Instruments & Services IVIS Usage Survey Name Department * Primary Investigator * Email Address * Do you currently use the IVIS III in BLSB 1148? Yes No If so, which modality do you use? (Check all that apply) Fluorescence Bioluminescence If you use fluorescence, how many probes to you plan to use? 1 2-4 5+ How many animals would you ideally image at the same time? 1-2 3-5 6-10 Which additional modalities would you like to use? (Check all that apply) Fluorescence Bioluminescence Optical X-Ray MicroCT Ultrasound Which of these poses the greatest constraint to your research? System Availability Throughput (number of mice at a time) Field of View 2D imaging only (no 3D reconstruction) Logistics unrelated to the IVIS Are there any additional comments you'd like to share about the current or future system(s)? Submit