July 2024

Organization / Website Speciality Area / Award/Grant Purpose / Description Target Audience / Eligibility Award Amount / Deadline
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Award Grant: Career Development Award for Cancer Research
Promote and support early-career investigators who are conducting innovative research focused on Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields; intermediate frequency, low intensity, alternating electric fields that disrupt cell division in cancer cells) as well as to encourage early-career investigators to enter the TTFields research field. As of December 1, 2024, hold a faculty position with the title of assistant professor, instructor, research assistant professor, or the equivalent, received first faculty position with the title of assistant professor, instructor, research assistant, or the equivalent within the past 6 years (before December 1, 2024), have independent laboratory space $300,000

Date: 7/1/24
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Award Grant: Cancer Research Grant
Promote and support independent investigators who are currently conducting innovative research focused on Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields; intermediate frequency, low intensity, alternating electric fields that disrupt cell division in cancer cells) as well as to encourage independent investigators to enter the TTFields research field. Applicants must be AACR Active members who are independent investigators and have a doctoral degree (PhD, MD, MD/PhD, or equivalent) in a related field and not currently be a candidate for a further doctoral degree. $350,000

Date: 7/1/24
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
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Award Grant: Kappa Delta Awards/OREF Clinical Research Award
The awards are bestowed annually for outstanding clinical research related directly to musculoskeletal disease or injury. Manuscripts should represent a large body of cohesive scientific work generally reflecting years of investigation. Manuscripts must be submitted by members (or candidate members) of the AAOS, ORS, Canadian Orthopaedic Association (COA), or Canadian Orthopaedic Research Society. (CORS). $20,000

Date: 7/1/24
American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Foundation
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Award Grant: OB/GYN Training Scholarships
The Scholarship Award is to be used in an academic Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in the United States or Canada to provide research training and experience for a candidate of proven ability who exhibits significant talent, original thought and evidence of dedication to an academic career. Research training may focus on basic or translational research, disease pathogenesis, clinical diagnostics, interventions and prevention, or epidemiology; The award is intended to fund three consecutive years of research training. Candidates must have been awarded an M.D. degree and must be eligible for the certification process of ABOG at the time of the award; At least 75% of the candidate’s efforts should be spent in research training and the conduct of research. $120,000

Date: 7/1/24
American Diabetes Association
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Medicine; Endocrinology; Diabetes

Award Grant: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Provide support for high quality training in disciplines and topics relevant to this specific RFA, in an environment conducive to beginning a career in diabetes research. PhD, MD, PharmD, DO, DPM (or equivalent) with confirmed postdoctoral position by award start date. The most recent doctoral degree should have been received no more than five (5) years before the submission of this application. About $250,000 over 3 years

Date: 7/23/24
American Medical Association
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Medicine; Gender Equity

Award Grant: 
AMA is seeking innovative research proposals focusing on professional work/practice issues that affect women physicians, including but not limited to:
Leadership training protocols
Gender-based physician practice patterns
Physician satisfaction or burnout
Retention incentives
Practice re-entry issues
The principal investigator listed on the Giambalvo application must be a medical student or a physician (MD or DO).  Students who are pursuing a MD or DO and are enrolled in accredited medical schools in the United States as determined by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education and the AOA’s Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation are eligible. In the event that the PI for the Giambalvo Award leaves their university, the university agrees to either (a) allow the funds to be transferred to the new institution or (b) allow the individual to remain the Principal Investigator and may add a university employee (must be a MD or DO) to the project if needed. $10,000

Date: 7/15/24
American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine
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Award Grant: Sandy Kirkley Clinical Outcome Research Grant
To honor the memory and spirit of the late Dr. Sandy Kirkley by providing start-up, seed, or supplemental funding for an outcome research project or pilot study. To support an orthopaedic sports medicine clinical outcome research project.  Any investigative team seeking such a grant must include at least one member of AOSSM in good standing.   $20,000

Date: 7/31/24
American Sleep Medicine Foundation
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Medicine; Sleep

