December 2023

Organization / Website Speciality Area / Award/Grant Purpose / Description Target Audience / Eligibility Award Amount / Deadline

AASLD Foundation
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Liver Disease

Award/Grant:  Various

With liver disease on the rise and the promise of more cures made possible through new discovery, we need more research focused on liver disease and more hepatologists and health care professionals trained to provide care for patients suffering from liver disease. Various.


Date: 12/4/2023

Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation
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Cancer; Pediatric

Award/Grant: Young Investigator Grant

Applicants must show a commitment to a research career in pediatric cancer. A mentor is required, and a career development plan must be included. Proposals must fall within the scope of Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation’s mission, focused on childhood cancers. Proposals with a sole/primary focus on patients >21 years of age will not be considered.

Designed to support early career researchers,

such as postdoctoral, clinical fellows or instructors, pursuing promising childhood cancer research ideas. Applicants must have an MD, PhD, or MD/PhD or equivalent and must not have achieved an appointment higher than Instructor. A minimum of 75% of the applicant’s time must be allocated as protected time for all research activities. 

$180,000 over 3 years

Date: 12/11/2023

Alex's Lemonade Stand
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Cancer; Pediatric

Award/Grant:  2024 RUNX1 RARE Grant Program

Aims of research proposals must be relevant to the goal of preventing hematologic malignancies in RUNX1-FPD. Proposals that seek to translate from bench to bedside will receive priority. Applicants must have an MD, PhD, or MD/PhD (DO, MBBS or equivalent). Applicants may have research grants from other funding sources during the award period, but there must be clear documentation of mechanisms to avoid scientific and budgetary overlap. Applicants must have research experience working in, and a deep understanding of, normal or malignant hematopoiesis and/or immunology.

$250,000 over 2 years

Date: 12/4/2023

American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy Foundation
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Otolaryngology, Immunology

Award/Grant:  Research Grants for Pilot Studies in allergic, inflammatory, and respiratory disease.

Proposals should seek to advance research and knowledge for the treatment of otolaryngic conditions by conducting research in pathogenesis, pathophysiology, diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of otolaryngic allergy. Residents and medical students are encouraged to apply.  The principal investigator and/or listed key personnel on the grant proposal must be current AAOA members in good standing, or become an active candidate for membership.


Date: 12/1/2023

American Academy of Otolaryngology
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Medicine; Otolaryngology

Award/Grant:  CORE Grants

The CORE program brings greater scale and less fragmentation and overlap to otolaryngology-head and neck surgery research opportunities, reduces the aggregate costs of the individual grant programs, and enables a comprehensive overview of the spectrum of promising otolaryngology and head and neck surgery research/researchers to promote to NIH and other agencies. Check individual mechanism for eligibility requirements.

Between $10,000 to $50,000 dependent on award.

Date: 12/15/23 (LOI) 

American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases
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Liver Disease

Award/Grant:   Autoimmune Liver Disease Pilot Research Award

To provide supplementary funding during pilot phase of basic, translational, or clinical research projects in autoimmune liver disease (i.e. autoimmune hepatitis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, primary biliary cholangitis). Applicant may be pre-doctoral/graduate level, post-doctorate level, or junior faculty within 5 years of primary appointment; must be AASLD member; may apply for 1 AASLD award per application cycle at the start of the award; If funded, at least 20% effort should be devoted to research activities related to this award.

$20,000 for 1 year

Date: 12/4/2023

American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases
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Liver Disease

Award/Grant:  Clinical, Translational and Outcomes Research Award 

Intended to foster career development for individuals performing clinical, translational or outcomes research in a liver-related area - ensures that a significant portion of investigator's time is protected for research. Must commence award within first 5 years of faculty appointment at the start of the award; if funded must devote 50% effort to research project; must be member of AASLD; must have mentor sponsorship; cannot hold R01/K Award; a single institution may submit up to 2 applications per department; may apply for 1 AASLD award per application cycle.

$200,000 over 2 years

Date: 12/4/2023

American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases
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Liver Disease

Award/Grant:  Pilot Award in PSC Research 

Supports new, highly innovative PSC research ideas that focus on questions pertaining to the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and/or management of PSC in children and/or adults. Responsive projects will address highly innovative research ideas that have a clear potential to produce high-impact results, but that have little or no preliminary data to successfully compete for funding from other sources; Not intended to support ongoing research in the applicant’s laboratory, but rather support new ideas or approaches that have not previously been studied. Must be at post-doctoral or faculty level at or below Associate Professor at the award start date (July 1, 2024); must devote at least 20% effort; must be AASLD member; may apply for 1 AASLD award per application cycle.

