Grampurohit Research
901 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Dr. Namrata Grampurohit received her PhD in Rehabilitation Science from the University of Washington in 2016. She is an Occupational therapy researcher with almost 16 years of experience as an educator, and researcher. She works as an assistant professor in the department of occupational therapy at Thomas Jefferson University. Dr. Grampurohit's publications include Arm Motor Rehabilitation, Entertainment and Cognition System for the Elderly
Research Projects
R44AG044639-02A1 SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) Phase II (House, G. PI)
1,324,436. National Institute for Aging/NIH. Project: Arm Motor Rehabilitation, Entertainment and Cognition System for the Elderly. Role: Research Occupational Therapist
(Army Advanced Medical Technology Initiative) Grant (Pasquina, P, PI)
$145,694 Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine Inc. Project: Evaluation of a Novel Integrative and Intensive Virtual Rehabilitation Program for Service Members Post TBI. Role: Collaborator
(Small Business Innovation Research) Phase I (Burdea, G, PI)
$224,496. National Institute for Aging/NIH. Project: Remote bimanual virtual rehabilitation for elderly with cerebral vascular disease. Role: Research Occupational Therapist
Phase IIB (Kim PI)
National Institute of Health/NIA. Arm Motor Rehabilitation, Entertainment and Cognition System for the Elderly Role: Research Occupational Therapist