Award Grant: Bridge to Success Award for Early Career Investigators
Provide funding to early career sleep and circadian scientists who have applied for a career development grant such as a K-award from the National Institutes of Health, a career development award from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, or an equivalent career development award from another federal or non-federal funding agency, but whose application was not within the funding range.  PhD or equivalent, must have research mentor. $100,000

Date: 7/15/24
American Sleep Medicine Foundation
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Sleep Medicine

Award Grant: Bridge to Success Award for Mid-Career/Senior Investigators
The Bridge to Success Grant for Mid-Career/Senior Investigators is an AASM Foundation CDA targeted to mid-level and senior investigators in sleep and circadian science research who need ‘bridge’ funding while re-applying for research support. Through this grant, the AASM Foundation aims to assist investigators whose large grant proposal, such as an R01 grant from the National Institutes of Health, a merit grant from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, a research or implementation grant from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, or an equivalent large grant from another federal agency, was submitted but not funded. Sleep scientists (MD, DO, DDS, DMD, DNP, DNSc, PharmD, PhD, or equivalent) who submitted at least one NIH grant proposal (or the equivalent in the VA or other federal system) during the past two years that was scored in the peer-review process but fell below (or is likely to fall below) the funding agency’s pay line. $100,000

Date: 7/15/24
American Sleep Medicine Foundation
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Sleep Medicine

Award Grant: Bridge to Success Award for Mid-Career/Senior Investigators
The Bridge to Success Grant for Mid-Career/Senior Investigators is an AASM Foundation CDA targeted to mid-level and senior investigators in sleep and circadian science research who need ‘bridge’ funding while re-applying for research support. Through this grant, the AASM Foundation aims to assist investigators whose large grant proposal, such as an R01 grant from the National Institutes of Health, a merit grant from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, a research or implementation grant from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, or an equivalent large grant from another federal agency, was submitted but not funded. Sleep scientists (MD, DO, DDS, DMD, DNP, DNSc, PharmD, PhD, or equivalent) who submitted at least one NIH grant proposal (or the equivalent in the VA or other federal system) during the past two years that was scored in the peer-review process but fell below (or is likely to fall below) the funding agency’s pay line. $100,000

Date: 7/15/24
American Society for Surgery of the Hand
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Award Grant: Fast Track Grants
This research opportunity is designed specifically for residents and fellows, offering a small amount of funding to seed innovative projects related to hand surgery. The scope of the project is smaller, and the time to funding is faster than the traditional AFSH basic science and clinical research grants.Practice Management: Studies relevant to the delivery of care by the practicing hand surgeon across a variety of practice settings. Projects may be either hypothesis-driven clinical research or quality improvement projects. Relevant topics include (but are not limited to) clinical pathways, care delivery, patient safety, patient experience, and personnel utilization.
Surgical mission outcomes research: Studies designed to track outcomes of surgical outreach. Outcomes of outreach can include results of treatment, predictors of treatment results, and impact of education on care provided by local surgical teams.
Healthcare Disparities in Hand Surgery: Studies exploring interventions and solutions to improve care among under-represented and disadvantaged groups.
Emerging technology: Investigation of new technology/strategies to educate surgeons or to improve clinical care and communication
Hand surgery fellows or surgical residents in ACGME or RCPSC accredited programs are eligible to apply. $5,000

Date: 7/1/2024 (LOI)
Brain Injury Association
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Award Grant: 
Research Priorities for the 2024 competition: Progressive Degenerative Processes; Late Consequences of Childhood TBI; Excess Mortality; Chronic Health Condition Management; Social Determinants of Health. Young Investigators vs. Brain Injury Scholars- see RFP for difference in eligibility. $25,000

Date: 7/1/24 (LOI)
Optometry; Age-related Macular Degeneration
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Innovative Research Grants

Award Grant: 
This program is intended to provide support for high-risk/high-gain age-related macular degeneration research. We hope to attract established investigators to apply for this support, but the aims of the application must contain outside-the-box ideas that are novel in the field. Applicants who are experts in another field are encouraged to apply their talents to proposing innovative research in the macular degeneration field. Not specified. $200,000 per year for up to 3 years

