Le Ma Research
233 South 10th Street
BLSB Room 320/324
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Highlighted Publications
Curran BM, Nickerson KR, Yung AR, Goodrich LV, Jaworski A, Tessier-Lavigne M, and Ma L (2024) Control of T-shaped bifurcation by multiple guidance mechanisms during dorsal funiculus development in the spinal cord. eLife, doi: 10.7554/eLife.94109
Tymanskyj SR, Curran BM, and Ma L (2022) Selective axonal transport through branch junctions is directed by growth cone signaling and mediated by KIF1/kinesin-3 motor. Cell Reports, 39(4):110748
Tymanskyj SR and Ma L (2019) MAP7 prevents axon branch retraction by stabilizing microtubules and rescuing polymerization. Journal Neuroscience, 39(36):7118-7131
Tymanskyj SR, Yang BH, Verhey KJ, and Ma L (2018) MAP7 regulates axon morphogenesis by recruiting kinesin-1 to microtubules and modulating organelle transport. eLife, pii: e36374.
Cárdenas A, Romero C, Picó E, Villalba A, Tzika A, Tessier-Lavigne M, Ma L, Milinkowitch M, and Borrell V (2018) Evolution of cortical neurogenesis in amniotes controlled by Robo signaling levels. Cell, 174(3):590-606.e21.
Tymanskyj SR, Yang B, Falnikar A, Lepore AC, and Ma L (2017) MAP7 regulates axon collateral branch development in dorsal root ganglia neurons. Journal Neuroscience, 37:1648-61
Gibson D, Tymanskyj S, Yuan R, Leung HC, Lefebvre JL, Sanes JR, Chedotal A, and Ma L (2014) Dendrite self-avoidance requires cell-autonomous slit/robo signaling in cerebellar purkinje cells. Neuron, 81:1040-56
Recent Publications
- Multiple guidance mechanisms control axon growth to generate precise T-shaped bifurcation during dorsal funiculus development in the spinal cord
- Molecular and cellular mechanisms of axon morphogenesis
- Selective axonal transport through branch junctions is directed by growth cone signaling and mediated by KIF1/kinesin-3 motors
- Generation of Axons and Dendrites
- Axon growth and branching
- MAP7 prevents axonal branch retraction by creating a stable microtubule boundary to rescue polymerization
- Understanding the axonal response to injury by in vivo imaging in the mouse spinal cord: A tale of two branches
- MAP7 regulates axon morphogenesis by recruiting kinesin-1 to microtubules and modulating organelle transport
- Evolution of Cortical Neurogenesis in Amniotes Controlled by Robo Signaling Levels
- MAP7 regulates axon collateral branch development in dorsal root ganglion neurons
- Dcc Mediates Functional Assembly of Peripheral Auditory Circuits
- Slit2 signaling through Robo1 and Robo2 is required for retinal neovascularization
- Slit molecules prevent entrance of trunk neural crest cells in developing gut
- Mutation of Npr2 Leads to Blurred Tonotopic Organization of Central Auditory Circuits in Mice
- Dendrite self-avoidance requires cell-autonomous slit/robo signaling in cerebellar purkinje cells
- CNP/cGMP signaling regulates axon branching and growth by modulating microtubule polymerization
- Slit/Robo signaling mediates spatial positioning of spiral ganglion neurons during development of cochlear innervation
- Axon growth and branching
- Roundabout Receptors Are Critical for Foregut Separation from the Body Wall
- Dystroglycan Organizes Axon Guidance Cue Localization and Axonal Pathfinding