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Bhushan Research


Name: Alok Bhushan, BSc (Hons), MS, PhD
Position: Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Science
Organization: Jefferson College of Pharmacy

901 Walnut Street
9th Floor, Suite 915
Philadelphia, PA 19107

Contact Number(s):

Dr. Bhushan’s areas of interest include cancer pharmacology and signal transduction focused on treatment and prevention.

The research areas are:

  1. Understanding mechanisms to block glioblastoma invasion in brain and synthesis of novel agents that target the process of invasion
  2. Understanding the mechanism of the role of isoflavones in preventing breast and oral cancer
  3. Characterization and cloning of a novel reduced folate transporter which plays role in methotrexate and cisplatin resistance
  4. Natural drug discovery for prevention and treatment of cancer
  5. Metabolomics
  6. Pharmacology of Nanomaterials