Date: 7/25/2024 (LOI)
Bright Focus Foundation
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Award Grant: New Investigator Grant Program
This research grant is intended to support investigators during their early years as an independent investigator involved in studies that have an impact on the causes and/or treatment of macular degeneration. Early Career Investigators. $150,000 per year for up to 3 years

Date: 7/25/2024 (LOI)
Bright Focus Foundation
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Optometry; Age-related Macular Degeneration

Award Grant: Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
Support for a young scientist to conduct postdoctoral studies in an established laboratory focused on research contributing to understanding the biological causes and/or new clinical treatment of macular degeneration and should also serve as the basis for the applicant's own independent research career.  Young postdoctoral researchers during their final stages of mentored training. $200,000 over 2 years

Date: 7/25/2024 (LOI)
Burroughs Wellcome Fund
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Medicine; Infectious Diseases

Award Grant: The Investigators in the Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease (PATH) Award
Study pathogenesis, with a focus on the interplay between infectious agents and their hosts, shedding light on how both are affected by their encounters. An accomplished investigator at the mid-to-late assistant professor level with an established record of independent research in a tenure-track position or its well-supported equivalent in non-tenure offering departments. $500,000 over 5 years

Date: 7/18/2024 (LOI)
Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
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Award Grant: Dale F. Frey Award for Breakthrough Scientists
The Damon Runyon Fellowship identifies the nation’s top postdoctoral fellows and provides funding that enables them to complete their training under the mentorship of a leading senior scientist and encourages them to follow their own bold ideas. At the end of the Fellowship, there are often a select few who have greatly exceeded the Foundation’s highest expectations. These spectacular young scientists are the most likely to make paradigm-shifting breakthroughs that transform the way we prevent, diagnose and treat cancer. To catapult their research careers—and their impact on cancer—the Foundation will make an additional investment in these exceptional individuals by selecting them as recipients of the Damon Runyon-Dale F. Frey Award for Breakthrough Scientists. Damon Runyon Fellows are eligible to apply in the last year of their Fellowship.  Currently, Damon Runyon Fellows selected in November 2020, May 2021, and February 2022 (DRG-2418-21 to DRG-2451-21, DRQ-13-22 to DRQ-15-22) are eligible to apply.
    ›  Fellows who have terminated their awards early to accept an independent academic faculty position or other funding are eligible.
    ›  Fellows who have moved to a position at a for-profit organization are not eligible.
Fellows may only apply once, at the deadline date that correlates with their award selection date.

Date: 7/15/24
Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
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Award Grant: Damon Runyon-Rachleff Innovation Award
Designed to support new researchers with novel, high-risk/high-reward ideas. Specifically designed to fund an innovative idea that lacks sufficient preliminary data to obtain traditional funding; it is not designed to support incremental advances.  Applicants must be either: 1) Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, 2) Clinical Instructors or Senior Clinical Fellows, 3) Distinguished Fellows; must devote 80% of their time to research; must conduct proposed research independently; must have doctoral degree.  $400,000

Date: 7/8/24
Fibrolamellar Cancer Foundation
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Award Grant: Fibrolameller Research Funding
FCF aims to drive and support high-impact research that is critical for the discovery of better treatments for FLC; to support innovative research leading to improved understanding and curative treatments for fibrolamellar carcinoma (FLC). Non-profit institution. Various

Date: 7/1/24
Glaucoma Research Foundation
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Ophthalmology; Glaucoma

Award Grant: Shaffer Grant Program
Support new high-impact clinical, epidemiological and laboratory research; strategic goals include to protect and restore the optic nerve, accurately detect glaucoma and monitor its progress, find the genes responsible for glaucoma, understand the intraocular pressure system and develop better treatments, determine the risk factors for glaucoma damage using systematic outcomes data. Grant applicants must possess at least a graduate degree. Interdisciplinary teams and collaborations that may lead to new glaucoma treatments are encouraged. $55,000