$50,000 for 1 year 

Date: 12/4/2023

American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases
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Liver Disease

Award/Grant:  Pinnacle Research Award  

Provides support for young scientists to bridge the gap between completion of research training and attainment of independent research scientist status. Designed to enable young researchers to successfully compete for awards from national sources. Must commence award within first 5 years of faculty appointment at the start of the award; must be member of AASLD; must be sponsored by research mentor; cannot hold R01/K Award/AHA Award; may apply for 1 AASLD award per application cycle; at least 50% of the available time will be devoted to the research project on which this application is based.

$300,000 over 3 years

Date: 12/4/2023

American Association of Cancer Research
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The intent of this program is to encourage and support early-career physician-scientists to conduct research and bolster the development of innovative targeted therapeutics.  The proposed projects may be translational or clinical in nature and focused on all aspects of oncology.  

At the start of the grant term on July 1, 2024, applicants must:

Hold a faculty position with the title of assistant professor, instructor, research assistant professor, or the equivalent. Applicants who have progressed to associate professor appointments are not eligible; Be able to commit at least 50% of full-time effort in research (applies to total research, not just the proposed project) during the grant term; Have completed their most recent doctoral degree or medical residency (or equivalent) - whichever date is later - within the past 11 years (i.e., degree cannot have been conferred before July 1, 2013); Have independent laboratory space and be able to hold independent funding as confirmed by their institution.

$300,000 over 3 years

Date: 12/5/2023 (LOI)

American Association of Thoracic Surgery
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Cancer; Surgery

Award/Grant:  AstraZeneca Surgical Investigator Award

Research proposals focused on the treatment of lung cancer, either in terms of basic science advances, surgical outcomes or the development of quality initiatives. Mid-career thoracic surgery physician scientists, 8-12 years out from their cardiothoracic surgery training who have 1) completed formal training and certification in cardiothoracic surgery; 2) a current academic or hospital appointment; 3) completed their cardiothoracic residency; and 4) previous independent peer-reviewed grant support in the area of application. $200,000

Date: 12/1/2023
American College of Gastroenterology
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Award/Grant:  Clinical Research Awards 

Fund innovative patient-oriented research that should be translational with direct applicability to clinical care.  Must be an ACG member or trainee at the time of submission; Applicant must be a physician (MD, DO, or PhD); physicians in training (fellows) are eligible to apply provided that the work is conducted under the supervision of a more senior or experienced investigator at the faculty level; Pilot data required. 

up to $50,000 for 1 year

Date: 12/4/2023

American College of Gastroenterology
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Award/Grant: Clinical Research Pilot Awards

Research to support innovative patient-oriented research and encourage clinical research among trainees and junior faculty. PI must be an ACG member at time of submission, physicians (MD, DO, or PhD) and physicians in training (fellows) are eligible to apply; ACG will not grant more than two Clinical Research Awards to former or current principal investigators on R01, P01, U01, VA Merit Awards or Hughes grants. 

$15,000 for 1 year

Date: 12/4/2023 

American College of Gastroenterology
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Award/Grant: Health Equity Research Award

To support promising investigators in developing research careers that have a direct bearing on clinical gastrointestinal practice by advancing our knowledge in reducing disparities in the care and outcomes of racial/ethnic minorities, women, LGBTQ+ populations, and/or those living with a disability that is not derivative of a gastrointestinal disease, within the broader context of gastrointestinal and liver diseases. The applicants must either be a faculty member at a university, medical school or other healthcare institution at the time of application OR a practicing gastroenterologist/hepatologist in a community practice. Member of ACG  and required to have pilot data.

$75,000 over 2 years

Date: 12/4/2023

American College of Gastroenterology 
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Award/Grant: Junior Faculty Development Grants

To assist promising clinical researchers to develop research and careers that have a direct bearing on clinical gastrointestinal practice.  Full-time Faculty, member of ACG, junior faculty (not above assistant prof level or held academic position for greater than 7 years) must have record of accomplishment in research, devote 50% of effort to clinical research related to hepatology or gastroenterology, must have preceptor for mentorship.

