August 2024

Organization / Website Specialty Area / Award/Grant Purpose / Description Target Audience / Eligibility Award Amount / Deadline
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Award Grant: Breast Cancer Fellowship for Endocrine Therapy Research
Encourage and support postdoctoral or clinical research fellows to conduct breast cancer research and to establish a successful career path in this field. Proposed research projects are restricted to basic, clinical, translational or epidemiological projects that substantially advance the field of endocrine therapy in breast cancer. Applicants must have a doctoral degree (including PhD, MD, MD/PhD, or equivalent) in a related field and not currently be a candidate for a further doctoral degree. At the start of the grant term on December 1, 2024, applicants must hold a mentored research position with the title of postdoctoral fellow, clinical research fellow, or the equivalent $130,000

Date: 8/15/2024
American Cancer Society
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Award Grant: Clinical Research Professor
Professor Awards provide flexible funding for outstanding individuals who have made seminal contributions that have changed and will continue to change the direction of cancer or cancer control research. Intended for investigators who have made seminal contributions in the area of cancer control that have changed the direction of clinical, psychosocial, behavioral, health policy, or epidemiologic cancer research.  Applicants for either award must have attained the rank of full professor, but for no more than 15 years at this rank. $80,000 per year for up to 5 years

Date: 8/1/2024 (LOI)
American Hearing Research Foundation
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Hearing & Balance Disorders, Otolaryngology

Award Grant: AHRF Discovery Grant
Proposals should relate to the hearing or balance functions of the ear. Both basic and clinical studies may be proposed that investigate aspects of the auditory and vestibular systems including but not limited to genetics, neurotology, anatomy, auditory processing, molecular and cellular biology, therapeutic studies, and investigations of current or experimental devices (i.e., cochlear implants). Hold MD, PhD, AuD or equivalent. Priority given to early career investigators generating preliminary data for NIH funding. Up to $50,000 for 1 year

Date: 8/15/24
American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine
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Award Grant: Allograft Research Grant
Applications must describe a basic science or a clinical research project surrounding viable Osteochondral Allograft (OCA) transplantation or meniscus allograft transplantation of the knee.  Any investigative team seeking this grant must include at least one member of AOSSM in good standing. $50,000

Date: 8/15/24
American Society for Paternal and Enternal Nutrition
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Award Grant: Grant
Funds exceptional scientific research projects submitted by early-career investigators of clinical nutrition and metabolic support in alignment with the priorities outlined in the ASPEN Research Agenda. The Foundation will give preference to individuals who are active in developing a career in nutrition research. Applicants must be be within 10 years of completing a terminal research degree, medical residency, or end of post-graduate clinical training (or the equivalent). Applicants who are still in training (e.g., in graduate school [Masters, PharmD, PhD, etc.], post-doctoral training, fellowship) are also eligible to apply; be at or below the rank of Assistant Professor or at the rank of Associate Professor for < 2 years; and commit at least 20% of their time to research in a professional institute that conducts nutrition research.  $25,000

Date: 8/26/24
American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons 
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Medicine; Surgery; Gastroenterology

Award Grant: General Surgery Resident Research Initiation Grant
To attract General Surgery Residents into the field of colon and rectal surgery by providing opportunities to engage in clinical or laboratory-based research focused on diseases of the colon, rectum and anus. Must be General Surgical Residents or recent (within 2 years) Graduates of a US or Canadian approved General Surgery Training Program; applicant must have designated time for research and no clinical responsibility. $20,000

Date: 8/15/24
American Society of Gene + Cell Therapy 
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Chemical Sciences

Award Grant: "Award for Research on Conditions Disproportionately Affecting Minorities
To support research focused on gene or cell therapy for conditions that disproportionately affect minority populations. Be a member of ASGCT. Not an ASGCT member yet? Take the first step. Submit your membership application at least 5 business days prior to the application deadline to allow sufficient time for processing; Have a research focus on gene and cell therapy for conditions that disproportionately affect minorities (e.g., sickle cell disease, AIDS); Be a U.S. citizen or or have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence and; Be employed in a noncommercial setting. $100,000

Date: 8/1/24
American Society of Radiologic Technologists
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Award Grant: Research Grants (New Researcher, Emerging Researcher, Research)
Goal is to fund and share the research and analysis of issues that affect medical imaging technologists and radiation therapists, helping to cultivate the next generation of researchers. Proposals may be submitted by an individual or group of investigators through a U.S. Sponsoring Organization/Institution with which they are affiliated; all submissions must be done by the PI, who must be a current voting ASRT member with a
minimum of two years consecutive membership history at the time of application; The PI must be registered to practice in the U.S. in a primary modality by certification
agencies recognized by the ASRT (ARRT, NMTCB, ARDMS, MDCB), or hold an unrestricted
state license.
$4,000 - $25,000 (New Researcher Grant: up to $4,000;   Research Grant: $10,000-$25,000)