Date: 7/15/24
National Eczema Foundation
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Award Grant: Catalyst Research Grant
This award is intended to stimulate the entry of early-career scientists into areas of research related to eczema, as they seek to become an independent research investigator with a commitment to this field. Assistant Professors (or equivalent) without current or previous NIH R funding as a Senior or Co-PI, Post-doctoral fellows, Medical Residents or Fellows, Research Associates, and Nurse Practitioners are eligible to apply. $50,000

Date: 7/31/24
National Eczema Foundation
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Award Grant: Champion Research Grant
Funding support for experienced researchers with recognized productivity – either within or outside the eczema field – to conduct highly innovative, cutting-edge investigations related to eczema. Associate Professors and above that have or have had national-level funding as a principal investigator (or Co-PI) within the past 5 years on an R01 grant or its equivalent. $100,000

Date: 7/31/24
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
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Neurology; Multiple Sclerosis

Award Grant: Research Grants 
The Society supports all types of research including laboratory models, human studies, population-based approaches, and data-intensive investigations that leverage both researcher and patient-reported outcomes. We value studies that:
promote synergies between researchers in diverse disciplines;
adhere to principles of sharing data and resources;
focus on underserved and understudied ethnic and racial MS populations (Please consult this
for strategies regarding Minority Engagement in MS Research).
Applicants should possess an M.D., Ph.D. or equivalent and be considered eligible by their institution to apply for grant support. Postdoctoral fellows, residents, and other trainees and individuals in mentored positions are not eligible to apply to the research grants program; fellows are encouraged to apply for one of the Society’s research training programs. $200,000 per year for up to 3 years

Date: 7/24/2024 (pre-application)
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
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Neurology; Multiple Sclerosis

Award Grant: Mentor-based Postdoctoral Fellowship
With this support, trainee should be able to (a) perform meaningful and independent research relevant to MS rehabilitation and (b) obtain a suitable position that will
enable him or her to do so.
Mentor must hold a faculty appointment at an accredited institution and have adequate research funding and support to a postdoctoral fellow; Fellows ( Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent degree) with 0-36 months of previous postdoctoral training. $56,448-$68,557

Date: 7/24/2024 (pre-application)
National Rosacea Society
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Award Grant: Research Grant
High priority is given to research in such areas as the pathogenesis, progression, mechanism of action, cell biology and potential genetic factors of this conspicuous and often life-disruptive condition. Studies may also be funded in such areas as epidemiology, predisposition, quality of life and associations with environmental and lifestyle factors.  Researchers interested in applying for a research grant may fill out the form on their web site and submit it to the Society. A research grant application form and instructions will then be sent by mail. $15,000

Date: 7/1/24
North American Society For Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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Medicine; GI

Award Grant: George Ferry Young Investigator Development Award
This grant is awarded to support a meritorious clinical, quality improvement, translational or basic science research project related to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas or nutritional disorders of children. Applicant must be junior faculty, must be a NASPGHAN member in good standing for at least two years, and pediatric gastroenterology, advanced fellowship training, or basic post-doctoral training within 5 years of the application. $75,000 per year for up to 2 years

Date: 7/1/24
North American Society For Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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Medicine; GI

Award Grant: Mid-Level Career Award
For applicants pursuing research in
pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition.
Applicant must be 1) Mid-level career (at least 6 years out from first faculty position;) 2) Hold an MD, PhD or equivalent degree and a full-time faculty position; 3) Be a NASPGHAN member in good standing for at least two years and; 4) Not have an active R01. $50,000 per year for up to 2 years

Date: 7/1/24
North American Society For Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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Medicine; GI

Award Grant: Research Award for Disoders Associated with Carbohydrate Maldigestion/Malabsorption in Children
For studies focused on disorders of carbohydrate (CHO) maldigestion/malabsorption in children, either primary or secondary. Applicants at any career level may apply; PI must be a member in good standing of the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition for at least one year at the time of the application. Inclusion of co-investigators or collaborators in other scientific disciplines is encouraged. Applicants must hold a faculty position at a North American University or research institute and hold an MD, DO, PhD, MD/PhD or equivalent degree.  $75,000 per year for up to 2 years

