time doctoral students from a wide range of nonclinical, research-focused disciplines in which policy is a key lever for change. HPRS builds on RWJF’s vision of leadership as a dynamic, transformative, relational process of change aimed at repairing damage from historical and structural injustices and oppression. The program is for doctoral students who are deeply committed to research that works to advance antiracism and structural change work aligned with the health needs of the most impacted communities. HPRS supports researchers from diverse backgrounds, particularly those with lived experiences of inequity, marginalization, and oppression. Applicants must be starting full-time, second-year doctoral studies in a research-based program in fall 2025 at a degree-granting institution. $30,000

Date: 3/11/25
Saving Tiny Hearts Society
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Cardiology; Pediatrics

Award Grant: Research Grants
These research grants are intended to fund early stage science with unique hypotheses fostering the next generation of congenital heart defect research, thus, creating a strong foundation of preliminary evidence to make scientific advancements. Research faculty involved in related research. $100,000

Date: 3/17/25
Scoliosis Research Society
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Orthopedics; Scoliosis

Award Grant: Standard Research Grant
The Society expects that these grants will lay the foundation for a sustained avenue of investigation and allow the investigator(s) to seek larger grants from sources such as the NIH or OREF. Applicants do not need to be members of the SRS but do need to have at least one SRS member as a co-investigator. $75,000 over 2 years

Date: 3/15/2025 (LOI)
Orthopedics; Scoliosis
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Award Grant: SRS Resident/Fellow Research Grant 
The Resident/Fellow Research grants are meant to allow residents/fellows to pursue avenues of interest to prepare them for a lifelong research career.  Open to all residents/fellows in good standing in an Orthopaedic or Neurosurgery training program. $10,000

Date: 3/15/2025 (LOI)
Scoliosis Research Society
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Orthopedics; Scoliosis

Award Grant: Cotrel Foundation Basic Research Grant
The SRS-Cotrel Foundation basic science research grant is conceived to support projects that will be performing work in Pediatric Scoliosis. Projects investigating molecular and cellular mechanisms, medical imaging as well as characterizing biomechanical aspects underlying the disease are eligible. Applicants do not need to be members of the SRS but do need to have at least one SRS member as a co-investigator. $50,000 over 2 years

Date: 3/15/2025 (LOI)
Scoliosis Research Society
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Orthopedics; Scoliosis

Award Grant: Biederman Innovation Award
The Biedermann Innovation Research Award shall be designed to support innovative research by young clinical investigators in the field of spine deformity. Recipients should be young Active or Candidate SRS members (age 45 or younger at the time the award is given) who have demonstrated clinical or translational research promise and have submitted a research proposal designed to enhance innovation in spinal deformity treatment. $75,000

Date: 3/15/2025 (LOI)
Scoliosis Research Society
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Orthopedics; Scoliosis
Award Grant: New Investigator Research Grant
New investigator research grants are meant to stimulate younger members into a career of investigation in spinal deformity. Applicants do not need to be members of the SRS but do need to have at least one SRS member as a co-investigator. $30,000 over 2 years

Date: 3/15/2025 (LOI)
Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation
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Rheumatology; Sjogren's Syndrome

Award Grant: High Impact Research Award
This award will support more fully developed research proposals, which should already have the necessary preliminary data and methodology in place to move forward into the next phase of the project. Basic or clinical scientist; physicians should have advanced clinical training in a specialty related to Sjogren's such as rheumatology or ophthalmology. $100,000 over 1-3 years

Date:  3/1/25
Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation
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Rheumatology; Sjogren's Syndrome

Award Grant: Pilot Research Award 
This award will assist investigators in conducting feasibility studies, collecting preliminary data, or other research assistance necessary to advance their project and should help prepare them to pursue additional, larger forms of grant funding.  Basic or clinical scientist; physicians should have advanced clinical training in a specialty related to Sjogren's such as rheumatology or ophthalmology. $50,000 over 1-2 years

Date: 3/1/25
Society for Vascular Surgery
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Surgery; Vascular

Award Grant: Clinical Research Seed Grant
The Clinical Research Seed Grant program has the following goals: encourage the interest and development of clinical investigators among the SVS membership, particularly junior members or those with limited prior experience as Principal Investigators and provide direct support for pilot clinical projects that have potential to develop into larger studies fundable by industry or governmental sources. The Principal Investigator for the Clinical Research Seed Grant must be 1) an SVS Active Member within the first 10 years of practice or 2) a fellowship- or integrated residency-trained, board-eligible, vascular surgeon within the first 10 years of practice with a full-time faculty position with an SVS Active Member serving as mentor. Residents and fellows are not eligible. $25,000

Date: 3/1/25
The Heed Ophthalmic Foundation
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Award Grant: Heed Fellowship
To encourage and support education and research in ophthalmology and the ophthalmic sciences by providing postgraduate fellowships to individuals of exceptional ability. Graduate from an accredited medical school, school of osteopathic medicine, or holder of ECFMG certificate; Must complete fellowship within 3 years of residency. Fellowship has to take place in the United States; A minimum of 20% of the fellowship is required to be spent in research. $10,000

Date: 3/1/25
Thrasher Research Fund
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Award Grant: Early Career Award (Pediatric Research) 
The purpose of this program is to encourage the development of medical research in child health by awarding small grants to new researchers, helping them gain a foothold in this important area. The goal is to fund applicants who will go on to be independent investigators. Those eligible to apply: physicians who are in a residency/fellowship training program, or who completed that program no more than one year before the date of submission of the Concept Paper; Post-doctoral researchers who received the doctoral level degree no more than three years prior to the date of submission of the Concept Paper. A new investigator who holds a National Institutes of Health (NIH) K award (including a K12 award) or a Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) is not eligible to apply for the Early Career Award. $25,000

Date: 3/18/2025 (LOI)