 $450,000 over 3 years

Date: 12/4/2023

American College of Surgeons
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Award/Grant:  Faculty Research Fellowships

The fellowship is to assist a surgeon in the establishment of their research program under mentorship with the goal of transitioning to becoming an independent investigator. Applicants should have demonstrated their potential to work as independent investigators.  The fellowship is open to Fellows or Associate Fellows of the College who have: (1) completed the chief residency year or accredited fellowship training within the preceding five years, not including time off for maternity leave, military deployment, or medical leave; and (2) received a full-time faculty appointment in a department of surgery or a surgical specialty at an accredited medical school.

$80,000 over 2 years

Date: 12/15/2023

American Federation for Aging Research
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Award/Grant:  Glenn Foundation for Medical Research and AFAR Grants for Junior Faculty

The major goal of this program is to assist in the development of the careers of junior investigators committed to pursuing careers in the field of aging research. GFMR and AFAR support research projects concerned with understanding the basic mechanisms of aging rather than disease-specific research. Projects investigating age-related diseases are supported if approached from the point of view of how basic aging processes may lead to these outcomes. Projects concerning mechanisms underlying common geriatric functional disorders are also encouraged, as long as these include connections to fundamental problems in the biology of aging. Projects that deal strictly with clinical problems such as the diagnosis and treatment of disease, health outcomes, or the social context of aging are not eligible. The applicant must be an independent investigator with independent research space as described in a form completed by the Dean or Department Chair, and must be no more than 10 years beyond the start of postdoctoral research training as of July 1, 2024. For Awards funded by the GFMR preference will be given to investigators who are in the first 3 years of a faculty appointment. $150,000

Date: 12/18/23 (LOI)
American Federation for Aging Research
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Award/Grant: The CART Fund, Inc. -- Coins for Alzheimer's Research Trust Grants

Encourage exploratory and developmental AD research projects within the United States by providing support for the early and conceptual plans of those projects that may not yet be supported by extensive preliminary data, but have the potential to substantially advance biomedical research. Proposals should be distinct from those projects designed to increase knowledge in a well-established area unless it is intended to extend previous discoveries toward new directions or applications. Full-time faculty at a non-profit institution


Date: 12/1/2023

American Heart Association
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Cardiovascular; Basic; Clinical; Translational

Award/Grant:  Innovative Project Award

To support highly innovative, high-impact research that could ultimately lead to critical discoveries or major advancements that will accelerate the field of cardiovascular and/or cerebrovascular research.

Research deemed innovative may introduce a new paradigm, challenge current paradigms, look at existing problems from new perspectives, or exhibit other uniquely creative qualities. Should you include information about preliminary work, then the proposal is not innovative. Proposals may also refer to existing, unanalyzed datasets and the types of data they contain (e.g., geospatial, demographic, billing, molecular) that could be leveraged in conducting the proposed work, but there should be no preliminary descriptive summaries of the data itself. Proposed work should not be the next logical step of previous work, but should have a high probability of revealing new avenues of investigation, if successful.

The principal investigator (PI) is responsible for clearly and explicitly articulating the project's innovation and the potential impact on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular research. The idea proposed here should not have been submitted in whole or in part in a previous proposal for AHA support.

The candidate must hold a post-baccalaureate Ph.D. degree or equivalent, or a doctoral-level clinical degree, such as MD, DO, DVM, PharmD, or PhD in nursing, public health, or other clinical health science. This program places no limit on eligibility based on career stage, academic rank or discipline. It requires only evidence of employment at a qualified institution, beyond the fellowship/training stage. While no minimum percent effort is specified, the principal investigator must demonstrate that adequate time will be devoted to ensuring successful completion of the proposed project.

$100,000 per year for up to 2 years

Date: 12/1/23 (pre-proposal) 

American Heart Association
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Award/Grant:  Career Development Award

Supports highly promising healthcare and academic professionals, in the early years of one’s first professional appointment, to explore innovative questions or pilot studies that will provide preliminary data and training necessary to assure the applicant’s future success as a research scientist. Must hold a faculty/staff position up to and including the rank of assistant professor (or equivalent). No more than five years and nine months may have elapsed since the first faculty/staff appointment (after receipt of doctoral degree) at the assistant professor level or equivalent (including, but not limited to, instructor, research assistant professor, research scientist, staff scientist, etc.). If the candidate held the title of instructor during postdoctoral fellowship or residency years due to clinical or teaching responsibilities, that period of time does not count against the eligibility period for applying for the Career Development Award. The applicant must demonstrate that adequate time will be devoted to ensuring the successful completion of the project.