Date: 8/1/2024 (all awards)
Arnold & Mabel Beckman Foundation
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Biomedical Research

Award Grant: Beckman Young Investigators 
Provides research support to the most promising young faculty members in the early stages of their academic careers in the chemical and life sciences; particularly to foster the invention of methods, instruments and materials that will open up new avenues of research in science. Open to those within the first four years of a tenure-track position, or an equivalent independent research appointment. Tenure-Track dates for the 2025 program must start after 1/1/2020 AND before 8/1/2024. Must be US Citizen. Applicants must have no more than 10 years post terminal degree; and no more than 5 years experience in a non-tenure track (not including postdoc position) or industry position.  Up to $600,000 over project term

Date: 8/1/2024 (LOI)
Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
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Award Grant: Fellowship Awards
The Foundation encourages all theoretical and experimental research relevant to the study of cancer and the search for cancer causes, mechanisms, therapies and prevention. Must have completed MD, PhD, DDS or DVM - copy of diploma is required. See website for eligibility levels.  Around $73,000 per year for 4 years

Date: 8/15/24
Elsa U. Pardee Foundation
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Award Grant: Cancer Research Grants
Research to investigators in United States non-profit institutions proposing research directed toward identifying new treatments or cures for cancer. The Foundation particularly encourages grant applications for a one year period which will allow establishment of capabilities of new cancer researchers, or new cancer approaches by established cancer researchers. Must be part of nonprofit institute and propose research directed toward identifying new treatments or cures for cancer.  Various

Date: 8/31/24
Foundation for Academic Nursing (American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN))
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Award Grant:  Faculty Scholars Grant
AACN is seeking proposals to examine the impact of simulation-based education using a wide variety of methodologies, including, but not limited to, mannequin-based, XR, and virtual simulation on student transition to practice outcomes. Recognizing the importance of experiential learning to the preparation of the next generation of nurses, there continues to be a need for evidence of best practices to improve educational outcomes.  Nurse educators. $25,000

Date: 8/5/24
Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research
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Award Grant: Mentored Research Training Grant
Helps anesthesiologists develop the skills, preliminary data for subsequent grant applications and research publications needed to become independent investigators. Faculty members who have completed anesthesiology residency within last 10 years; 75% research time protected. $250,000 over 2 years

Date: 8/15/24
Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research
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Award Grant: Research Fellowship Grant
Intended to provide anesthesiology residents and fellows with the opportunity to obtain significant training in research techniques and scientific methods. Anesthesiology trainee after CA-1 year. $75,000

Date: 8/15/24
Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research
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Award Grant: Research in Education Grant
Advances the careers and knowledge of anesthesiologists interested in improving the concepts, methods and techniques of education in anesthesiology. Faculty member of any rank; 40% protected research time. $100,000 over 2 years

Date: 8/15/24
Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research
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Medicine; Sarcoidosis

Award Grant: FSR Pilot Grant
Support smaller scale or pilot research projects, which can be supported either singularly by FSR or through a partnership with additional funders. In assessing applications, we look for strength in overall strategy, methodology, and analysis. Proposals are encouraged from investigators across a variety of disciplines, submitting projects which will lead to direct and significant impact upon sarcoidosis research. Nonprofit institution. $100,000

Date: 8/6/24
Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research
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Medicine; Sarcoidosis

Award Grant: FSR Cardiac Grant
The Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research (FSR) Cardiac Sarcoidosis Grant aims to support research conducted in cardiac sarcoidosis. Proposals are encouraged from investigators across a variety of disciplines, submitting projects which will lead to direct and significant impact upon cardiac sarcoidosis research. Non-profit institution; Proposals should focus on projects that provide preliminary data to support the development for proposals for an RO1 or other future grant funding. Preference will be given to new projects with potential to grow and have important impact.  $50,000

Date: 8/6/24
Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance (FARA
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Award Grant: Postdoctoral Research Award
FARA supports research through funding competitive grants across the spectrum from basic research through drug development and clinical research programs in Friedreich's Ataxia (FA). Postdoctoral trainees should focus their research proposal on projects that fall within FARA Research Priorities, as outlined on the site. FARA offers a Postdoctoral Research Award as a mechanism to expand and retain young investigators in the FA biomedical research space. Applicants must have completed at least 18 months of postdoctoral training.  $100,000-200,000

