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Wedegaertner Research


Name: Philip Wedegaertner, PhD
Position: Professor

233 South 10th Street
839 BLSB
Philadelphia, PA 19106

Contact Number(s):

Highlighted Publications

Irannejad R, Wedegaertner PB. Golgi-localized G protein bg subunits regulate trans-Golgi network to plasma membrane transport, J Biol Chem. 2010;285:32393-32404. 

Klayman LM, Wedegaertner PB. Inducible inhibition of Gbg reveals localization-dependent functions at the plasma membrane and Golgi, J Biol Chem. 2017;292:1773-1784. 

These two papers describe the regulation of Golgi function and morphology by Gbg and describe the development of novel molecular tools for inducibly recruiting Gbg and inhibitors to distinct subcellular membranes.

Xu H, Jiang X, Shen K, Fischer CC, Wedegaertner PB. The regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) domain of G protein-coupled receptor kinase 5 (GRK5) regulates plasma membrane localization and function, Mol Biol Cell. 2014;25:2105-2115. 

This paper describes a novel role for RGS domain-mediated dimerization in regulating subcellular localization of GRK5.

Chua V, Lapadula D, Randolph C, Benovic JL, Wedegaertner PB, Aplin AE. Dysregulated GPCR Signaling and Therapeutic Options in Uveal Melanoma, Molecular Cancer Research, 2017, 15:501-506.

This paper is a review by members of the Jefferson Uveal Melanoma Basic Research Team on dysregulated G protein-mediated signaling in uveal melanoma.

Recent Publications

Going Rogue: Mechanisms, Regulation, and Roles of Mutationally Activated Ga in Human Cancer

Co-Targeting FASN and mTOR Suppresses Uveal Melanoma Growth

Gβγ signaling regulates microtubule-dependent control of Golgi integrity

Disruption of the interaction between mutationally activated Gαq and Gβγ attenuates aberrant signaling

Enhanced membrane binding of oncogenic G protein αqQ209L confers resistance to inhibitor YM-254890

Prognostic values of G-protein mutations in metastatic uveal melanoma

Gβγ regulates mitotic Golgi fragmentation and G2/M cell cycle progression

Effects of oncogenic Gαq and Gα11 inhibition by FR900359 in uveal melanoma

G protein-coupled receptor kinase 4-induced cellular senescence and its senescence-associated gene expression profiling

Functional selectivity of GPCR-directed drug action through location bias

Dysregulated GPCR signaling and therapeutic options in uveal melanoma

Inducible inhibition of Gβγ reveals localization-dependent functions at the plasma membrane and Golgi

Mitotic-dependent phosphorylation of leukemia-associated RhoGEF (LARG) by Cdk1

PAQR3 regulates Golgi vesicle fission and transport via the Gβγ-PKD signaling pathway

G protein βγ subunits regulate cardiomyocyte hypertrophy through a perinuclear Golgi phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate hydrolysis pathway

The regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) domain of G protein-coupled receptor kinase 5 (GRK5) regulates plasma membrane localization and function

Leukemia-associated RhoGEF (LARG) is a novel RhoGEF in cytokinesis and required for the proper completion of abscission

G Protein Traf ficking

Non-canonical signaling and localizations of heterotrimeric G proteins

Regulation of constitutive cargo transport from the trans-Golgi network to plasma membrane by Golgi-localized G protein βγ subunits

An N-terminal polybasic motif of Gαq is required for signaling and influences membrane nanodomain distribution

The amino acid motif L/IIxxFE defines a novel actin-binding sequence in PDZ-RhoGEF

Differences in Gα12- and Gα13-mediated plasma membrane recruitment of p115-RhoGEF

Reversible Palmitoylation in G Protein Signaling

N-terminal polybasic motifs are required for plasma membrane localization of Gαs and Gαq