$77,000 per year for 3years

Date: 12/6/2023

American Kidney Fund
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Award/Grant:  Clinical Scientist in Nephrology (CSN) Program

The Clinical Scientist in Nephrology program strives to improve the quality of care provided to kidney patients and promotes clinical research in nephrology. The program enhances the training of nephrologists who want to pursue an academic career and whose primary professional commitment is to scholarship in the provision of patient care. Medical Fellow/Resident.

$90,000 per year for up to 2 years

Date: 12/18/2023

American Lung Association
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Pulmonology; Lung

Award/Grant:  Allergic Respiratory Disease Award 

Provide support to investigators to conduct basic, clinical or translational research into advancing the understanding of allergic respiratory disease.  Must hold a doctoral degree with a faculty appointment in an allergy/immunology division of an academic institution. Must be considered independent. 

$75,000 per year for up to 2 years

Date: 12/15/2023

American Lung Association
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Pulmonology; Lung

Award/Grant:  Catalyst Award 

This award champions the next generation of scientists who are ascending toward independence by supporting mentored-investigators who are conducting basic science, behavioral, clinical or translational research into lung health.  Applicant must hold a faculty appointment or equivalent with demonstrated institutional commitment. Applicants must have a mentor who has a demonstrated history of research experience and mentorship. 

$50,000 per year for up to 2 years

Date: 12/15/2023

American Lung Association
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Pulmonology; Lung

Award/Grant:  Dalsemer Research Grant (interstitial lung disease)

Mentored award meant to provide seed monies to junior investigators on the path to independence for researching the mechanisms and biology of interstitial lung disease.  Must hold a doctoral degree with faculty appointment in a recognized academic institute. Fellows and post-docs are eligible to apply if their Dept. Chair can assure a faculty appointment by award start date. Must have a mentor with demonstrated research experience. 

$50,000 per year for up to 2 years

Date: 12/15/2023

American Lung Association
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Pulmonology; Lung

Award/Grant: Innovation Award

Support promising independent investigators who are leveraging their existing body of work to conduct basic science, behavioral, clinical or translational research for lung health  Faculty appointment with demonstrated institutional commitment. Must have a publication record that reflects significant scientific contribution, and must have held a K or R level grant in 3 years prior to the application. 

$75,000 per year for up to 2 years

Date: 12/15/2023

American Lung Association
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Pulmonology; Lung

Award/Grant:  Public Policy & Public Health Award

Support to stimulate and inform important public policy debates around healthy air and lung disease. This award supports research on and evaluation of existing public policy and programs, as well as projects that inject innovative ideas into public policies impacting lung health.  Must hold a doctoral degree with faculty appointment in a recognized academic institute. Fellows and post-docs are eligible to apply if their Dept. Chair can assure a faculty appointment by award start date. Must have a mentor with demonstrated research experience. 

$50,000 per year for up to 2 years

Date: 12/15/2023

American Nursing Foundation
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Award/Grant:  Collaborative Care Grant for Nurses and Pharmacists

This grant program aims to stimulate patient-centered interprofessional health services research that demonstrates meaningful outcomes.  The research team to be co-led by a pharmacist and nurse, serving as co-principal investigators.


Date: 12/10/2023

American Parkinson Disease Association
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Parkinson's; Neurology

Award/Grant:  Diversity in Parkinson's Disease Research

Purpose is to study the health inequities and/or differences among under-studied PD communities, across the spectrum of ethnicity, ancestry, geography, socioeconomic conditions, and gender.  Projects should address one of the following: Diagnosis of PD among some under-studied communities is delayed; Some under-studied communities are less likely to receive quality PD care; Clinical trial enrollment among certain under-studied communities does not match their representation in the population; Differences in clinical features, response to treatment, co-morbidities, prevalence, natural history, genetics and biomarkers among various under-studied PD populations have not been fully explored. All research scientists in the field of Parkinson’s research can apply, including those from outside the US.