Date: 8/15/2024 (LOI)
Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation
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Social Sciences

Award Grant: Harry Frank Guggenheim Distinguished Scholar Award
The Foundation welcomes proposals from any of the natural and social sciences and aligned disciplines that promise to increase understanding of the causes, manifestations, and control of violence and aggression. Highest priority is given to research that addresses urgent, present-day problems of violence—what produces it, how it operates, and what prevents or reduces it.   While almost all recipients of these awards possess a Ph.D., M.D., J.D., or equivalent degree, there are no formal degree requirements for the award. The award, however, may not be used to support research undertaken as part of the requirements for a graduate degree. $15,000-45,000

Date: 8/1/24
Hirshberg Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research
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Award Grant: Seed Grant Program
Funds research in treatment/therapy, patient care, early diagnosis, detection, cancer biology, basic science, prevention/metabolism and research core facilities.  Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) or Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree; All levels of academic faculty. $75,000-$100,000

Date: 8/15/24
International Myeloma Foundation
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Oncology; Dermatology

Award Grant: Research Awards
Focused on funding work in the field of multiple myeloma and related disorders including smoldering myeloma, MGUS (monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance) as well as immunoglobulin derived amyloidosis. Completed postdoctoral studies or clinical fellowships no later than October 1 of the application year; ability to devote a minimum of 50% of his or her time to the research project during the award year. up to $80,000

Date: 8/26/24
John Templeton Foundation
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Human Sciences

Award Grant: Small & Large Grant Requests
Research and public engagement in our major Funding Areas- Strategic Priorities, Science, Character Virtue Development, Individual Freedom & Free Markets, Exceptional Cognitive Talent & Genius, Genetics, Voluntary Family Planning. Any individual affiliated with an academic research institution Is encouraged to apply. Various

Date: 8/16/2024 (Online Funding Inquiry)
Kent Richard Hofmann Foundation
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Medicine; Infectious Diseases; HIV/AIDS

Award Grant: Research Grants 
Proposals involving the care and direct services, education, and research of HIV/AIDS.  Any investigator from a tax-exempt institution is eligible to apply.  Various

Date: 8/2/2024 (LOI)
Lupus Research Alliance
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Medicine; Rheumatology; Lupus

Award Grant: The Global Team Science Award
Support interdisciplinary, collaborative, and highly synergistic projects that push the boundaries of innovation and bridge research and clinical efforts in lupus. The successful Teams will focus on unraveling human lupus heterogeneity by applying cutting-edge technologies to address critical questions that could bring about breakthroughs in lupus care, research or drug development. Applicants must hold an MD, PhD, DVM or equivalent academic degree and hold a faculty position or equivalent at a college, university, medical school, or comparable institution. $3,000,000 over 3 years

Date: 8/15/2024 (LOI)
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
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Multiple Sclerosis

Award Grant: Multiple Sclerosis Clinical Care Physician Fellowship
The National Multiple Sclerosis Society offers a one year, post-residency MS clinical* fellowship program designed to train board eligible/certified neurologists or physiatrists in specialized MS clinical care. The program is sponsored by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Applicants who will spend the majority of their time in either adult or pediatric MS care are encouraged to apply.  Residents who have or will have received training in neurology or physiatry in the United States, and who are in the PGY3 or PGY4 stage or beyond, are eligible to apply. Applications are reviewed via a competitive process. Residents whose career plans include working with underserved populations or in rural areas are particularly encouraged to apply. $75,000

Date: 08/07/24 (LOI)
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
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Multiple Sclerosis

Award Grant: Institutional Clinician Training Award
The National Multiple Sclerosis Society offers a one year, post-residency MS clinical* fellowship program designed to train board eligible/certified neurologists or physiatrists in specialized MS clinical care. Applicants who will spend the majority of their time in either adult or pediatric MS care are encouraged to apply. Mentor and Institution: The mentor must have an M.D. or equivalent degree, be board certified in neurology or physiatry, hold a faculty appointment or the equivalent at an accredited institution such as a university or teaching hospital, spend a minimum of 25% time on MS clinical care, have a clinical practice that includes relationships with a multidisciplinary care team, and work in a setting that can support an appropriate training environment for the postdoctoral fellow. $75,000

Date: 08/07/24 (LOI)
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
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Neuroscience; Multiple Sclerosis

