Fertala Research
925 Chestnut Street
5th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Highlighted Publications
Chung HJ, Steplewski A, Chung KY, Uitto J, Fertala A: Collagen fibril formation. A new target to limit fibrosis. J Biol Chem 2008, 283:25879-86.
Describes scientific premises for selecting collagen fibrillogenesis as a target to limit fibrosis.
Fertala J, Arita M, Steplewski A, Arnold WV, Fertala A: Epiphyseal growth plate architecture is unaffected by early postnatal activation of the expression of R992C collagen II mutant. Bone 2018, 112:42-50.
In this paper, the authors describe their research on defining the time window for treatment of SED caused by mutation in collagen II.
Steplewski A, Fertala J, Beredjiklian PK, Abboud JA, Wang MLY, Namdari S, Barlow J, Rivlin M, Arnold WV, Kostas J, Hou C, Fertala A: Blocking collagen fibril formation in injured knees reduces flexion contracture in a rabbit model. J Orthop Res 2017, 35:1038-46.
Here, the authors demonstrated the utility of blocking collagen fibrillogenesis to limit post-traumatic joint stiffness.
- Evaluating the Efficacy of a Thermoresponsive Hydrogel for Delivering Anti-Collagen Antibodies to Reduce Posttraumatic Scarring in Orthopedic Tissues
- Corneal Wound Healing in the Presence of Antifibrotic Antibody Targeting Collagen Fibrillogenesis: A Pilot Study
- Extracellular Targets to Reduce Excessive Scarring in Response to Tissue Injury
- Scar formation in the presence of mitomycin C and the anti-fibrotic antibody in a rabbit model of glaucoma microsurgery: A pilot study
- Profibrotic behavior of fibroblasts derived from patients that develop posttraumatic shoulder stiffness
- Beyond drugs and surgery
- Circulating inflammatory cytokines alter transcriptional activity within fibrotic tissue of Dupuytren's disease patients
- Mechanisms of reducing joint stiffness by blocking collagen fibrillogenesis in a rabbit model of posttraumatic arthrofibrosis
- Collagen structure-function mapping informs applications for regenerative medicine
- Three decades of research on recombinant collagens: Reinventing the wheel or developing new biomedical products?
- Collagen-rich deposit formation in the sciatic nerve after injury and surgical repair: A study of collagen-producing cells in a rabbit model
- Naproxen impairs load-induced bone formation, reduces bone toughness, and diminishes woven bone formation following stress fracture in mice
- Thrombospondin-1 Is a Major Activator of TGF-β Signaling in Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Fibroblasts
- The impact of cholesterol deposits on the fibrillar architecture of the Achilles tendon in a rabbit model of hypercholesterolemia
- RNA binding protein HuR regulates extracellular matrix gene expression and pH homeostasis independent of controlling HIF-1α signaling in nucleus pulposus cells
- Functional and structural studies of tolloid-like 1 mutants associated with atrial-septal defect 6
- Fibrosis in distinct tissues
- Fibroblasts from recurrent fibrotic overgrowths reveal high rate of proliferation in vitro - findings from the study of hereditary and idiopathic gingival fibromatosis
- Novel mutation in Teneurin 3 found to co-segregate in all affecteds in a multi-generation family with developmental dysplasia of the hip
- TIMP-1 association with collagen type I overproduction in hereditary gingival fibromatosis