$75,000 for 1 year

Date: 12/16/23 (LOI)

American Parkinson Disease Association
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Parkinson's; Neurology

Award/Grant:  Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships

APDA Post-doc fellowships are intended to support post-doctoral trainees at U.S. research institutions whose research training focuses on new insights into the pathophysiology, etiology, and/or treatment of Parkinson’s disease. Proposals can address research questions anywhere along the pipeline from basic science to rehabilitation-focused projects.

Applicants must have completed their MD, PhD, MD/PhD or clinical residency program within two (2) years of the onset of the proposed award.

$50,000 per year for up to 2 years

Date: 12/16/23 (LOI)

American Parkinson Disease Association
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Award/Grant:  George C. Cotzias Memorial Fellowships (in Neurology)

The Dr. George C. Cotzias Memorial Fellowship is intended to assist promising young neurologist in establishing careers in research, teaching and patient care relevant to the problems, causes, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson’s disease and related neurological movement disorders.

Completing, or has completed, training in a clinical discipline concerned with disorders of the nervous system (i.e. adult neurology, child neurology, neurosurgery, neuropathology); an instructor or assistant professor; the applicant should be no more than 10 years beyond completion of his/her clinical training at the time of submission.




Date: 12/16/23 (LOI)

American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
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GI; Endoscopy

Award/Grant:  ASGE Research Award

SProjects in  basic, translational and clinical research with a relationship to gastrointestinal endoscopy. The ASGE is particularly interested in research pertaining to (in no particular order): colorectal cancer screening, Barrett's esophagus, endoscopy training, health disparities, quality measurement and improvement, endoscope reprocessing and infection control, endoscopic sedation/anesthesia, bowel preparation, novel endoscopic treatments for obesity, endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), and other endoscopically-guided imaging/interventions. Candidate is required to be an ASGE member at the time of application, be an MD (or have equivalent degree).


Date: 12/8/2023

American Society for Reproductive Medicine
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Stem Cell Research

Award/Grant:  KY Cha Award in Stem Cell Technology

The purpose of this award is to provide start-up funds to initiate an innovative research project in regenerative medicine and stem cell technology. Funds are available for salary support, technical assistance, supplies, durable equipment, or other project expenses but may not be used for indirect costs, or institutional overhead.  A research project in which the applicant is the primary investigator is the essential core of the award. MD, PhD, or equivalent, independent investigator, FT faculty,  $20,000

Date: 12/1/2023
American Society of Nephrology
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Award/Grant:  Research Fellowships

To fund fellows to conduct original, meritorious research projects. This program will foster, under the direction of a sponsor, the training of fellows who are highly motivated to make contributions to the understanding of kidney biology and disease. Hold ASN membership and MD, DO, PhD or equivalent; not have completed more than 5 years of research training after completion of MD or DO degree OR 18 months of post-doc research training after PhD; cannot have or held a nephrology-related or basic science faculty position at any institution; must commit 75% to research; cannot hold another full fellowship award; must complete research under mentor (who will also be ASN member).

$50,000 per year; up to 2 years

Date: 12/6/2023

American Society of Nephrology
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Award/Grant: Transition to Independence Award

Provides funding for young faculty to foster evolution to an independent research career and a successful application for a National Institutes of Health (NIH) full R01 grant or equivalent. By the end of the grant period, a recipient will have an independent research career and be competitive for federal and nonfederal funding. Must have a doctoral degree and be ASN member within 7 years of initial faculty appointment; cannot hold R01 or equivalent; cannot have more than $250,000 in external grant support, must commit 75% of their time to research.

$100,000 per year; up to 2 years

Date: 12/6/2023

American Society of Transplantation and Immunology Research Network
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Award/Grant:  Early Faculty Development Research Grant - (Basic, Translational, Clinical) 

Intended to improve all research areas in relation to solid organ transplantation (and/or immunology relating to solid organ transplant). Applicant must be within 5 years of initial academic appointment; member of AST; current PI on Ro1, P01, R21 or VA Merit Award or comparable are ineligible; concurrent K-Series or R00, or two-year R56 are ineligible.

$75,000/year for up to 2 years

Date: 12/1/2023

American Society of Transplantation and Immunology Research Network 
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Award/Grant: Fellowship Research Grant

Submitted in 3 categories: basic, clinical, and translational research. Fellows who have spent two years or less performing research in the areas of transplantation/immunology; minimum protected time for basic or translational grants is 50% and for clinical grants is 25%.