Date: 7/1/24
North American Society For Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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Medicine; GI

Award Grant: AstraZeneca Research Award for Disorders of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract
This grant supports studies focused on the epidemiology, pathogenesis, natural history, genetics, diagnosis and management of diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract in children. Diseases that are relevant to this announcement include, but are not limited to:
Gastroesophageal reflux
Reflux esophagitis
Celiac disease
Eosinophilic (allergic) esophagitis/gastritis/duodenitis
Motility disorders of the esophagus/stomach/duodenum
Helicobacter pylori infection with or without ulceration
Functional nausea/dyspepsia/vomiting
Non-bacterial ulcer diseases.
Hiatal hernia
The principal investigator must be a member in good standing of the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition for at least two years at the time of the application. Inclusion of co-investigators or collaborators in other scientific disciplines is encouraged.
Applicants must hold a faculty position at a North American University or research institute and hold an MD, DO, PhD, MD/PhD or equivalent degree.
The applicant may not hold funding from any granting agency for a project that has an overlapping scientific objective at the time of the award is made or during the two year period of the award
Applicant must not hold another NASPGHAN Foundation grant at the start of the award (Mid-December 2024).
Applications in either the clinical, translational or laboratory sciences are eligible.
$75,000 per year for up to 2 years

Date: 7/1/24
North American Society For Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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Medicine; GI; Celiac Disease

Award Grant: The Celiac Disease Young Investigator Award 
The Celiac Disease Young Investigator Award is designed to support promising researchers in the early stages of their career, fostering their potential to contribute significantly to independent basic, translational, or clinical research in pediatric celiac disease. Applicants must:
-Be a NASPGHAN member in good standing for at least two years.
-No more than five years from fellowship completion (fellowship completed between 7/1/2019 – 9/1/2024). Concurrent completion of advanced fellowship training is not allowed for this award.
-Hold a full-time faculty position not at the rank of Associate or Full Professor in an academic institution within the United States of America, Mexico or Canada and hold an MD, DO, PhD, MD/PhD, or equivalent degree at the start of the award by September 1, 2024.
-Not currently hold or previously be a principal investigator or co-principal investigator on a --NIH mentored grant such as a K08, K23, an NIH RO1, PO1 (or similar), or an or equivalent -Canadian or Mexican grant mechanisms. Those with concurrent or previous institutional career development awards (KL2, K12, or similar) or Foundation grants are eligible to apply if the proposal does not have scientific overlap.
-Not hold another NASPGHAN Foundation grant at the start of the award (Mid-December 2024).
$75,000 per year for up to 2 years
Date: 7/1/24
Paralyzed Veterans of America
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Orthopaedics; Spinal Cord Injury/Disease

Award Grant: 
The grant funds the following categories:
Basic Science - laboratory research in the basic sciences to find a cure for SCI/D
Clinical  - clinical and functional studies of the medical, psychosocial and economic effects of SCI/D, and interventions to alleviate these effects
Design and Development  -  of new or improved rehabilitative and assistive technology/devices for people with SCI/D to improve function, which also includes improving the identification, selection and utilization of these devices.
Fellowships  - for postdoctoral scientists, clinicians and engineers to encourage training and specialization in the field of spinal cord research.
Eligible grantee institutions must be located in the United States or Canada. However, investigators and fellows are not required to be U.S. or Canadian citizens. All grant applicants must have a professional degree: Ph.D. or M.D. preferred.

Senior fellows are encouraged to apply as principal investigators. Post-doctoral scientists are eligible to apply for fellowship support within four years of receiving a Ph.D. or completing M.D. residency. Graduate students can participate in Foundation-related research and be paid from a Foundation award. However, graduate students cannot apply for a Foundation grant as a fellow or as a principal investigator.

