Mohamed Research


Position: Director, Jefferson Integrated MRI Center

909 Walnut Street
COB 140R
Philadelphia, PA 19107

Contact Number(s):

Dr. Feroze Mohamed received his PhD in Biomedical Engineering from Drexel University. He is currently the Director of Jefferson Integrated Magnetic Resonance Imaging Center (JIMRC) at Thomas Jefferson University and has a demonstrated record of extensive work and publications in fMRI, structural MRI, and Diffusion Imaging over the last three decades. He is a fellow of the American Society of Functional Neuroradiology and has served on several national committees on quantitative imaging and biomarker development. He has served as a PI, co-PI, and co-Investigator on NIH, private foundation, and industrial grants. These grants have been primarily in the development and new applications of MRI methods (BOLD, Diffusion, etc.) for patients as well as normative subjects of the central nervous system (CNS: Brain & Spine).


Jefferson Integrated Magnetic Resonance Imaging Center (JIMRIC) currently provides Jeffersonn enterprise-wide support of clinical, research and teaching across Jefferson. The programmatic focus of JIMRIC includes:

  • To provide enterprise-wide clinical and research support for investigators involved in magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of the human brain and central nervous system (CNS).
  • Foster new disease focused neuroimaging collaborations within various department, centers, and institutes at Jefferson and with other institutions (National & International).
  • Multimodal brain and spine imaging for various neurological diseases.
  • Advance work on the Structural and Functional Human Brain and Spine Connectome.
  • Develop Neuroimaging Biomarkers for brain and the spinal cord.
  • Develop Quantitative/Statistical neuroimaging models for CNS Imaging.
  • JIMRIC also currently trains doctoral and post-doctoral students in engineering and physics, fellow and residents from Radiology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, and medical students from TJU and other local institutions.
  • Use of high-performance Research/Clinical 3T MRI scanner with Connectome gradients dedicated for Neuroscience as well as an 3T MRI/PET scanner.

Research Projects

Development of an MRI Template & Neuroimaging Biomarkers of the Pediatric Spinal Cord

This study will create a standardized spinal cord imaging template of the entire pediatric spinal cord between 6- 17 years of age. In addition, this study will establish normative multishell diffusion imaging values for continuous segments of the cervical-thoracic pediatric spinal cord between 6-17 years of age. Lastly, a sub aim of this work is to demonstrate the feasibility of these imaging biomarkers in a group of children with chronic motor complete (American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale (AIS) A and B) SCI.

R01NS111113-01A    PI: Mohamed FB/Krisa                           
03/15/2020 – 01/31/2026

Neuroimaging and Connectome Analysis as a Diagnostic & Prognostic Biomarker of SCI Induced Neuropathic Pain

The goal of this study is to use multi modal connectome measures to characterize and unmask pathophysiological processes of SCI induced neuropathic pain and to investigate correlation of neuroimaging biomarkers with quantitative clinical pain measures. 

R01NS134987 PI: Mahdi Alizadeh, PhD
Co-Investigator: Feroze Mohamed, PhD
01/30/24 – 01/30/29

Peri-ictal respiratory & arousal disturbances in focal epilepsy: Role of the brainstem.

The goal of this study is to use MRI to characterize structural and functional alterations of the brainstem systems controlling respiration and arousal in drug-resistant epilepsy and to investigate how they influence the occurrence of these non-fatal disturbances. Role:

1R56NS127891-01A1: PI: Susanne Mueller, MD
Co-Investigator: Feroze Mohamed, PhD
06/02/23- 05/30/24 

Neuroimaging based on DTI as a biomarker for spinal cord injury in children

The purpose of this project is to establish neuroimaging criteria based on diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) for evaluating the location and severity of spinal cord injury in children and youths among four ASIA Impairment Scale (AIS) classifications (A, B, C/D and E).

5R01NS079635-03: PI: Feroze B. Mohamed, PhD                   
09/01/13 – 12/31/18

Metal Artifact Characterization in Spinal Cord Injury

This project is to designed, test and optimize metal suppression magnetic resonance (MR) pulse sequences in spinal implants using in-vitro phantom models and later to evaluate these pulse sequences in spinal cord injury (SCI) patients with metal implants, and establish guidelines for reliably imaging the spinal cord under these conditions.

Craig Neilson Foundation: PI: Feroze B. Mohamed, PhD
10/01/16 – 10/01/19                                  

The Neural Basis of Social Knowledge

This project will provide critical information about the neural basis of social knowledge as well as providing information as to how the individual variation in social processing is reflected in variability in structural connectivity of the limbic white matter tracts.

2R01MH091113-06: PI: Ingrid Olsen, PhD 
Co-Investigator: Feroze B. Mohamed, PhD
09/01/15 – 5/31/20

Reliability Assessment of Subjective & Objective Measures of Spinal Cord Injury using the NINDS SCI MRI CDE Instrument

The overall objective of this project is to establish the level of reliability of the NINDS recommended subjective and objective MRI assessment of SCI with the following two distinct goals:

  1. Establish inter-rater reliability of the subjective features of SCI as catalogued in the NINDS CDE collection for MRI.
  2. Establish the reliability of the objective spinal cord DTI metrics on multi-vendor clinical MRI platforms at various field strengths.

Craig Neilson Foundation: PI: Flanders A, MD, co-PI, Mohamed FB, PhD  
1/01/17 – 12/30/19

Risk for Bipolar Disorder: Reward-related Brain Function & Social Rhythms

=Very little is known about the mechanisms underlying BAS dysregulation that lead to bipolar mood symptoms/episodes. The overall goal of this proposal is to address this important gap in adolescents at risk both for BSD and heightened reward sensitivity. 

5R01MH077908-08: PI: Lauren Alloy, PhD
Co-Investigator: Feroze B. Mohamed, PhD
09/01/15 – 4/30/18