$75,000/year for up to 2 years

Date: 12/1/2023

Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration
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Award/Grant:  AFTD Pilot Grant

AFTD Pilot Grants provide seed funding for novel research in the initial phase of development across the full spectrum of FTD disorders (behavioral variant FTD, primary progressive aphasia, progressive supranuclear palsy, corticobasal syndrome, and FTD-ALS) by early-stage researchers. Pilot Grants advance the careers of new investigators focused on FTD and generate data that will be the basis for follow-on funding applications to government funders or other public or private agencies. Faculty appointment $110,000

Date: 12/8/2023
Autism Science Foundation
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Award/Grant:  Postdoctoral Training Awards

All areas of related basic and clinical research, including but not limited to: human behavior and co-occurring medical conditions across the lifespan (language, learning, behavior, communication, social function, motor skills & planning, epilepsy, sleep, repetitive disorders); neurobiology (anatomy, development, neuroimaging); pharmacology; studies that address disparities in access, care and research; neuropathology; genetics and gene/environment interactions; epigenetics; immunology; molecular and cellular mechanisms; studies employing model organisms and systems; intervention research (behavioral, pharmacological or a combination of the two), and studies of treatment and service delivery. Must have completed their doctoral or medical degree and have been accepted as a postdoctoral fellow in good standing in a program as of the award start date (July - September 2024).


Date: 12/8/2023

Autism Science Foundation
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Award/Grant: Pre-doctoral Training Awards

All areas of related basic and clinical research, including but not limited to: human behavior and co-occurring medical conditions across the lifespan (language, learning, behavior, communication, social function, motor skills & planning, epilepsy, sleep, repetitive disorders); neurobiology (anatomy, development, neuroimaging); pharmacology; studies that address disparities in access, care and research; neuropathology; genetics and gene/environment interactions; epigenetics; immunology; molecular and cellular mechanisms; studies employing model organisms and systems; intervention research (behavioral, pharmacological or a combination of the two), and studies of treatment and service delivery. Enrolled students in good standing in a program leading to a research doctorate, such as a Ph.D. or Sc.D., or a dual degree, such as an M.D./Ph.D., in an academic department at an accredited university or health/medical institution.


Date: 12/8/2023

Burroughs Wellcome Fund
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Award/Grant: Next Gen Pregnancy Initiative

The initiative is designed to stimulate both creative individual scientists and multi-investigator teams to approach healthy and adverse pregnancy outcomes using creative basic and translation science methods. The formation of new connections between reproductive scientists and investigators who are involved in other areas is particularly encouraged.

Faculty, junior faculty, post doctoral fellows

women and minorities encouraged; can be submitted by individual investigators or research teams; Postdoctoral fellows nearing their transition to independent investigator status through senior established investigators are eligible to apply.

$125,000 per year for up to 4 years

Date: 12/5/2023

Cancer Research Institute 
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Cancer Immunotherapy 

Award/Grant: Clinic and Laboratory Integration Program (CLIP Grant)

Scientists working to explore clinically relevant questions aimed at the effectiveness of cancer immunotherapies. Grant supports basic, pre-clinical and translational research.  Candidates for a CLIP Grant must hold a faculty appointment as a tenure-track assistant professor (or higher rank) at the time of award activation.

up to $300,000 over 2 years

Date: 12/1/2023 (LOI)

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
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Basic Science

Award/Grant: Data Insights

Support 18-month projects focused on advancing tools and resources that make it possible to gain greater insights into health and disease from single-cell biology datasets. Non-profit institutions

$200,000 - $400,000

Date: 12/5/2023

Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
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Award/Grant: Physician Scientist Training Award 

Designed to recruit outstanding U.S. Specialty Board-eligible physicians into cancer research careers by providing them with the opportunity for a protected research training experience under the mentorship of a highly qualified and gifted mentor after they have completed all of their clinical training. Physician-scientist (MDs only) must have completed their residencies and clinical training, be US Specialty Board eligible; devote 80% of time to research; Post-doc fellows, clinical fellows and clinical instructors are eligible--Applicants may apply at any time prior to their initial assistant professorship appointment; no K Awards.

$460,000 over 4 years (no indirect costs or institutional overhead)

Date: 12/1/2023

Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
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Award/Grant: Quantitative Biology Fellowship Award

To encourage quantitative scientists (trained in fields such as mathematics, computer science, physics, engineering, or related) to pursue research careers in computational biology under the joint mentorship of leaders in both computational science (“dry lab”) and cancer biology (“wet lab”). Open to quantitative scientists with an interest in the intersection between computational biology, data science and cancer research. Applicants must have completed one or more of the following degrees or its equivalent: MD, PhD, MD/PhD, DDS, DVM, DO.

