Meyer Research
233 South 10th Street
Bluemle Life Sciences Building, Suite 319 (office/lab)
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Highlighted Publications
Gamlen HA, Romer-Seibert JS, Lawler ME, Versace AM, Goetz ML, Feng Y Guryanova OA, Palmisiano N, Meyer SE. miR-196b-TLR7/8 Signaling Axis Regulates Innate Immune Signaling and Myeloid Maturation in DNMT3A-Mutant AML. Clin Cancer Res. 2022 Oct 14;28(20):4574-4586. PMID: 35943291; PMCID: PMC9588567.
Romer-Seibert JS, Meyer SE. Genetic heterogeneity and clonal evolution in acute myeloid leukemia. Curr Opin Hematol. 2021 Jan;28(1):64-70. PMID: 33186150; PMCID: PMC7731048.
Meyer SE, Muench DE, Rogers AM, Newkold TJ, Orr E, O'Brien E, Perentesis JP, Doench JG, Lal A, Morris PJ, et al. miR-196b target screen reveals mechanisms maintaining leukemia stemness with therapeutic potential. J Exp Med. 2018 August;215(8):2115-36. PubMed PMID: 29997117; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6080909.
Meyer SE, Qin T, Muench DE, Masuda K, Venkatasubramanian M, Orr E, Suarez L, Gore SD, Delwel R, Paietta E, et al. DNMT3A Haploinsufficiency Transforms FLT3ITD Myeloproliferative Disease into a Rapid, Spontaneous, and Fully Penetrant Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Cancer Discov. 2016 May;6(5):501-15. PubMed PMID: 27016502; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4861898.