Date: 7/1/24
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Medicine; Gene Therapy; Rare Disease

Award Grant: Gene and Gene-modified Cell Therapies Medical Education
Projects that will be considered for support will focus on independent medical education initiatives that will result in the measurable improvement of the medical and scientific understanding of gene and gene-modified cell therapies to help prepare multidisciplinary teams for the integration of gene and gene-modified cell therapies into the treatment armamentarium of eligible patients with a Rare Disease. Proposals tailored to a specific rare disease or group of rare diseases will not be considered. Nonprofit Institutions. $50,000

Date: 7/1/24
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Oncology; Bladder

Award Grant: Evolving Treatment Options in First-line Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma (mUC) and Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer (MIBC)
"This grant program seeks to support independent medical education activities that will increase knowledge of the new Guideline-based treatment recommendations and how that may shift the emerging treatment landscape in earlier lines of therapy, including muscle invasive bladder cancer (MIBC). Projects considered for grant support will focus on one or more of the following:
•Guideline recommended care in first-line metastatic urothelial carcinoma (mUC) and the holistic management of patients with UC, including combination regimens and optimal sequencing;
•Early identification and management of adverse events associated with UC treatment within the multidisciplinary team; and/or
•The role of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) and their targeted MOA to potentially address the unmet need in earlier stages of UC.
Examples of educational formats that will be considered under this RFP include but are not limited to:
•Multi-activity or tiered education that builds over time such as a series of activities or curriculum-based learning
•Tethered programs, incorporating patients/caregivers into learning activities
•On agenda educational sessions during live conferences or satellite symposia adjacent to major conferences (including through Spring of 2025, ASCO GU etc.)
•Grand Rounds or tumor boards
•Expert interviews recorded at live conferences, conference coverage reviews
•Online articles, newsletter articles, training courses, webinars, podcasts
•Social media posted and linked content
•All learning resources such as videos, infographics, animations"
Nonprofit Institutions. $250,000

Date: 7/19/24
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Oncology; Bladder

Award Grant: Evolving Treatment Options in First-line Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma (mUC) and Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer (MIBC)
This grant program seeks to support independent medical education activities that will increase knowledge of the new Guideline-based treatment recommendations and how that may shift the emerging treatment landscape in earlier lines of therapy, including muscle invasive bladder cancer (MIBC). Projects considered for grant support will focus on one or more of the following:
•Guideline recommended care in first-line metastatic urothelial carcinoma (mUC) and the holistic management of patients with UC, including combination regimens and optimal sequencing;
•Early identification and management of adverse events associated with UC treatment within the multidisciplinary team; and/or
•The role of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) and their targeted MOA to potentially address the unmet need in earlier stages of UC.
Examples of educational formats that will be considered under this RFP include but are not limited to:
•Multi-activity or tiered education that builds over time such as a series of activities or curriculum-based learning
•Tethered programs, incorporating patients/caregivers into learning activities
•On agenda educational sessions during live conferences or satellite symposia adjacent to major conferences (including through Spring of 2025, ASCO GU etc.)
•Grand Rounds or tumor boards
•Expert interviews recorded at live conferences, conference coverage reviews
•Online articles, newsletter articles, training courses, webinars, podcasts
•Social media posted and linked content
•All learning resources such as videos, infographics, animations
Nonprofit Institutions. $250,000

Date: 7/19/24
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Oncology; Prostate

Award Grant: Investigator Sponsored Research for Understanding the Mechanisms and Formulating the Optimal Management of Hematological Toxicity of PARPi in the Treatment of Prostate Cancer
To advance the understanding and management of hematologic toxicity of PARPi alone or in combination with NHT in the treatment of patients with prostate cancer. NCCN Member Institutions only. Collaboration between NCCN Member Institutions is strongly encouraged in order to foster the interactive sharing of knowledge and expertise, and to utilize the combined clinical strengths of members, particularly in
the case of uncommon tumors. Although the submitting investigator must be from an NCCN Member Institution, participating co-investigators do not need to be at an NCCN Member Institution. This can also include cross-institutional collaboration. Proposal submissions from Junior Faculty are encouraged. Trainees may participate as a sub-investigator under the appropriate mentorship from a PI from a NCCN Member Institution.