Award Grant: Institutional Clinical Training Award
Supports the training of physicians in the comprehensive care of people with MS. Training includes new and follow-up patient consultations and treatment under the supervision of an MS specialist physician along with participation in a multidisciplinary team, lectures, and professional meetings. The goal is for fellows to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to provide the highest quality of care for individuals with MS. Mentor must have an M.D. or equivalent degree, be board certified in neurology or physiatry, hold a faculty appointment or the equivalent at an accredited institution such as a university or teaching hospital, spend a minimum of 25% time on MS clinical care, Mentor and institution select postdoctoral fellow. $75,000

Date: 8/7/2024 (pre- application)
North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
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Award Grant: NASPGHAN Foundation/Abbott Nutrition Advanced Fellowship in Nutrition
To catalyze and increase the number of highly-trained, expert nutrition clinicians, educators and scientists among the membership of NASPGHAN, as a means to improve service to our patients and the public. The applicant must be a MD, DO and a member in good standing of the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition; Applications will be accepted from candidates who are within ten years of their GI fellowship training. $75,000

Date: 8/1/24
North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
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Award Grant: NASPGHAN Foundation Advanced Fellowship in Pediatric Endoscopy
To catalyze and increase the number of highly-trained, expert endoscopists clinicians and educators among the membership of NASPGHAN, as a means to improve service to our patients and the public. The applicant must be a MD, DO and a member in good standing of the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition; Applications will be accepted from candidates who are within ten years of their GI fellowship training. $75,000

Date: 8/1/24
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Foundation (OMSF)
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Surgery; Oral and Maxillofacial

Award Grant: Research Support Grants
Further the development of scientific investigators studying problems related to OMS; foster inter-professional research collaborations; encourage basic, translational and patient-oriented research. OMS Surgeon must have completed training program accredited by CODA; PI does not have to be OMS surgeon - but must have a co-PI who is; PI/co-PI who is OMS must be a fellow or AAOMS member and donor to OMS Foundation; applicant or co-PI OMS must be a U.S. Citizen.    $75,000 per year

Date: 8/31/24
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Chemical Sciences

Award Grant: American Headache Society & Pfizer Quality Improvement Competitive Grant Program
It is our intent to support quality improvement projects that focus on improving the lives of people impacted by migraine and other headache disorders.
Projects are expected to have measurable outcomes and lead to information or tools that can be shared and used widely. Multi-disciplinary collaborations are encouraged when appropriate, but all partners must have a relevant role. There is interest in receiving applications that include projects that utilize system-based changes. Although educational efforts for grantees and patients may be entirely appropriate components in responses to this RFP, projects that include an overt description of system changes will be given high priority. Projects evaluating the efficacy of therapeutic or diagnostic agents will not be considered.
Non-profit institution. Must be a member of the American Headache Society. $375,000 over 2 years

Date: 8/1/2024 (LOI)
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Oncology; Cervical; OBGYN

Award Grant: Improving Care for Patients with recurrent/metastatic (r/m) cervical cancer
The goal of this RFP is to support co-funded education for Academic & Community medical oncologists, gynecologic oncologists, pharmacists, eye care providers, nurse practitioners (NP) and physician assistants (PA) working in the oncology setting caring for patients with r/m cervical cancer relating to treatments, management of adverse events, and long-term outcomes.
Projects that will be considered for Pfizer support will focus on addressing the educational needs related to one or more of the following diseases:
• Burden of illness and unmet need of r/m cervical cancer
• Treatment options for r/m cervical cancer
• Disease and adverse event management for cervical cancer patients by comprehensive healthcare team, including non-oncology specialties (e.g. ophthalmology, endocrinology, etc.) as appropriate
• Awareness of new and emerging treatment options in community practice settings treating underserved populations
Proposed activities should focus on increasing clinicians’ and care team members’ knowledge, confidence, competence, and practice changes in caring for patients. Activity formats that will be considered under this RFP include interactive learning, case-based learning, workshops, tumor boards, digital platforms, and projects to build communities of practice.
Non-profit institution.   $100,000

Date: 8/22/24
Rheumatology Research Foundation
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Medicine; Rheumatology 

Award Grant: Career Development Bridge Funding Award: K Supplement
This award is designed to address the needs of these investigators and serve as a supplement to the NIH individual K series, VA CDA, or equivalent 4- or 5-year
award mechanism. Applicants should propose a new project or expansion of their career development award that demonstrates growth of the aims of the initial award and an independent direction for the investigator leading to the submission of an R award or equivalent.
Junior investigators; ACR or ARP members with an MD, DO, PhD or equivalent doctoral level degree. $100,000 over 2 years

