The Daniel Baugh Institute has a BioMark system with MX 48.48, HX 96.96, ad RX 192.24 Controllers. The BioMark platform provides novel experimental design opportunities due to both high capacity and nanoliter reaction volumes. The ability to run over 2000-9000 reactions (up to 96 samples assayed for 96 amplicons in a typical single run) allows for statistically robust clinical sample cohorts. The small volume requirements allow for both RNA and DNA analyses from samples as small as a single cell.

Fluidigm Biomark
Mission, Goals, Capabilities
The Biomark™ HD system yields production-scale throughput and exquisite single-cell sensitivity, with a wide variety of sample types and chemistry choices to accommodate many genomic applications. Fluidigm’s integrated fluidic circuits automates PCR reactions in nanoliter volumes using less sample and reagent, and a single microfluidic device, to achieve the high-quality and consistency.
Major Equipment
Fluidigm BioMark high-throughput qRT-PCR system
The Institute has a BioMark system with MX 48.48, HX 96.96, ad RX 192.24 Controllers. The BioMark platform provides novel experimental design opportunities due to both high capacity and nanoliter reaction volumes. The ability to run over 2000-9000 reactions (up to 96 samples assayed for 96 amplicons in a typical single run) allows for statistically robust clinical sample cohorts. The small volume requirements allow for both RNA and DNA analyses from samples as small as a single cell.
The Fluidigm BioMark high-throughput qRT-PCR system
Fluidigm BioMark high-throughput qRT-PCR services
Cost per run - $100.00 | BioMark Request Form (PDF)