Up to $80,000 per year for 3 years

Date: 12/1/2023

Elsa U. Pardee Foundation
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Award/Grant: Cancer Research Grants

Research to investigators in United States non-profit institutions proposing research directed toward identifying new treatments or cures for cancer. The Foundation particularly encourages grant applications for a one year period which will allow establishment of capabilities of new cancer researchers, or new cancer approaches by established cancer researchers. Must be part of nonprofit institute and propose research directed toward identifying new treatments or cures for cancer. 


Date:  12/15/2023

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
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Cancer; Leukemia; Lymphoma

Award/Grant: Specialized Center of Research (SCOR) 

A major emphasis in the SCOR grant program is on clinical translation of scientific results. Ideally, a SCOR application will propose a combination of basic and translational laboratory research that will lead to eventual clinical translation. There should be clear and direct “bench to bedside” translational trajectory from one or more of the Projects in the SCOR. It is important to note that the inclusion of a clinical trial in and of itself may not satisfy this requirement. Any clinical translation must be a coherent and integrated extension of other SCOR activities, and there should be substantive interactions and synergy between clinical trials and more basic or early translational Projects in the SCOR. The program welcomes applications worldwide from appropriate academic institutions and investigators of any nationality. Applicants must hold a PhD, MD, DVM, or equivalent degree and must be affiliated with a non-profit Institution at the time funding commences and for the duration of the award. Applications may involve multiple institutions.

$5,000,000 over 5 years

Date: 12/7/23 (LOI)

Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research
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Award/Grant: The Edmond J. Safra Fellowship in Movement Disorders

To grow the global base of movement disorder specialists — neurologists with additional training in Parkinson's disease and other movement disorders — by training movement disorder clinician-researchers who can provide expert care and lead scientific advances. Academic centers worldwide that are able to train a movement disorder clinician-researcher over a two-year period are eligible.

$180,000 for two years

Date: 12/7/2023

Myocarditis Foundation
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Award/Grant: Research Fellowships

Innovative basic, clinical or translational research relevant to the cause or treatment of myocarditis. Candidates may apply up to 10 years following receipt of an MD, PhD, or an equivalent degree; All applicants must select a preceptor with a proven track record of research in myocarditis.

$50,000 for one year of salary support (full-time research)

Date: 12/1/2023

National Blood Foundation/AABB
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Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease

Award/Grant: Early Career-Scientific Research Grants Program

Applications for research into new and innovative projects for areas including: hematology, immunology, immunohematology, infectious disease, patient blood management, cellular therapies, biotherapies. Early-career investigator: has completed a terminal research degree or medical residency – whichever date is later – within the past 10 years of the grant application deadline and has not yet been awarded a substantial research grant (i.e. NIH R01). 


Date: 12/1/2023

Oxalosis and Hyperoxaluria Foundation
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Award/Grant: Research Grants

The OHF seeks to support research that will ultimately lead to new diagnostics, treatments, and a cure for Primary Hyperoxaluria and related Hyperoxaluria conditions. 

Applicants must hold a MD, PhD, or equivalent by the time of the start of the funding period and have an appointment at an academic institution.


Date: 12/15/2023

Paralyzed Veterans of America Research Foundation 
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Award/Grant: PVA Education Foundation -- Grants 

The Education Foundation is focused on funding educational projects that benefit and serve individuals with Spinal Cord Injury and Disease, their families and caregivers.  The Education Foundation has six topic categories for funding consideration which are: Consumer, Caregiver, and Community Education; Professional Development and Education; Research Utilization and Dissemination; Assistive Technology; Consumer Guides; and Conferences and Symposia.  These projects should be designed to improve the quality of life for individuals with SCI/D, educate consumers about the consequences of and complications associated with SCI/D, improve the knowledge and skills of SCI/D health care professionals and to prevent the occurrence and complications of new SCI/D.  Applications are accepted from fiscally responsible organizational entities in the name of the Principal Investigator (applicant).


