Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA) is an X-linked neurodegenerative disease caused by an expansion of a polyglutamine (polyQ) tract within the androgen receptor (AR). The pathology of the disease is characterized by muscle atrophy and is associated with loss of motor neurons from the spinal cord and brainstem. Surviving motor neurons and myofiber nuclei display intranuclear inclusions made up of insoluble, aggregated, and predominantly truncated AR protein. Although the molecular mechanisms underlying mutant AR-induced disease pathology remain poorly understood, we and others have begun to develop an understanding of the molecular and biochemical features of the mutant AR that are required for its misfolding, aggregation, and toxicity. These features include a requirement for hormone binding, the translocation of the mutant AR to the nucleus, and several post-translational modifications, such as acetylation of lysines 630, 632 and 633, methylation of arginines at the consensus site RXRXXS, and phosphorylation of serine 94. Moreover, a conformational change that involves physical interaction between the N- and C-termini of the AR protein (N/C interaction) is also required for disease (see Project 2). Finally, polyQ length-dependent, toxicity occurs prior to the formation of frank inclusion bodies, suggesting that toxicity results from the presence of soluble, full-length, mutant AR species.
Substantial evidence supports a mechanism involving protein toxicity, rather than loss of AR function. We hypothesize that, since expanded polyQ segments modify the overall conformation of the protein, such structural changes likely result in a variety of aberrant (gained and lost) protein interactions. Identification of this mutant interactome will provide insights into pathogenic mechanisms that link polyQ-expanded AR to neuromuscular dysfunction and degeneration and will offer new targets for therapeutic development. In order to identify the mutant AR interactome, we utilized a quantitative proteomics approach involving stable isotopic labeling with amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) in a robust cell model that reproduces the metabolism of mutant AR, including its nuclear aggregation and proteolysis, features that are observed in diseased SBMA patient tissue. This strategy has identified approximately 30 novel protein candidates whose interactions with AR are significantly altered by the polyQ expansion. We began with the analysis of one of these interactors, USP7, and not only validated its differential interaction with mutant AR but, importantly, identified a role for USP7 in SBMA. We are continuing our mechanistic studies of the role of USP7 in SBMA, 2) carrying out additional interactome screens using biotin ligase-based proximity labeling, and 3) investigating the roles of the other differentially interacting proteins identified in our screens.