Date: 7/23/24
Research Corporation for Science Advancement
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Chemistry; Physics

Award Grant: Cottrell Scholars Award
Honors and helps to develop outstanding teacher-scholars who are recognized by their scientific communities for the quality and innovation of their research programs and their academic leadership skills. Successful research plans identify relevant problems of high scientific significance and describe innovative and feasible approaches toward solutions; contain a research plan, an educational plan, and a clear statement on how the applicant will become an outstanding teacher-scholar with strong academic citizenship skills. Eligible applicants are early career tenure-track faculty who hold primary or courtesy appointments in chemistry, physics, or astronomy departments that offer bachelor's and/or graduate degrees in the applicant's discipline. Eligibility is limited to faculty members who started their first tenure-track appointment anytime in calendar year 2020. $120,000 over 3 years

Date: 7/1/24
Rheumatology Research Foundation
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Medicine; Rheumatology

Award Grant: Scientist Development Award
This award is designed for individuals in the early stages of their career (typically Fellows) or those without significant prior research experience who plan to embark on careers in biomedical and/or clinical research in rheumatic diseases. The purpose of this award is to provide support for a structured research training program for rheumatologists or health professionals in the field of rheumatology. Non-profit institution; ACR Members: Must be within 6 years of terminal degree at the time of award start date; ARP Members: Must be within 3 years of terminal degree at the time of award start date.  $225,000

Date: 7/1/2024 (LOI)
Rheumatology Research Foundation
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Medicine; Rheumatology

Award Grant: Investigator Award
Encourage junior investigators in the period between completing post-doctoral fellowship training; while being competitive for more significant funding and establishing themselves as independent investigators. Non-profit institution; ACR Members: Individuals more than 8 years from the beginning of fellowship (or 9 years for pediatric rheumatologists) at the time of award start date may not apply; ARP Members: Must be within 6 years of terminal degree at the time of award start date.  $375,000

Date: 7/1/2024 (LOI)
Rising Tide Foundation
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Pain Research

Award Grant: Chronic Pain Research
This RFP focuses on interventions for the prevention and/or treatment of cancer-related chronic pain. Specifically, the RFP welcome proposals focused on all types of cancer-related chronic pain, including but not limited to post-surgical pain, lymphedema-related pain, chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy, phantom pain, aromatase inhibitor-related joint pain, referred pain and bone metastasis pain. Doctoral degree. up to $100,000

Date: 7/9/2024 (LOI)
Russell Sage Foundation
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Social, Political and Economic Inequality

Award Grant: 
LOIs under all of its core programs and special initiatives: Behavioral Science and Decision Making in Context; Future of Work; Immigration and Immigrant Integration; Race, Ethnicity and Immigration; Social, Political, and Economic Inequality. In addition, RSF will also accept LOIs relevant to any of its core programs that address the effects of social movements, such as drives for unionization and mass social protests, and the effects of racial/ethnic/gender bias and discrimination on a range of outcomes related to social and living conditions in the United States. All applicants (both PIs and Co-PIs) must have a doctorate. Varies

Date: 7/24/2024 (LOI)
Sigma Global Nursing Excellence
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Award Grant: Sigma/Doris Bloch Research Award  
The Sigma/Doris Bloch Research Award encourages nurses to contribute to the advancement of nursing through research. The principal investigator(s) should be registered nurses (or country equivalent) with current license (if applicable) and have at least a master's in nursing (or country equivalent).
Submission of a completed research application package and signed research agreement.
Ready to implement research project when funding is received.
Complete project within one (1) year of funding.
Submit a final report and completed abstract to the Sigma Repository to receive final grant disbursement, if owed.

