Jefferson Stem Cell & Regenerative Neuroscience Center

Lorraine Iacovitti, PhD


Name: Lorraine Iacovitti, PhD
Position: Director

Mission, Goals, Capabilities

Our mission is to serve as a core resource to Thomas Jefferson University researchers and clinicians seeking to utilize stem cell technology to model diseases in-the-dish, high throughput testing, and personalized therapeutics in the clinic.

Our vision is that patient-specific disease modeling with iPS cells will enable researchers and clinicians to study disease mechanisms and “personalize” the way we treat neurodegenerative diseases.

We Strive To:

  • Provide iPS cell capability at Thomas Jefferson University and in the wider Philadelphia academic community.
  • Create a human neurological/neurodegenerative disease iPS cell repository to increase access to stem cell lines for all researchers and accelerate the pace of translational stem cell research.
  • Propagate patient-derived iPS cell lines and develop protocols to differentiate stem cells into cell types relevant for laboratory study and clinical therapeutics.
  • Educate researchers through pre-recorded videos and one-on-one training to allow researchers to differentiate stem cells in their own laboratories.

Major Equipment

  • Training and equipment is not available at this time to JSCRNC users.


  • iPSC reprogramming and characterization
  • iPSC expansion and cryopreservation
  • iPSC plate requests and maintenance
  • iPSC differentiation protocol development
  • Gene targeting (knock in and knock out)