Date: 8/1/24
Society for Academic/Emergency Medicine Foundation
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Emergency Medicine

Award Grant: Education Project Grant
To foster innovation in teaching, education, and educational research in emergency medicine for faculty-, fellow-, resident- and medical student-level learners. The mission of the grant is to develop the academic potential of the selected fellow by providing support for a dedicated two-year training period, including pursuit and preferably completion of an advanced degree in education. SAEM member; doctoral degree; have a university appointment; residents in their final year are eligible to apply. $20,000

Date: 8/1/24
Society for Academic/Emergency Medicine Foundation
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Emergency Medicine

Award Grant: Research Training Grant
1.Provide support to an emergency medicine academician awardee for two years of concentrated training and mentorship with an emphasis on learning research methodology. The award is intended to support the development of sound research skills rather than a specific research project.
2.Enhance the likelihood of the selection of an academic and research career by the awardee.
3.Facilitate the support of research training in the awardee’s host institution for emergency medicine research scientists.
4.Encourage the awardee’s academic development and involvement in emergency medicine research.
SAEM member; doctoral degree; have a university appointment; residents in their final year are eligible to apply; PI should not have received a SAEMF Research Training Grant, EMF Research Fellowship, or federally funded career development award (K-Series or VA CDA). $300,000 over 2 years

Date: 8/1/24
Society for Academic/Emergency Medicine Foundation
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Emergency Medicine

Award Grant: Emerging Infectious Disease and Preparedness Grant
To support emergency care research related to emerging infectious disease (e.g. influenza, COVID-19, or other infections--this award is not limited to specific conditions). This award seeks to support an ambitious program of acute care science in emerging infectious disease that may include diagnostics, patient and provider safety, intervention/therapeutics, disaster preparedness, or other relevant topic areas.  SAEM member; doctoral degree; have a university appointment; not have received a similar grant for the same purpose as the SAEMF proposal (no overlapping funds).

Date: 8/1/24
Society for Academic/Emergency Medicine Foundation
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Emergency Medicine

Award Grant: Research Large Project Grant
To support an emergency medicine faculty member to conduct a large-scale research project to advance his/her career and subsequently obtain federal funding by developing pilot data. SAEM member; doctoral degree; have a university appointment; not have received a similar grant for the same purpose as the SAEMF proposal (no overlapping funds); not have NIH R01 award or equivalent.

Date: 8/1/24
Society of Critical Care Medicine
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Emergency Medicine

Award Grant: SCCM-Weil Research Grant Research areas: Basic, translational, or clinical; patients and families (survivorship and recovery); health services and delivery; education
SCCM seeks to sponsor research efforts that will ultimately improve patient care in the intensive care unit (ICU) and after ICU discharge. Investigator-initiated research should help advance and improve our understanding of critical illness and patient care. Current SCCM member; junior and established investigators. $50,000

Date: 8/1/24
Society of Critical Care Medicine
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Emergency Medicine

Award Grant: Discovery Research Grant
SCCM seeks to sponsor new pilot grants under the auspices of the SCCM-Weil Research Trust. Research efforts will ultimately improve patient care in the intensive care unit (ICU) and after ICU discharge. Investigator-initiated research should help advance and improve our understanding of critical illness and patient care. Current SCCM member; junior and established investigators. The Discovery grant proposal should include collaboration between at least 2 institutions (multi-institutional studies). $100,000

Date: 8/1/24
The Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation
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Chemical Sciences

Award Grant: "Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program
Supports the research and teaching careers of talented young faculty in the chemical sciences at undergraduate institutions. Nominees must hold a full-time tenure-track academic appointment, be after the fourth and not after the twelfth years of their independent academic careers, and be engaged in research and teaching primarily with undergraduates. Institutions can only nominate one person. $75,000

Date: 8/1/24
William T. Grant Foundation
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Social Sciences

Award Grant: Research Grants on Reducing Inequality
This program supports research to build, test, or increase understanding of programs, policies, or practices to reduce inequality in the academic, social, behavioral, or economic outcomes of young people ages 5-25 in the United States. Non-profit institutions up to $600,000

Date: 8/2/24
William T. Grant Foundation
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Social Sciences

Award Grant: Research Grants on Improving the Use of Research Evidence
This program supports research on strategies focused on improving the use, usefulness, and impact of evidence in ways that benefit young people ages 5-25 in the United States. Non-profit institutions up to $600,000

Date: 8/7/24