Date: 12/1/2023

Plastic Surgery Foundation
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Plastic Surgery

Award/Grant: Translational and Innovation Research Grant

Provides funding to support novel translational innovative research (e.g. devices, diagnostics, technology, etc.) that accelerates discovery through FDA approval into clinical testing. The research must lead to improvements in commercial development, and the objectives of the project should include an outcome that will benefit patients and address unmet clinical needs. MD, DO or PhD; hold full time clinical or research position; be active or candidate member of ASPS.


Date: 12/1/2023

Plastic Surgery Foundation
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Plastic Surgery

Award/Grant: National Endowment for Plastic Surgery 

Priority will be given to applications which translate clinical or basic science research findings into clinically relevant advancements or tools with a high likelihood of impacting daily practice and patient care within the next few years.  MD, DO or PhD; hold full time clinical or research position; be active or candidate member of ASPS. 


Date: 12/1/2023

Plastic Surgery Foundation 
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Plastic Surgery

Award/Grant: Pilot Award

Provides support for residents/junior faculty to address focused research questions, obtain preliminary data, and develop a line of research that can be carried into an academic career.  MD, DO, Or PhD; full time clinical or research position, be an active ASPS; primarily intended for residents, fellows, and junior faculty.

$10,000 for 1 year

Date: 12/1/2023

Plastic Surgery Foundation
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Plastic Surgery

Award/Grant: Research Fellowship Grants

The PSF supports investigators from the beginning of their careers, during residency and as they advance to becoming experienced and well-established plastic surgeons. This grant is for salary support only for a Resident or Fellow to obtain training and experience in research, under the guidance of an experienced mentor. The application must describe a structured research training plan, in addition to a research project. Only already funded research projects will be considered.

MD or DO, or have doctoral-level degree and post-doctoral training appropriate for a clinical fellowship; Hold full-time position at institution; obtain sponsorship from an Active ASPS member at your institution.

$50,000 for 1 year  

Date: 12/1/2023

Plastic Surgery Foundation/Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation
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Plastic Surgery

Award/Grant: PSF/MTF Allograft Tissue Research Grant

Intended to provide support for research projects focused on biologic reconstruction with a strong clinical translation component that utilize dermal, adipose, placental or other allograft transplant technologies. Projects should have high likelihood of impact on scientific discipline and/or on patient care. Examples of clinical technologies of interest include: the use of allograft biologics in breast reconstruction, wound healing, nose reshaping, soft tissue defect filling and other applications of allograft tissue in plastic and reconstructive surgery. MD, DO or PhD; hold FT clinical or research position; be active or candidate member of ASPS. 

$72,500 for 1 year

Date: 12/1/2023

Research to Prevent Blindness
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Award/Grant: Grants Program

Provides grants to high-performing U.S.-based departments of ophthalmology and to their high-potential investigators.  Varied; see RFP for details.

Various; see RFP for details.

Date: 12/15/23 (nomination form due); 1/10/24 (application due)

ResMed Foundation
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Sleep and Respiratory Health

Award/Grant: Physician and Public Awareness

The Foundation's goal in this funding category is to further the awareness and knowledge of the inherent dangers of untreated sleep disordered breathing, its symptoms, diagnosis and treatment with sleep specialists, primary care physicians, educators and the general public. Only programs that have wide outreach to a significant clinical or public population base will be considered. N/A 

$10,000 - $25,000

Date: 12/15/2023

Rita Allen Foundation
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Pain Research

Award/Grant: Award in Pain

An award for early-career leaders in basic pain research whose work holds high potential for uncovering new pathways to improve the treatment of chronic pain. Eligible candidates will have completed their training and provided persuasive evidence of distinguished achievement or extraordinary promise in basic research in pain. Candidates should be in the early stages of their career with an appointment at the faculty level. 


Date: 12/14/2023

Sigma Theta Tau International/Western Institute of Nursing
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Award/Grant: Nursing Research Grant

Encourage qualified nurses to contribute to the advancement of nursing through research. Proposals for pilot and/or developmental research may be submitted for the grant. Registered nurse with current license; have a master's degree, and/or be enrolled in a doctoral program.


Date: 12/1/2023

Society of Surgical Oncology
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Award/Grant: Clinical Investigator Award

Promotes patient-focused research conducted by surgical oncologists in clinical and translational science. Must be a surgical oncologist within eight (8) years of completion of fellowship or related training. Must be an SSO U.S. member in good standing for at least six (6) months prior to application submission to be eligible for an award.


Date: 12/1/2023