Date: 7/1/24
Skin Cancer Foundation
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Oncology; Dermatology

Award Grant: Research Grants 
 Aims to advance SWOG research by funding the early and conceptual stages of these projects. The work proposed should use resources from completed SWOG studies or be directly translatable to future clinical trials in SWOG and the National Clinical Trials Network (NCTN). Projects may involve scientific risk but potentially lead to a breakthrough in a particular area, or to the development of novel techniques, agents, methodologies, models, or applications that could have a major impact on cancer research.It is expected that support via this mechanism will lead to subsequent extramural funding from other sources, and will be a metric of success for this grant program. In addition, publications citing SWOG and The Hope Foundation will be further measurements. Our program is open to dermatology residents, fellows and investigators within 10 years of their first academic appointment. Must have MD or PhD. $25-50,000

Date: 7/14/24
The Hope Foundation
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Award Grant: SWOG/HOPE Foundation Impact Award
 Aims to advance SWOG research by funding the early and conceptual stages of these projects. The work proposed should use resources from completed SWOG studies or be directly translatable to future clinical trials in SWOG and the National Clinical Trials Network (NCTN). Projects may involve scientific risk but potentially lead to a breakthrough in a particular area, or to the development of novel techniques, agents, methodologies, models, or applications that could have a major impact on cancer research.It is expected that support via this mechanism will lead to subsequent extramural funding from other sources, and will be a metric of success for this grant program. In addition, publications citing SWOG and The Hope Foundation will be further measurements. Any SWOG member investigator eligible for NIH funding is encouraged to submit to this program. $250,000 over 2 years

Date: 7/1/2024 (LOI)
The McKnight Brain Research Foundation (MBRF) and the American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR)
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Neuroscience; Aging; Basic Biology

Award Grant: Hevolution/AFAR New Investigator Awards in Aging Biology and Geroscience Research
The major goal of this initiative is to identify and support promising junior investigators committed to aging research and geroscience with at least 3 years of independent research. The program provides flexible support for research projects in basic biology of aging, as well as geroscience (projects that translate advances in basic research on aging biology from the laboratory to the clinic.) The projects should focus on understanding the basic mechanisms of aging rather than disease-specific research. Projects investigating age-related diseases or functional disorders are supported only if approached from the point of view of how basic aging processes may lead to disease outcomes. Projects that deal strictly with clinical problems such as the diagnosis or treatment of disease, health outcomes, or the social context of aging are not eligible. Research areas could include, but are not limited to those described in the Hallmarks of Aging. To be eligible, the applicant must:
Be an independent investigator with independent research space for at least 3 years, as of July 15, 2024, as described in the Institutional Commitment Form.
Be no more than 12 years beyond the start of postdoctoral research training as of July 15, 2024. Exceptions to the twelve-year rule may be requested by emailing a biosketch to AFAR at grants@afar.org at least one week prior to the deadline date.
Have published at least three last author research papers in an international peer reviewed journal from independent work carried out in their own laboratory.
Propose a research project in basic biology of aging or geroscience.
Be at an academic, government or non-profit institution in Canada or the United States.
Investigators who may not have previously worked in the area of aging, but whose research interests and expertise are relevant and could lead to discoveries or new understanding in the biology of aging or geroscience are strongly encouraged to apply.
$375,000 over 3 years

Date: 7/15/2024 (LOI)
The Sigma Foundation for Nursing
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Award Grant: Evidence-Based Practice Implementation Grant
Encourages nurses in clinical settings to apply evidence to practice and evaluate the effects on patient outcomes Principal project lead must be a registered nurse with current license and have at least a master's in nursing; principal project lead must be a member of either American Nurses Association or Sigma, proposed EBP project can be inter-professional in design, but must be nurse-led. $20,000

Date: 7/1/24
William T. Grant Foundation
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Health Disparities

Award Grant: Scholars Program 
Focus areas are research that increases understanding in programs, policies, and practices that reduce inequality in youth outcomes and strategies to improve the use of research evidence in a way that benefits use. Must be within 7 years of receiving last doctoral degree. $350,000 over 5 years

Date: 7/3/24